XSI Mod Tool Users..

Dec 12, 2004
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Does the project manager automatically default to XSI_SAMPLES and not let you change it no matter what? It's driving me crazy, and according to the XSI site it's not a 'disabled feature' of the Mod Tool. So is this happening to anyone else?

Sorry, If this is the wrong area to put this, but I thought it was the most appropriate
just create a new project and go to the data folder and go to [project name] then [scenes] and save it there.
Yeah, I know that. But I've made a project for the mod I'm working on but XSI won't let me set it to default, I have to add it to the project manager everytime I load XSI in fact.
Oh yer I have that problem too, but its just an annoyance not really a problem.
I didn't say it was a problem...I just wanted to know if anyone else was getting this, cause it's driving me crazy.

Thanks though..
hmm, not much help here, using XSI advanced and never had any problems with the project defaulting like that. Are you selecting it and quitting correctly?
the 'set to default' button isn't even active actually...

I've got a feeling it's down to it being the Mod Tool version, but that's a pretty lame feature to disable
Or it's pretty clever, seeing as how it reminds every time you start up that you're using the free version, without actually impeding any workflow or taking up more than a few seconds of time. But still a dick thing to do.
Heh, you could try moving all of the sample files into another folder somewhere then renaming the XSI_Samples folder. Just a thought to trick it, it might work. Even if renaming doesn't work, you could still move all the sample files so you don't have to look at them.

I'm working on a mod though. and I'd like to keep all my work with the rest of the work for the mod. So that wouldn't help. Thanks though.
I figured I'd bump this up rather than make a new thread...

Does anyone know if there's a way to stop XSI selecting things 'through' the model? Basically when I select and edge or point from the side of my model it selects the edges or points on the other side (if there are any obv.). Is there a way to turn this off, It's driving me mad!
Use F10 for raycast selection mode. That should help.
Sorry to double post but is it possible to have it use raycast selection mode by default (besides for the polygon selection tool)? I couldn't find it in the Online Guides thing.
There are certain keys for that. I'm sure U is polygon raycast, but I'm not sure what edges and points are (I haven't played with it for a month or so). See if there's a way to see the keyboard map under the help file or maybe under options.

That was what I was going to try and do if there wasn't a way of 'enabling' it. I didn't want to mess around with the keyboard mapping if there's a simpler way