Yay, anyone has the same problem? (How fun)


May 24, 2003
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So, for the past year or so, I had this damn problem… I can’t really concentrate on, well, on reality I guess? I don’t know, I daydream so much now, doesn’t really matter what I do. Actually, when I am working, I am fine, but when I start to hang out with my friends, gf, family, I always start to zoom out, think about some random crap or nothing at all. It is much worse when it is sunny, because it feels like a dream. So, I sit in Starbucks, my friends talk, and I fly somewhere, thinking that it would be so nice to have blue hair, or some stupid shit like that. Plus I noticed I mumble so much now, with addition of heavy Russian accent, people around me started to have problems understanding me.

I also have this problem, I drive like an idiot. I mean, when I drive alone, I am always scared that I will miss my turn, that I won’t see street name. One word, I suck at following directions. When I drive with my gf, she always screams at me because I usually turn left when she says right, or vise-versa. Annoying, so I scream back, and minute later end up asking her for directions again. Damn, I am horrible driver, and I am not even Asian (OMFG,WTF?!). Oh the best part is when I start daydreaming on freeway. Oh man, is that fun…

Ah, almost forgot, I always must keep my hard drive as empty as possible, if not, it irritates me to extreme. So I always have only one game installed. My room is a mess though.

Wtf is happening to me, should I jump from the building, and hope Neo will save me? (Matrix Reloaded sucked anyway, so **** that, better to die just there).
I think I have a friend with the same problem as you, but to a lesser level. Like 5 people will have a conversation together and he will just sit and do nothing and the annoying part is that later he asks a lot of questions that we discussed RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!!! It's kind of annoying. He doesn't drive though, so i can't say anything about that.

ohh ya Reloaded wasn't that bad. I would rather watch that 100 times before watching Plan 9 from Outerspace.
A simple exercise I picked up from a book is to sit in a quiet room with your eyes shut, and count from 1 to 10 in your head. Then do that 10 times. Sound easy? Well, no, the trick is, anytime you think of anything but the counting, go back and start again.

You have to be hard with it, if you think of anything else whilst counting, anything at all, you must start from the begining.

It allows you to train your sub-concious just like an pet dog. Keep at it and your subcounsious will come to realise that if it doesn't stop drifting, it will take longer, and eventually, your sub-councious will allow you to concentrate on other things, like driving.
If anything bores me I just...

Oh, sorry, I just zoned out there for a sec'.
I have a hard time concentrating on doing work for the courses I'm doing, but that's a drive/application thing...I can barely bring myself to do them sometimes, even though I just wanna get it out of the way :(
I used to be REALLY dreamy so I know all about this :)

I still zone out sometimes but it's not bad, I'm pretty aware of what's going on around me for 90% of the time. Idunno, maybe I grew out of it? Some people do that with ADD.

Oh yeah -

Mr.Reak said:
Ah, almost forgot, I always must keep my hard drive as empty as possible, if not, it irritates me to extreme. So I always have only one game installed. My room is a mess though.

I do the exact same thing! Except for the games, I can never really delete some even if I don't play them much. But yeah I clean out My Documents like every day :D
I have the exact same problems Reak, when I sit in class at school my mind is always wandering, picturing things happening outside, imagining a whole bunch of "what if?" scenerios. One of my most common dreams is that the school is invaded by terrorists and I go about killing all the terrorists and saving the day. :o

Link said:
A simple exercise I picked up from a book is to sit in a quiet room with your eyes shut, and count from 1 to 10 in your head. Then do that 10 times. Sound easy? Well, no, the trick is, anytime you think of anything but the counting, go back and start again.

You have to be hard with it, if you think of anything else whilst counting, anything at all, you must start from the begining.

It allows you to train your sub-concious just like an pet dog. Keep at it and your subcounsious will come to realise that if it doesn't stop drifting, it will take longer, and eventually, your sub-councious will allow you to concentrate on other things, like driving.
Thats a good suggestion, Im going to try that later today. Thanks. :D

isnt daydreaming on the freeway just a little dangerous???

"hey look, that big purple elephant with gigantic lights shining from its eyes is heading straight for me.... better swerve left... oooh, that tree is getting bigger! its my freind! AAAAAAA WTF"
Link said:
A simple exercise I picked up from a book is to sit in a quiet room with your eyes shut, and count from 1 to 10 in your head. Then do that 10 times. Sound easy? Well, no, the trick is, anytime you think of anything but the counting, go back and start again.

You have to be hard with it, if you think of anything else whilst counting, anything at all, you must start from the begining.

It allows you to train your sub-concious just like an pet dog. Keep at it and your subcounsious will come to realise that if it doesn't stop drifting, it will take longer, and eventually, your sub-councious will allow you to concentrate on other things, like driving.

sounds like meditation to me,, except instead of numbers you concentrate on the breathing.. try that. if you get it right, your supposed to beable to feel a breathing sensation through your skin around your hands and arms..
sounds like some of you have ADD (attention deficit disorder) ...no biggie, it's quite common. You just have to be more conscious of what's going on around you. Try actively listening to someone by watching their mouth move as they speak and concentrating on the words said
Great, now I have ADD... ARGH! I am going to try what Link said.