Yet another Mod Idea


Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Aw hell... since everybody is posting thier bunch of ideas, I'll simply post mine as well...



A) You divide the players into N teams (of 1 to M players) (N, M are any integer desired :) )

B) You stuff every team into a base, giving them a hideout and 2 treasure rooms and spawning a treasure chest into both of em.

C) First team to capture 2 enemy chest within thier hideout wins
Ca) Any team who is unlucky enough to loose both of thgeir chests in enemy hideouts, looses and turns into a bunch of specters capable of terrorizing enemy teams *booh*

ok... now the goodies

- we are talking about a really whacky fantasy setting with sexy witches and moronic wizards
- every player gets a staff, a spell book and a broom as weapons
- each of those weapons has meele capabilty (hit em with da broom!)
- the staff can be used to levitate stuff, e.g. the treasure chests, enabling you to actually steal them... but you'll have to be carefull, those chests arenowhere near closed and their contents scatter around the floor if you drop the chests too rigorously. oh, yes, and the staff can be charged with the BOING-version of a spell
- The broom has 2 abilities: you can fly on it and you can usre it to broom (does this verb exist?) spilled treasure back into its chest (is this actually english?)
- The spellbook is used to cast the BABBLE-version of spells...
- Every spell comes in 3 versions:
BABBLE: ranged, medium powerful
BOING: melee, packs a punch, must be fired from a charged staff
BLUBB: this version must be brewed in cauldrons and filled into flasks whitch you can throw at enemies at your discretion... usually very devastating...
- Ingredients (used for casting) have to be gathered (and that ain't easy) from NPC-creatures on the map... (Fire-Newt-Eyes for example are gathered from proximity-fused-self-combusting frogs)

hmmm... what else...

perhaps some spell ideas:
Block-o-Slime: Any spells fired at it get stuck within and attack the next wizard (or witch) entering the block
Democratic Monster: Every 2 Minutes there will be a vote to determine whitch player will be attacked next by it


Well... comments?
AW c'mon 25 views and no single post?

is the idea that bad? or does nobody understand my english?
Hmm...sounds like it could turn into a pretty cool mod...although you should change the spell names; babble, boing, and blubb aren't that interesting.
Originally posted by Konfuzzyus

Democratic Monster: Every 2 Minutes there will be a vote to determine whitch player will be attacked next by it

lol! Sounds like a fun mod, though I agree on the spell names.
Nah, those aint the spell NAMES those are the VERSIONS

and they are supposed to sound a little moronic... unfortunately i am swiss and do not know much about writing down english sound effects (like *WHACK* or *CHUCK*), as those names should be derived from the general involved sound you make while casting (brewing) them

If you gonna do a game you gotta select a setting and you have to stick to it, or it will not feel coherent... and my setting will be a whacky fantasy-style setting with "Me likes hit things that scream"-Trolls and "Where did i put my wand"-Wizards
At first I thought it sounded alot like Dungeon Keeper... But it actually appears to be a very good layout for a mod! If you can make it with its on style, then it could be very fun to play.

Due to exessive boredness I scetched some of my concepts down... This one would be the spellbook...

The idea is that you have 5 kinds of manapools where you drain the required mana from. Those manapools are stored within the spellbook and have to be "reloaded" from time to time...

Reloading is easy, just put the "mana clip" (a vial of ingedients) into the hole inside the ring of mana (the round thing on the left page of the book) close the book and pull on the handle on the back of the book (kinda lika a shotgun) the empty vial gets ejected, the book makes some sounds and effects related to the mana type and you can continue casting.

I also thought about have more than one kind of reloading actions:

(*R* == Reload button)

- quick reload (tap *R*): as described above
- silent reload (hold *R*): reloads more careful, avoiding makeing noise and catching the ejected empty vial (so it won't scatter on the floor)
- panic reload (tripletap *R*): you stuff more than one vial at once into the reloader, so you actually reload faster (and more than one mana at once), but (due to the fact you use more than one vial) you'll have to unjam and remove the excess vials manually before reloading again.
Sounds like a 'fun' mod :)

And it's quite different... also seems to make use of a lot of Source's features (i.e. effects and stuff), which is different to a lot of 'real world' mods :P
Hehe, very good idea! I would play this. Oh yes I would...*dreams and drools*

Any site yet?
Nah, haven't got a hompage yet... Cuz I am no big web artist (HTML is getting on my nerves) and I've got nobody to do it... Oh and I would have nothing to put on that page as well...

Right now I'm just scetching and concepting around for fun and wait for the SDK...

But i got another pic here if ya want it



Guards the kitchen, where salt and pepper (used for brewing potions) are stored... don't let him get you if you don't want to be tomorrows stew...
Sexy witches and moronic wizards?

I've been busy adding details to my spell archive and would like to hear ( read) your opinions about it...

Short review of Spell Versions (every spell can be cast in one of four ways, resulting in different behaviour)
HOKUSPOKUS: Is cast directly from the spellbook by pressing the primary action button. Some spells feature special behaviour if you keep the button pressed.
MELEE: Has to be charged into your staff prior to use, is triggered by pressing the secondary action button.
BREW: This version is brewed in a cauldron, using pepper and salt as well as a couple of ingredients related to the spell. The brew is filled into flasks and can be either thrown or drunk.
RITUAL: For this you need at least two mages participating in the conjuring process, but the more you can line up, the more power will be unleashed.

And now:

Hellfire (Uses Red Mana)
-- Hokuspokus: FIREBALL
Exploding projectile, holding the mouse button summons additional fireballs to be fired simultaneously
Immolates things, works like a flamethrower
Thrown: Exlodes on impact and covers the area in fire
Drunk: Grants a fire shield to the drinker, which stops blue magic, immolates things and damages nearby enemies
-- Ritual: FIRE DEVIL
Creates a floating, but stationary devil which hurls fireballs at every enemy within sight. It is resistant vs fire damage but very vulnerable to blue magic.
The more mages participate in its summoning, the higher its rate of fire will be.

Nature's Wrath (Uses Green Mana)
-- Hokuspokus: TEARING TENDRIL
Fires a long tendril in a straigt line towards the target, holding the button give you a zoom, but costs extra mana.
Triples meele damage done by the staff
Thrown: Grows a rose bush at the target location, which slows movement through it and deals damage to everybody if they are moveing while standing in it. It also servers as a ladder if its tendrils have climbed a wall
Drunk: Grants the drinker a thorn skin, which acts similar to armor but is very vulnerably to fire damage. Anybody who touches (in melee or by bumping into the bearer) the thorn skin, takes damage.
Creates a big, mean, old tree which punches every enemy that gets too close to it. It is very durable and only has a slight vulnerability to fire.
The more mages participate in its summoning, the bigger the tree will be.

Frost Call (Uses Blue Mana)
-- Hokuspokus: HAIL
Works like a machine gun with a straight firing cylinder (instead of a firing cone)
-- Melee: SNOW CURSE
The victim who gets hit by the snow curse gets haunted by a small snow storm witch renders him unable to cast fire spells and clouds his vision. If he stops moveing while under the curse, he will get buried under the snow in time, which results in a noticeable delay before being able to move again, due to the fact he has to free himself from the snow first.
Thrown: Creates a big block of ice at the target destination, freezing every movement inside (spells, players, etc. can get stuck in it). The block melts in time, so everybody has a chance of getting free again, this can be accelerated by fire spells.
Drunk: Grants the drinker an Ice Shield, protecting him from fire damage and rendering him translucent. This comes at the cost of movement speed, because frozen things move much slower than ususal.
-- Ritual: BLIZZARD
Creates a huge storm, fire spells cast through it are weakened. Anything moveable (projectiles, objects, players) inside the storm can be blown away by the wind. The sight in it is reduced and anybody who stops moving in it suffers similar effects like in SNOW CURSE.
The more mages participate in its summoning, the bigger the storm area will get.

Devil's Drool (Uses Black Mana)
-- Hokuspokus: DEMONSPIT
Fires a blob of demonic acid with attaches to surfaces and starts hunting for victims (very slow/slimey movement). If you hold the action button, you fire a bigger blob.
-- Melee: TAR BOMB
Anybody hit by a tar bomb suddenly becomes a lot slower, and a lot more flammable. If (by any circumstances) a player covered in tar is tossed around and hits a wall or ceiling, he will get stuck to it and will have a horrible time trying to get loose.
Thrown: Fills an Area with gooey slime. Movement through the slime is possible, but very slow. Any spells cast at the blob will get stuck in it and affect the next player entering or already stuck in the ooze.
Drunk: The drinker turns into a jello-like substance. He is no longer able to cast spells but can squeeze through any hole/gap in doors or walls to get wherever he wants to.
-- Ritual: RABID JELLY
Conjures a big, wobbly Junk of Jelly whose only meaning in life is to consume people. It will roam the map and try to engulf every enemy of the summoning party and digest him thereafter.
The more mages participate in its summoning the bigger the Jelly will be

BREATH OF LIFE (Uses White Mana)
-- Hokuspokus: HEALING WORDS
Heals everything within an area of effect around the caster
-- Melee: REVIVE
If applied on a corpse whose spirit did remain at it, the unlucky fella is revived from the dead. Inflicts the opposite on undead.
Throw: Dispells certain negative magic "buffs" (eg. tar bomb, green ooze, snow curse,...) within splash range.
Drunk: Heals the drinker's wounds and cures him of poisons and sickness.
Brings any inanimate objects in range to life. They will attack and terrorize any enemy that enters the area accordingly to their nature.
The more mages participate in the summoning, the larger is the poltergeisted area.

Well... I would like to hear some C&C or questions about these... Suggestions about additional effects that extend the spectrum of utilisation of a spell will be welcome too of course...
Just an idea:

Mind's Trickery (Uses Gray Mana)
-- Hokuspokus: CHAMELEON'S SKIN
Everyone within a circle around your crosshair cannot see you. The longer you hold the more mana it uses and the larger the circle grows.
Lift an object and move it mid air.
Thrown: Renders all inside the area of effect blind. (white screen)
Drunk: Makes drinker immune to all Mind's Trickery spells, except melee.
Renders all enemies in the area of effect crippled, making them unable to move. Area of effect increases with number of chanters.

Just an idea ;) Always fun to utilise those physics!
Although I appreciate the creative input, but you are too late :)
(Chameleon skin for example is already included in the block of ice potion)

Telekinesis, for example, is implemented by the staff every mage is carrying around

Short overview:

- primary: Melee attack
- secondary: Levitate object (used for capturing chests, move obstacles, throw around enemies)
- tertiary: Fire charged spell

as for the rest, it is very likely that those will be included in the second spell grade (the five mentioned are only the first grade, which I will concentrate on, technically I layouted the game so there are "slots" for 31 spells in 5 grades but that would end in 124 different "weapons" that have to be coded, animated and tested which is simply too much, so i stick to the 5 spells in first grade)

I'd rather like to hear comments and ideas on the spells I mentioned, because I'd like to implement several very different kind of application for every spell

for example, the Tearing Tendril could be used as a grappling hook, dragons breath could produce enormous recoil, makeing it useful for rocket jumping, snow curse or block of ice thrown into water could freeze it over and so on.
For the case somebody is interested, the concept doc (work in progress) for warcane can be found here

It will be updated from time to time, depending on the time I can spend on writing.

I'd much appreciate if someone would help me correct my supposedly bad grammar and othographics, just e-mail me
HTML version has been added for your convenience

glad you like it... :P

more details will be coming up when they're done... writing is a time consuming labor, and takes even longer if you're not writing in your native language...
Pendragon said:
Some Complaints/Suggestions: -The laboratory seems like it would add too much additional micromanaging, but I like the whole idea of ingredients. Perhaps there could be a system whereby a wizard collects an ingredient, but there is a delay from then to the time they can use it. Maybe it gets put into the Spell Book but needs to be processed or the player's imp does something with it.

Actually you hit the Nail with this, and actually most of my concerns about the ingredients were about complexity... I haven't got to that in the concept but i can resume the basics:
Raw Ingredient (can be carried to lab by imp or by wizard) -> Laboratry (run by imp) -> Processed Ingredient -> Wizard (either picks it up on his own or lets his imp fetch it for him)

Actually, the imps will be the key for a functioning supply of ingredients, they can be assigned to gather them, or to supply mages on the field, but you can use them for carrying treasures around too, so you have "hands free" for casting...

well, bear with me until the concept is written in whole

Pendragon said:
-Mor-Fing. I don't think incorporating this is a great idea necessarily, as it would add a lot of extra/unnecessary complexity and could result in crazy (in a bad way) things happening, although I do see the strategic appeal . . . hmm . . .

I know it's crazy, but i like the idea of a "duck" key :)
Will not be first thing to implement though

Pendragon said:
Divine Draw: awesome! What a great way to keep the action going! You might need to tone it down or change the consequences, but it's a great device to keep players from getting lazy. Perhaps instead of ending the game (after all, you want to spice it up, not make it stop, right?), you could set it up so that teams constantly lose health while in their hideouts for a set amount of time, forcing them to vacate.

Spose I could make the whole "Wrath of the gods" thing not instant, but some sort of meteor shower or a row of random but increasing devastating 'incidents' just like the sort of fun a bored god would prefer...

About the team count... this is something the beta test will show, with what player/team count it will work, if it does at all, I cannot predict accurately
Hmm...a 'duck' key. Okay. Here's an idea: don't tell anyone that the duck key isn't a crouch key...
As for wrath of the gods, players should be randomly turned into badgers!
Hi you mind if I outright steal the layout for your design doc?

And besides fighting over treasure chests, what other modes are you thinking of?

I don't know why, but whenever I think of Warcane, I also think of Monkeyball. It's really bugging me. I was thinking about the Divine Draw, and how the Gods' amusement could work. First, we'd have to have categories of causes for amusement. Then we'd have to have numbers, because it's a videogame and videogames need quantities.

Categories - Landscape destruction, death of an influential character, lots of death at once, amount of magic used, level of magic, types of magic used (in case there are dark gods, light gods), and chests stolen.

Landscape destruction would count in number of trees, rocks, etc. blown up or toppled. Influential characters would be those with high scores. Amount of magic and level of magic are self explanatory. Types of magic would be really cool if there were different Gods with different tastes in entertainment. The more chests stolen in a short period of time, the more exciting it is. Of course, all of this is over the amount of time passed.

Oh, what about making the number of chests selectable by the host server?

It surely WOULD be funny if the amusement rating would be something like in contests where you have a bunch of referee's which each give a rating of their own impression and the total core is the average of them.

Of course this would mean I had to rewrite that part of the concept... *argh more work* But I'll think about it... beause I feel I haven't spent enough time thinking about this... thanks for bringing that up...

About the discretisation (aka 'transforming it to numbers') of the amusement, I think it will be complicated but nevertheless faisible...

And for the chests I am really not sure what amount of them will make sense... Spose this will be subject to betatesting... but makeing the amount configureable isn't that hard.

Other game modes... well there'll be standard deathmatch I suppose... and perhaps a quidditch(TM) spinoff to give the broomstick more meaning... perhaps broomstick racing would be another possibility... but I'll stick to the standard WARCANE gameplay for now...

btw: WTF is "MonkeyBall"???
I've just updated the concept and added some art, head over to the WARCANE 'Homepage' to grab a look at it...

my apoligies for the LARGE pics... I scanned them... added them... uploaded them and then it struck me that i forgot to scale them down... so at the moment the PDF is about 900k in size and all the pics are 300k each... I will correct this as soon as i find the time but right now I am too tired...

Feel free to post some C&C on the additions
Cool mod idea.. You need Xtreme Broom Racez implemented into it as a mini-game also..

Like the info on the website :D