Yet Another Idea, Ballistic Physics Mod


Jan 13, 2004
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Sorry to waste all of your time, I know people get tired of reading other peoples mod ideas. The reason that I am posting this is because I wanted to know if people would have an interest in my idea, and if you do, a team would be formed.

I have an idea that really interests me, a total conversion that adds in the elements off physically simulated weapon ballistics, fatigue and estimation. This mod would mainly consist of sniping and counter sniping. The setting for the multiplayer mod will be in present times and very near future, in a few different environments.

The realistic ballistic physics in this mod would take place after the round was fired. The only reason I could think this would work is having the object physically modeled. Bullet speed, drop, windage and object penetration would have a play in the ballistic physics and how far the projectile would travel before stopping. Players would have to compensate for this using nothing but their optics and estimation.

What I think the unique multiplayer element would be, is that you would work on 2 man sniper teams. 1 player would be the shooter and the other would be the support man/shot caller. Teams will be able to interchange positions at the end of every round. The sniper would have a weapon capable of making accurate shots at a distance, and the support man would have a light, fully automatic rifle that would be used for short/intermediate range. Sniper teams would be able to move around just like an any first person shooter, but a confidence and skill bonus would be given to both players if they stay in verbal communication range (similar to America's Army, the CE meter).

Maps would consist of mostly an urban setting, but huge urban maps (enough for ballistic physics to come into play). The urban maps will have wide open streets and lots for players to run across, but the extra level of caution would have to be taken to get to the other side without being shot. There will be strategically placed sniping positions all over the map, you have to be creative (on the ground and atop small buildings [no high-rises here]). When the round starts, snipers will be placed on a street corner or in a small building away from the others. Snipers must take their time to find a good position, and use caution to get there. Once in the spot of their choice, players can set up and wait for other players to stroll by. I bet most of you are thinking, "If everyone is in their own snipers nest, won't the games take forever?". Most of the sniping positions will be visible by the other spots, making sniper/counter-sniper play entertaining. But you will have to observe very carefully either where the other team goes, or where the shots are coming from.

1 Game type that I have came up with will put snipers in randomly or intentionally selected teams. Snipers will spawn on the map quite a distance from each other and have the choice to snipe on the run, or find a decent sniping nest. I have came up with a system called the "Severely injured relief period" which makes teamplay crucial. If a team member is incapacitated (severely injured), the other player has the option of dragging their body to safety and applying medical aid so they may return after the injured relief period (a few minutes, I don't know yet). Their other option is to ditch their dying parner and try to keep themselves alive to try to win. The consequences for ditching your alive, but injured partner in the middle of the battle is reduced skill and more fatigue. If your partner is killed, you have the option to secure the weapon, equip it and take the ammo; which takes a brief ammount of time. Once your partner is killed, he won't come back until the end of the round. The last remaining team on the battlefield is the winner of the round. The winning team of the round gets points depending on how well they did and their accomplishments (overall health, accuracy, remaining ammo and teamplay). When a new round starts, players switch positions and try to top their opponents score. After a set number of points is achieved, the accomplice wins and the map is changed.

That's all I could think of, I wrote a short story but I can't find it. Please tell me what you guys think and if it might actually be worth a mod teams time, thanks a bunch.
Played the demo, but I don't know much about it. Can you tell me what the relations are?