XSI for HL2?


Mar 13, 2004
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I have only a really sucking 15" monitor (i'm planning to get a 17" but at summer) so can you give me a lay-out (or what is it called) so i can use Softimage XSI? I'd like know that program better when the HL2 comes out...
I mean: Softimage xsi's minium resolution is 1280 X 1024 and i have 15" monitor so my maxium resolution is 1024 X 768 and i can't run XSI.So how can i make it working?
reap said:
I mean: Softimage xsi's minium resolution is 1280 X 1024 and i have 15" monitor so my maxium resolution is 1024 X 768 and i can't run XSI.So how can i make it working?

Well, if it's minimum resolution is larger than your maximum resolution it's not going to work. I don't really understand what your asking of us.
I wanted to get a layout for it... but now i have a layout that makes XSI support 1024 x 768 resolution... so i got what i wanted... thanks for help anyway...
There are programs to take the res down.

If you went to the official Softimage forums, they have tons of ppl that show you progs for it. Really ppl, Google is your friend....you can find tons of this...no need for a new topic.... and even worse, there was a thread about this a few weeks ago, just search....


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