
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
So, it seems once again many people have been talking to me while i havent been at my computer. Every time i leave my computer on over night doing something i forget to log off. Sorry everyone who ahs tried talking to me, im not ignoring you im just not there.

Anyway, to make this into a thread slightly more worthy of posting im going to talk more about the program.

Does anyone know if it works with homeworld 2? Ive never tried it, in fact does anyone have homeworld 2? Its quite a fun game to play but not many people play it.
Farrowlesparrow said:
So, it seems once again many people have been talking to me while i havent been at my computer. Every time i leave my computer on over night doing something i forget to log off. Sorry everyone who ahs tried talking to me, im not ignoring you im just not there.

Anyway, to make this into a thread slightly more worthy of posting im going to talk more about the program.

Does anyone know if it works with homeworld 2? Ive never tried it, in fact does anyone have homeworld 2? Its quite a fun game to play but not many people play it.
works with every gamez0r
er.... out of intrest, is it normal to have 0 freinds? well, i have sulkdodds but i see enough of him at school. *sniff*... no one likes me...
;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(