Yet more Half-Life theories and some stuff about HL3


Feb 11, 2014
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Hey there guys, I was recently rewatching ValveTime's database episode about Prospero, and then came up with the following theories:

G-Man is a Librarian:
I thought about this when I was imagining how he would travel from place to place so quickly, and also how he knew so many things so I thought "What if he's a Librarian."

The Combine have access to The Library:
If I recall correctly, Breen stated that the Combine Empire "spans across universes", if that's the case, what if they had access to The Library that allowed them to do that?

While yes, I realise that Prospero is a cancelled/shelved project, I think it could be brought back in spirit by incorporating it into Half-Life 3, by having Gordon and maybe Alyx finding the elusive portal technology and landing themselves in The Library and stumbling upon the true origins of the Combine and also the origins and true intentions of the G-Man and his Err..Employers.

What do you guys think?

The G-Man is Valve. The Freeman is the Player.
But remember you have the Vortigaunts, who in which seem as powerful as him but only when united as group maybe?
I could only hope they come at the fall of
Eli's death
to share knowledge of the Gman and maybe transport you to the where the borealis is located.
The g-man is my favourite Half Life character he is a very unique video game character but what i want to know is he is.I think the G-man must be an alien maybe he is the boss from the end of half life 1.I love g man is half life 1 he is very creepy!
Gmaan, Gmaan.... what to say about you ? Before I'll share with you my theory ( it's quite long, and I still have to finish some things, in order to write it down :/ ) I have to remind us a few things. HL1 focused on Science very heavily, since the Resonance Cascade, Portal Storms and overall playing with things we don't yet understand, were ( and still kinda are ) a major plot points. HL2 and EP1 & 2 however, were dealing with the Human, in a very Orwellian style. It really reminded me of people after ( and during ) WWII, when Russia took over multiple countries and communism insued, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if Combine had something similar to death camps :s So HL3 could take the topics of the Spiritual ? It can be possible seeing the whole "Librarian" thing could be re-used and develop interesting moral issues ( go back in time to revive someone you really care about, for the cost of somebody else's life ? Or even worse, create a true living paradox* and possibly slowly kill an entire universe, if not instantly ? ) just for example.

*Or Schrödinger's Cat, what fits you better, It's the same thing :p
I like to refer to Gman as a universal puppeteer. in this case for hire. hes not really a person