XSI *Getting Started and Q&A*


Sep 22, 2003
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Snagged the Mod Tool for XSI? Grabbed the Valve Mod Tool and are ready to start plugging away? Not a damn clue how to do anything thats listed in that program? Join the club!

The good news is, there is now a user base starting for XSI!
Dont give into the fact that max, whyll easyer to learn *by far* is becomeing more of a dinosaur every day! Why'll I actually can model in max and cant do much of anything *yet* in XSI, I will be able to soon and thats the point. The mod tool is FREE and basicaly at 100% functionality for anything that *we* would want to use it for. That being said, here is some information you will find usefull for starting down the path of learning the most difficult program known to man!

Like ive said before you arent useing max. You cant just jump into it and expect to make anything more than a cube with more sides. There are tons of videos and really nice tutorials for MAX becuase it has been out longer and *also the most pierated from back in the day*.

-Xsi has some really crappy tutorials on there website that if you feel like trying to brute force your brain into understanding it you can do that OR!

*Check out the HOLY GRAIL of XSI*

If you are anything like me, you have a life and dont feel like wasteing time reading extra crap to still not understand how you do something. You learn better from watching others do it. This man has made something that opens to the door for us wana be users of XSI *The modeling of a hand gun from start to finish!*


With this tutorial that this awsome dude made. It will give you the foundation that you need to start to understand all the tutorials. After watching these videos you wont be nearly as intimidated as you are now. Video games NEED people like us that stink at graphics design as we dont have to follow the rules set into the minds of the professionals! Let your creative flow and make the next fantastic awe insipreing model!
Or, you can just use 3D Studio if you want to.
u r missing the whole point. xsi mod tool is free while max costs a lot of money, besides, xsi is so much nicer. only thing i miss from 3dsmax is the poly extrude tool, which is better then the extrude in xsi (has extrude along group normals), everything else is matched, or better in xsi.
but for those people that have 3D Studio already, there's no requirement to learn XSI if you don't want to.