XSI Problems


Dec 26, 2004
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okay, well I'm currently learning how to use XSI and its kind've daunting, but if I have any questions, I'll post here. The first problem is, I can't seem to get a curve using points. Have a look:

thanks a lot if you can help!
select the 2 edges that uwant to add vertexes to, which are the ones in front of the black thing, and press shift-d
you can also try using the edge cut/add edge tool (press \ on the keyboard, its a backslash just in case) or press [ for the knife tool.
Or, you can select both edges with "i" (raycast edge selection tool), with them selected, right click on top of one of them and select "subdivide edges evenly", it'll ask you how many subdivisions you want, and presto, you have a bunch of new lines you can now move around freely to your liking.
Might aswell add it in here... How exactly do you use raycast edge mode, cause it takes about 16 drags to actually select the edges for me, is there a trick to using it?
hmmm.... do you have 4x or more AA enabled on your video card configuration?

Also, when you select the first edge, hit "f" which will make the viewport focus perfectly on the selected edge, making selecting the adjacent edges easier
Yes, 6x AA, is that a problem? And ta, I'll try the viewports.