


Any one have any thoughts on why the "original" Xen creatures from HL1 are on Earth?

I personally think that they are here because the Nihilanth caused the portals from Xen to Earth to stay open and more and more portals to open and the creatures came through. Then the Combine came and overthrew Xen and found Earth as well.

Any comments?
Maybe Black Mesa wasn't the only portal location?

Maybe there was a second disaster somewhere else?

Or maybe the creatures still on Earth are just the ones, or the descendants of the ones, that may have escaped from Black Mesa before the nuking...
Whatever it is I'll bet it doesn't involve Nith. Killing him = shutting off his ability to make portals. Unless killing him set off a chain reaction that just started blasting open portal after portal after portal between Xen and Earth.
Brian Damage said:
Maybe Black Mesa wasn't the only portal location?

Maybe there was a second disaster somewhere else?

Or maybe the creatures still on Earth are just the ones, or the descendants of the ones, that may have escaped from Black Mesa before the nuking...
That would require them to travel from N. America to Eastern Europe somehow. Maybe headcrabs could stow away in a ship, but barnacles and bullsquids?

I guess they might have arrived at the same time the ant lions + hyra(s) did?
Bullsquids look like they can swim, and for all we know barnacles reproduce by spores...

Maybe they all do... Xen had a fairly fungoid look to it...
My best guess is that the incident at Black Mesa was just the beginning of the breach; it sent ripples through space-time and opened portals all over the world. Of course, Gordon would know nothing of this in Half-Life 1 because he was miles underground in Black Mesa, and even upon reaching the surface he never once left the boundaries of the base. I think he'll be shocked once he wakes up in City 17 to see the far-reaching consequences of the original resonance cascade.

Just like Barney said in the Barricade video, "Remember when we though Black Mesa was as bad as it could get?" :)
Maybe bullsquids can swim - but across the Atlantic? Quite different from the pools we see them in while visiting Xen in HL1 and OP4.

As for reproducing by spores, maybe the barnacles do, although it's a little strange since they're attached to ceilings - on earth they'd have to live mostly indoors, hence not that much wind.

Anyway the only young aliens we saw were baby headcrabs, and they came from the gonarch, not growing from spores.

IMO there's definitely been more teleportation of some kind, probably worldwide.
A worldwide epidemic virus killed all dogs and cats and the humans used to hold xenians as pets^^
But they became intelligent, guided by a headcrab called cornelius and slaved the human kind...

I shouldn't have watched planet of the apes last week... (@__@)
Dude, if they're gonna have alien pets why would you want anything other than a houndeye, pit worm, or possibly a bullsquid?
Headcrabs and barnacles would suck as pets... :)
OK, change cornelius to a houndeye^^
Blinking everone to death :farmer:
I'd love to have a headcrab as my pet! :D

I could make it chase people down the street! Or maybe make it produce some zombies for me.
How about hunting some Jehovah's Witnesses out of town?
Actually, I think a houndeye would make a great pet, properly trained.

You'd have to find a way to stop it sonically pulping the neighbour's cat/dog, though...
Brian Damage said:
Actually, I think a houndeye would make a great pet, properly trained.

You'd have to find a way to stop it sonically pulping the neighbour's cat/dog, though...

Why? ;)

A pet shock roach or hivehand would be interesting...
Well, they are the xenian equivavalent of dogs...

Dunno about your experiences, but dogs tend to need obedience training where I come from, otherwise they have a tendency to chase things, chew the furniture, and crap/widdle everywhere...

Heheh, A pet Hivehand could be useful as a biological rivetgun, but it might not make the most interesting pet, unless you get a big kick out of a lump of flesh that just sits there and screeches occaisionally... Hmmm... Reminds me of my sister...

A pet Shockroach... Now there's something I'd keep away from little kids...

The baby Shocktrooper that Shepherd found could be interesting... It seems fairly placid... Though, there is the question of keeping a member of an intelligent race as a pet... Maybe Shepherd "Adopted" his...
I meant 'Why?' as in why stop it sonically pulping the neighbour's cat/dog, I already thought they'd make nice pets :)
Hmmm, maybe you could get the houndeye when it's a baby and raise it with the dog around - so it thinks it's part of its family :)
Right, yes, good. Now as for why all the aliens are everywhere in HL2....I have a feeling BMRF was only the beginning. My guess is that either after we invaded Xen the Controllers formed a resistance and pushed us back to our home planet, hence worldwide crisis, OR the resonance cascade caused Xen and Earth to slowly merge.

Oh, to hell with it. I want a pet Houndeye!
The resonance cascade was halted in Decay, before Freeman even went to Xen. I think if you pay attention only 'intelligent' aliens appear in the BMRF after a certain point, and there is no more random teleportation of headcrabs, houndeyes etc.
Maybe the resonance cascade was stopped, but nihilianth was still holding the portal opened.
i always assumed that whatever went down at Black Mesa caused aliens to be deposited elsewhere in the world. well, i always hoped :naughty:
Well, there certainly didn't seem to be any particular centre to the teleportations at Black Mesa. Maybe it wasn't localised at all. They could have been warping in all over the planet.
Brian Damage said:
Well, there certainly didn't seem to be any particular centre to the teleportations at Black Mesa. Maybe it wasn't localised at all. They could have been warping in all over the planet.

that's exactly what I think :thumbs:
Which would be a total disaster for Earth, wouldn't it?

Confused Xenians and crazed wildlife popping up all over...
Meh, but they only specially trained 1 team of soldiers (for BMRF)? And would they (grunts + Black Ops) bother nuking the BMRF + silencing scientists if it was worldwide already?
Maybe... but I don't think so...
Hmmm, i've never played decay. Anyone know where it's available? Or if you can just give me a brief overview of the plot...
It's a PS2 co-op game that reveals more of what the Black Mesa Lambda (sp?) labs were doing with Xen.

And I was thinking that perhaps the teleportation effect began in a kind of fuzzy circle around BMRF, but maybe it spread after the nuke? Maybe the nuke even helped it to spread?
I was always under the impression that the surge of energy through the very pure crystal caused a first wave of portals to rip open in the BMRF. The rest of the portals were created randomly in the BMRF by the Nihilanth. I don't think there was some kind of lasting wave of energy (I don't think one Xen crystal could make such a resounding wave)
Brian Damage said:
It's a PS2 co-op game that reveals more of what the Black Mesa Lambda (sp?) labs were doing with Xen.

Only for PS2? Damn, I thought I knew all the info about half life. I guess i'll never know what happens in decay. Do you know how many irrelevent things you get when searching for 'half life decay'? :x