Xfire Solitaire

Alright I got it up...we shall win this war! I also posted this on another major forum :)

(I dare someone to post on the WoW forums bout this ay ;))
Only becuase I uninstalled Solitare...

because ur ... silly... sonic.. shameful...

(btw, the second name on the list is me :D )
Have to say i was against this solitaire crap till i loaded it up last night, now not only are the hours building up but i played it all the time between 1.6 matches yesterday and still havn't completed it, tis doing my nut in yet i continue to play it, it's like WoW all over again :(

Edit:: Wooo after posting this i completed it, now for round 2 :D
Holy ****, just beat Counter Strike Source :)
I don't even have Solitaire on my computer! :(

Guess I never installed it..or something...damn you windows.
world of warcrack hours are ridiculous - i'm so glad i don't have that waste of bandwidth
Are you guys still spreading the word?

We need 416,000 people playing solitaire 24 hours straight to get 10,000,000 hours, which beats what WoW had last night.
I might just go play Solitaire and WoW at once so i'll be adding both :P Defeats the point of doing it but meh ... i can't stop playing poor WoW
WoW. Everyone I know is playing solitaire... how can WoW players still play more?!
Because they'll just get everyone in the WoW community which is obviously larger to idle in it to keep it top ... i don't understand the facination with everyone wanting Solitaire first still ... i mean.. granted it would be amusing seeing WoW knocked off by Solitaire .. but i can't see it happening, anyway, im getting addicted to Sol now and completed it twice today, woo go me :P
I was going to post this in the WoW europe Off-topic forum:
This is Boogymanx speaking. If you have xFire and Solitaire, please, open up WoW and then open up Solitaire. This is an effort to bump WoW from the first place on www.xfire.com . I've been told to post this on every big forum I knew, and what better place to tell it in a place that has more than ten thousand players? Ofcourse, this is going to be hard and some of you might not want to give up your WoW playtime or the first place, but we can always try.


But it's a restricted forum. D:
i think this is lagging my xfire ever since people started messing with this (my entire list) my xfire has been lagging like hell. it just stalls and wont let me message people.
Keep on playing guys :p
It's never going to beat WoW though. Far too many fairyboys play it :|.
Yeah WoW, I'm as lvl 55 white mage with a battleaxe that shoots out faire's.

RPG's make me sick.

*downloads xfire to play solitare*
Meh, I'm done with this Solitaire fad...

It's achieving nothing... it's not even impressive.

It'd be impressive(and sad) if all those hours were spent actually PLAYING the game, not idling.

Move along, people.
Yeah, me too lucid. I gave up earlier today.

*shrugs* So much for that.
It's over.

If hundreds and hundreds of people idling a game can't beat people who actually are playing a game, then we never will. It's quite sad really.
If we haven't beaten WoW by now, we never will.

Goodbye Solitaire fad, we hardly knew thee.
I'm going to idle it from now on just to spite you