Xtasy 256 any good?

SGT Tenor

Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Reason I ask it's on sale at comp USA for 99.99. $20 instant and $30 rebate. Just wondering becasue I know I want to get a 256 card just to play HL2 in all it's glory. right now I have a 9600 128 that does pretty well. right now it's set at no anti aliasing and not bilinear testures. What do you say?

Thanks in advance.
Can you link it here?? Xtasy 256 could mean one of several chipsets including the 9200, 9600XT and 9800 pro 256mb...
weell i saw it a local paper. Its xtasy 256 didn't say hwat chip set.
It's a 9600 if I remember correctly and that would be worth nothing considering you have a 9600 128MB card.
Otherwise it's a great deal. hehe
Asus said:
It's a 9600 if I remember correctly and that would be worth nothing considering you have a 9600 128MB card.
Otherwise it's a great deal. hehe

Not always... Shop around and you can find Xtasy graphics cards with 256Mb of ram from the 9200, 9600, 9800 and x800 range...