XFIRE/Clan Organization


Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
What is everyones XFIRE name so we can organize everything correctly for BF2. Also say whether you are from Europe (or anywhere besides the US) or US. Also say whether you are in the clan or you just want to have fun.
Also include whether you would like to drive vehicles (including flying ones) or just man the weapons or tag along.

Oh also add what role you want to be...2 roles maximum if you cant decide.
It should look like this-please no off topic or posts that have nothing to do with this

Name: milkman12
Location: US
Clan: I would like to join
Roles: Support/Spec Ops
Vehicles: I would rather be the gunner or tag along instead of drive

(this thread is to organize all information about the clan into one thread instead of it being spread out into 50. All your xfire names are spread out all over the place and I cant find all of them. This thread is just to make everything clear, concise and just easy.)
Xfire: ardente
Location: US - New York
Clan: Possibly..
Roles: I can do anything.
Vehicles: Doesn't matter.

I'm not usually on Xfire though.
Xfire: jimmehuk
Location: United Kingdom
Clan: If you're talking about HL2.net - yeh but just for a laugh, nothing serious.
Roles: Medic/Pilot
Vehicles: Blackhack/Transport helicopters are my thing :D
MilkMan12 said:
You didnt include the other info why not?
Ah, sorry, didn't read the rest of the post.

Xfire name: Krstfr
Location: Sweden
Clan: HL2.NET
Roles: Assault/Special Ops
Vehicles: Anything that moves :D
XFire username: qonfused
Location: USA <3
Clan: HL2.net
Roles: whatevers avialable.
Vehicles: nubs.
Xfire: pAiNiNtHeAsS43
Location: US - California
Clan: Just having fun.
Roles: Medic/ Special Ops
Vehicles: Depends on my mood
Xfire: Nabobalis
Location: United Kingdom
Clan: Yep I'm in. Also I would like part of the clan to become serious
Roles: Spec Ops/Sniper(Engineer for vehicles)
Vehicles: All of them. Depends on what I can get my hands on. Also don’t mind transporting people
Location:US- Illinois
Roles:Commander/Special ops
Vehicles: Anything i can get my hands on
XFire : xlucidxassemblyx
Location : US - Massachusetts
Clan : Just here to have fun...
Roles : Random, usually Assault though.
Vehicles : Anything I can see, I'm driving.
Name: korebolter
Location: UK, Europe
Clan: Yes
Roles: Pilot/Spec Ops/Engineer
Vehicles: Helicopter or Plane
Xfire: pickledgecko
Location: UK
Clan: I’m in
Roles: Special Op > Gunner = Medic > Sniper > Support Gunner > Engineer
Vehicles: Helicopter Pilot > Helicopter Gunner > Vehicle Gunner > Non Tank Driver > Tank Driver
Xfire: tumadre165
Location: US - East Coast
Clan: I'm in for the clan, and would like to take it seriously
Roles: Depends what needs to be done, if air support is needed I will do my best to find a chopper and do it, if more troops are needed, I will be there backing you up.
Vehicles: I would rather be a gunner type of guy but if you need a driver I have no problem with that.
Xfire: xmrredundantx
Location: USA - California
Clan: Im in baby
Roles: Anti-Tank/Medic/Squad leader (whatever is needed)
Vehicles: Im a crack chopper and jet pilot, but Im more excited about squad gameplay atm.
Age: 23
Mic/headset?: yeppums Altec Lansing AHS-502
Teamwork?: BIG time.
average game time per week?: too much/always online (hehe)
Xfire: amishslayer
Location: USA - North Dakota
Clan: In
Roles: Commander/Squad Leader - Whatever's needed
Vehicles: I'm a great helo pilot. I'm pretty solid with jets as well. I'll gladly pilot the blackhawk for transporting.
Age: 20
Mic/headset?: In the mail
Teamwork?: It's what I'm playing this game for :thumbs:
Average game time per week?: Like Mr. Redundant...tooooo much :D
Xfire Not yet
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Europe
Clan: HL2.net
Roles: SpecOps / transport chopper pilot / assault
Vehicles: I'm looking forward to all of 'em, but I'd really like to try out the UH-60 Blackhawk.
Age: 32
Mic/headset?: I have to get a good set. I'm stuck with a crappy Trust set now. I'm tending towards the Sennheiser PC 140.
Teamwork?: Yes please
average game time per week?: Same as Mr.Redundant: too much
Fire- NikolaX
Sniper, dont know
we must wait for demo to get it right.
Name: ritz00
Location: UK
Clan: I would like to join hl2.net me thinks.
Roles: Medic or Sniper
Vehicles: Driver of ground stuff.
Teamwork?: Either playing a medic, or giving teamates cover as a sniper... or Driving them around, etc etc, so Yes.
I decided to get Xfire, just to make you people happy.

Xfire: datrixx (ok, who stole my name? was it you? - this is also my GT, If anyone is interested)
Location: Canada
Clan: Hopefuly
Roles: Special Ops - Pilot
Vehicles: Anything with wings
Age: **
Mic/headset?: Yes
Teamwork?: If you help me, I'll help you
Average game time per week?: ???
Xfire: bvasgm
Location: US - East Coast [CT]
Clan: HL2.net
Roles: I'll be whatever's needed, but I prefer Pilot.
Vehicles: F-15/18 and JSF-35
Age: 16
Mic/headset: In the mail.
Teamwork: Yes please.
Lol where did these made up subjects come from lmao...Im fine with it I just dont understand how it evolved to completely different subjects.
MilkMan12 said:
Lol where did these made up subjects come from lmao...Im fine with it I just dont understand how it evolved to completely different subjects.

*points at himself*

I like depth.
Logan you son of a bitch...

(p.s. tell me where thats from and you get a prize)

Xfire: miccynarc (SHOCK! ;))
Location: New York State
Clan: *thinking about it*
Roles: Gimme a big gun, lotsa ammo, and an enemy to kill, and I'll be happy
Vehicles: Anything that makes big explosions is fine by me
MilkMan12 said:
Logan you son of a bitch...

(p.s. tell me where thats from and you get a prize)


"You think I'd miss this party"

Family Guy of course :)

If we got really serious and started playing hardcore, we could have pre-determined squads and stuff :) That'd be pretty cool. We could draw up plans of attack and various strategies and stuff to do straight away so we're very coordinated.
MilkMan12 said:
lol, where would we get an overview pic of the map to draw on?
Dalian Plant:

Daqing Oilfields: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/2/2b.jpg
Dragon Valley: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/3/3b.jpg
Glowing Pass: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/4/4b.jpg
Gulf of Oman: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/5/5b.jpg
Kubra Dam: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/6/6b.jpg
Mashtuur City: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/7/7b.jpg
Operation Clean Sweep: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/8/8b.jpg
Sharqi to Zatar: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/9/9b.jpg
Songhua Stalemate: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/10/10b.jpg
Strike at Karkand: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/11/11b.jpg
Zatar Wetlands: http://www.udjapan.net/special_sec/bf2/image/map/12/12b.jpg
MilkMan12 said:
lol, where would we get an overview pic of the map to draw on?

Right Here


Gulf of Oman is under the MEC vs. US category.

It's not exactly what we're looking for :p An ideal overhead map would be an image of the commander view with all the vehicles. From this image all we can do is plan what points to hit first...

but what I didn't exactly mean "draw" literally. I just meant that it could be our beginning routine for me to jump in a blackhawk, fly x squad to y point then proceed to give cover fire with a mounted minigun or something (if the UH-60 in BF2 has one) while you fly another squad to z point etc.

It could be a lot more organized than everyone just doing their own thing in the very beginning while commander position is being filled and squads are being set up.
XFire: direwolf071
Role: Likely Engineer/Support
Clan: Already in
Vehicles: Have to see
XFire: paulwisely
Location: Arizona, USA
Clan: I want to join the clan
Roles: Whatever needs to be done, best at support roles or special forces (booby traps, confusing enemy, throwing off course, causing logistics havok for them)
Vehicles: I am a good chopper pilot in DC/BFV we'll see on BF2 tech. Also Hummers/other light armor transports.
Location: Europe
Clan: Already in
Roles: Medic
Vehicles: Good in anything
Xfire: DigiQ8
Location: Kuwait
Clan: ill join [HL2.net] if you want ..
Roles: Special Ops - Sniper
Vehicles: Prefer to be gunner
Age: 17
Mic/headset?: no
Teamwork?: Please
Xfire: Marksman
Location: UK
Clan: Definatly in
Roles: I used to like spec ops, but I do whats required to win... what can I say, I'm a sore loser! :p
Vehicles: Used to be good chopper pilot :) Been a while though... We will see. I also got commended for tanking skills in a battlefield tournie... but that was for the forgotten hope mod.. But I guess it all counts :)
Age: 18
Mic/headset?: Got a mic :)
Teamwork?: Yuesss!
average game time per week?: When I can..
Xfire jimbo118.
Location: Dublin, Ireland, Europe.
Clan: HL2.net.
Roles: Medic / assault.
Vehicles: I'm looking forward to all of 'em.
Age: 20.
Mic/headset?: none.
Teamwork?: Yes please
average game time per week?: alot come bf2. :E