XM8, retire everything elese, this things a beast.

SIGbastard said:
CptStern said:
Originally Posted by CptStern
...frankly there's no gaining ground if your opponent wont concede that the proliferation of guns is directly responsible for the US's higher than average murder rate.QUOTE]

There are other countries that have a "proliferation" of guns that don't have the murder rates of America. Canadians for one can have many guns that Americans can't. .

ummmmmmmm no

I cant just walk down to the local walmart and pick up a box o handguns. Assualt rifles are restricted and very difficult to obtain ...why you would need an assualt rifle is beyond me
Here in the U.S. ar15's are one of the most used rifles in rifle competitions. That's why you can buy them with bull barrels or other match grade add ons. For instance there are DCM ar15's such as the Bushmaster DCM which are specifically made for a certain competition which they are required to have DCM specifications. In 3 gun matches (rile, shotgun, and pistol) ar15's are alomost used exclusively. Rock river arms makes lots of match grade ar15's. Every one of there rifles is guaranteed to be able to shoot at least a 1" group at 100 meters. That is awesome accuracy for a stock semiautomatic rifle. That's better than alot of the bolt actions/lever actions hunters buy at Walmart or Bass Pro. That's not to say they are the most accurate rifle out there of course but they are very very adequate. Most Varmint hunting is done with Varminter ar15's or Varminter bolt actions (Varmint hunting is basically pest control such as prairie dog hunting and IS needed in some areas). My Rock River Arms Entry Tactical (M4 clone) is my second most accurate rifle second only to my Remington 700PSS (PSS stands for Police Sniper Special) and my PSS setup cost me close to 2 grand (the rifle, scope, and all the accessories). Alot of people can't afford that but can afford a $700-$800 ar15.
Oh and you can obtain assault weapons in Canada. In fact you CAN obtain ones that are illegal to import here in the US. This is fact so don't try to dance around it. You still haven't addressed my Switzeraland point. I'm pretty sure Germany has relaxed gun laws but I'm not for sure and I don't know what there gun death rate is.
Micahel Moore even used Canada as a comparison in his film full of fallacies. Canada has just as many guns as the US but the crime rate remains lower.
SIGBastard, please make a resume so I can counter-argue .
ummm no

The Criminal Code states that a prohibited firearm is:

a handgun with a barrel length of 105 mm (4.1 inches) or less;
a handgun designed or adapted to discharge 25 or 32 calibre ammunition;
a rifle or shotgun that has been altered to make it less than 660 mm (26 inches) in overall length;
a rifle or shotgun that has been altered to make the barrel length less than 457 mm (18 inches) where the overall firearm length is 660 mm (26 inches) or more;
an automatic firearm and a converted automatic firearm;
any firearm prescribed as prohibited.

there's a whole list of weapons that are prohibited ...almost everything else is restricted, meaning you need a special permit to use one, and even then you have to meet specific requirements

I'm sure the swiss dont own as many guns as americans in a per capita basis - there are 223 million guns in the US (almost one per person ...far higher than any other country)

pretty scary:

Number of firearms produced by US manufacturers every minute: 8
Number of handguns produced by US manufacturers every minute: 3

interesting facts

explain why you would need an ar15?

oh btw dont come to canada to buy illegal guns, we dont want you here
CptStern said:
an automatic firearm and a converted automatic firearm;
any firearm prescribed as prohibited.

Assault Weapons in the U.S. are not fully automatic. Fully Automaic guns have been highly regulated since 1934. You can still buy them here in the US but it is very long process with lots of red tape. The gun has to have been registered as a transferable machine gun before 1986. You have to fill out the proper ATF forms and the POlice Chief in your county has to approve and sign it. It then goes to extensive FBI background checks which takes at least 90 days. Once you are approved you have to pay a $200 transfer tax. It is then registered to you and only you, and if you want to sell it the same process occurs again. Since they were completely banned for civilian production in 1986 supply has gone really low. This has driven prices up for tansferable Class III guns (automoatics). For instance a TRANSFERABLE full auto M16 goes for about $12,000.00. Most people including me cannot afford this. Since automatics have been heavily regulated in 1934 there has only been ONE crime/murder committed with a LEGALLY registered machine gun. The crime was committed by a cop who gunned down an informant with a full-auto mac-10 (his personally owned and registered weapon). Anyways when I speak of assault weapons in the US or Canada I am speaking of semi-automatic as described in the laws. It's obvious you really don't know much about guns. You probably thought the Assault Weapon Ban in the US had something to do with machine guns, but it never did. It only dealt with semi-automatic assault weapons and all it did was ban some cosmetic features. For instance I own 2 ak47's and one ak74 that were not considered assault weapons under the ban because they didn't have bayonet lugs, folding stocks, threaded barrels etc.
Now that the Assault Weapon Ban has expired I have a couple of folding/collapsable stocks. Woopty freakin do.
man break up your paragraph, makes it easier to read

yes I'm not familiar with firearms ...I've NEVER seen onethat wasnt in a cops holster

look at that list on prohibited guns ..not all are fully automatic ..in fact I think the ak-47 is in there ...btw WHY do you need an ak-47?
Sorry I'm not really paying attention to structure. I'm in a hurry as I'm trying to get ready for work. The only reason I need is that I like them and wanted them. They are very easy to maintain rugid guns. Many cans have suffered from the wrath of me and my ak's :sniper:. Assault weapons are used in somewhere close to 2% of gun crimes in the US so they are obviously not a big problem. Most criminals prefer something concealable like a handgun. I'm going to work now (I work for 20 hours today ;( which is probably illegal) so I won't respond for quite a long time.
well I personally dont think guns should be sold to the public but that's just my opinion, I'm sure you'll disagree, but that's why you live in the US and I dont
I had to look one more time before I left. I can agree with your last statement.
that all guns should be banned? wow talk about a complete turn around ..the internets does work for good ;)

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