Year Review: 2008


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Oh lawd, I forgot about Charlton Heston and Levi Stubbs.

AND NOOOOO, MICHAEL CRICHTON!! You never got the chance to redeem yourself. :/

And may Arthur C. Clarke rest in peace.
So, 2008 was good at times and bad at others.
2008 saw a lot people that I like die. Heath Ledger, Mark Speight, Humphrey Lyttleton, Richard Wright. I miss all of these guys a lot. That's what I have to say about 2008.
This is where I catch up on people who I had no idea had died and shit that I had no idea had happened.
My favourite thing about 2008: the two weeks I had on my own in the summer holiday. F*CK YEAH!!!
My least favourite thing about 2008: having my mouth op in February and being left with huge hollow in my mouth. F*CK NO!!!
If they re-elect Obama, I will personally give my eyeballs to the Red Cross.