


Hello guys, I'm a newbie modeller(just started) and I got SoftImage XSI, I was wondering if anyone knew where I can buy good tutorials for this 3D modeling program.:)

Thanks for the help guys!
Hey, I just started modelling too! How long have you been modelling? I'm using MilkShape 3D atm, it seems like quite a good prog. Try searching Google or Kazaa for tutorials... some are videos that explain modelling quite well. :bounce:
U should check over at 3dbuzz.com, they usally do very good tutorials for many different applications.

Note: U have to be registered to download.

Edit: U should probably check out the sticky post named tutorials. Maby u find something usefull there to.
hokai, only some days xD So I'm really a total newbie O.O;

Or well, I modeled a plane last year in 3D Max.
if it's XSI EXP (not sure about the other ones,, EXP is the only one I have access to)
there should be tutorials built in...

otherwise, www.3dbuzz.com is king