yes yes yes YES YOU CO#$%^%%$$

Wow, that was hilarious...


Hahahaa, I'm still laughing.
hehe :E
i wouldn't ever wish a job like that even for my enemie, let alone anyone else :p
xLostx said: thank you

Whats wrong with quicktime? I like it.

What I can't stand, is realplayer.
Lol imagine opening you ds box and finding that
I don't understand that DS one... First of all, how the hell did they make that thing? :O And second, is it supposed to make fun of the DS? Or what? I enjoyed it anyway :D
vegeta897 said:
I don't understand that DS one... First of all, how the hell did they make that thing? :O And second, is it supposed to make fun of the DS? Or what? I enjoyed it anyway :D

street vendors sell those immitation pieces of shit lol

PAHAHAA I loved it. I'm in a public computer lab and I couldn't finish the movie cause I was laughing so much. and everybody around is studying.
Alan Freeman said:

He is Asian, they can all do crazy things like that as they all know Kungfu.
Is the site offline? I was watching the links here, but now they don't work for me anymore (even the one I already downloaded).
I keep getting this error:
Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/tmp/mysql.sock' (11) in /home/compfuse/public_html/includes/db_connect.php on line 6
Unable to select database

The clown is hilarious :D