Yes An Aproximate Date!

Mid-November totally makes sense. Valve is a company, and in order to keep the company afloat, survive another day and make another game, they have to make $$$. Christmas season/shopping= Cha-ching. That's not to say they'll make it necessarily, just that we can count on the fact that they are most assuredly going to try their damndest to get it out during the time of year when everyone goes insane and rapes and pillages while sacraficing their babies on the altar of consumerism.
I think you guys might have overlooked something..

...I asked if we'd get a retail box, CDs in sleeves, or a redeemable voucher. The answer I received was "Um, yes."

It seems as if HL2 has been delayed until around mid-November so the best bet is a voucher.

The gamespy reviewer said mid-november, not ATI
He's just guessing like the rest of us. If it was from ATI then it'd be a different story, but they only answered with "Um, yes"
Originally posted by Bleeder
Mid-November totally makes sense. Valve is a company, and in order to keep the company afloat, survive another day and make another game, they have to make $$$. Christmas season/shopping= Cha-ching. That's not to say they'll make it necessarily, just that we can count on the fact that they are most assuredly going to try their damndest to get it out during the time of year when everyone goes insane and rapes and pillages while sacraficing their babies on the altar of consumerism.

Agreed, though I dont think they NEED the 'holidaze season' push for HL2, but then again profitability is the name of the game, and whatever will push out a few more cents... well you get the picture.

ok last post.. ok maybe not, im stuck at work and bored out of my mind!
Originally posted by BigMatty
I think you guys might have overlooked something..

The gamespy reviewer said mid-november, not ATI
He's just guessing like the rest of us. If it was from ATI then it'd be a different story, but they only answered with "Um, yes"

didnt see it that way, i think your prolly rite..
Yea, that's about as reliable as Gabe Newell/Doug Lombardi saying that HL2 was coming Sept. 30th... lol