Yeah. I'm that desperate.

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Ikerous said:
... A joule is a unit of measurement
Why the hell would you pronounce it joel?
vegeta897 said:
James Prescott Joule, Jules Verne, Julius Caeser, all males!
Ok. So I pronounced his name Joel at first. I'm an idiot. But atleast I asked an corrected myself, that's the important thing!
No, it's the explosive trap that demolition goblins get. Noobs.
Foxtrot said:
Stupid, it is magam totem! The completly useless totem that Shamans get.

Wouldnt know, never made a shaman, all I know is there highly overrated "Oh no an earthbond totem! Lets all run around and cry!" I can see why melee people cry about that, but when i see casters or hunters whine, even rogues who get throwing daggers, it pains me.. Hell even warrior can use a gun or bow, only one who gets to bitch is Paladin.

Anyways.. getting offtopic.
I've actually gotten somewhere today.

In Google Images type '13 evan rachel wood' with Safe Search off.

It's the first one in the fourth row, with her smiling. That's not the image, I know. But before, I'd click on it and it would bring me to a different image for some odd reason. So, I'm gonna keep a look out on that page to see if it changes because that's the only place possible to get it.
StardogChampion said:
I've read the thread already.
That pic has been posted three times already. Two by you.

I believe the only way to retrieve my avatar back is to wait and check for that image location that I posted to change somehow back to the way it was before.

EDIT: This will stay my current avatar until my old one is found.
It's all over. Objective completed! :bounce:

This thread is dedicated to the god-like Mechagodzilla for finding my once-lost avatar. :)

Moderators, if you'd like, close this thread.
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