Yorick wants George Lucas to die.

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Raiders is possibly the crowning achievement of Spielberg and Lucas. I never tire of watching it.
I haven't seen Indiana Jones 4, but Temple of Doom was not just "a bit shit" - it was absolute trash, and hardly watchable. Which is a shame, because it was my favourite when I was young. Now it is just a distasteful turd. I think if I was to watch all 3, I'd go with watching Raiders twice. Or three times. No, twice. I like Crusade. But then again, Raiders has Toht. Maybe Raiders three times and Crusade once. Um. Ah.

I thought the opening of Temple of Doom was great.

Ha ha ha ha ha, for the poison you just drank, ha ha ha ha.

Then it all went down hill after the plane crash.
The "let's jump out a plane and slide down a mountain through a jungle into a river" was TOD's "nuke the fridge" moment. I still don't understand why people reacted so strongly against the fridge when 90% of them had accepted the dinghy escape. Oh yeah, I do. Nostalgia.
To be fair, I think you'd have a better chance surviving a fall like that in a dinghy than hiding from a nuclear explosion in a fridge.
Yeah sure then sail down a mountain through a rainforest on said dinghy and finally float down a river.
Kevlar dinghys ftw.
You're free to have that opinion, sure. Regardless, my point stands. The absurdity of a nuked fridge was nothing new to the Indiana Jones series.
I don't really care about either occurance either, I just get annoyed at people ranting about the fridge as if it's something unbefitting an Indiana film.
I remember really liking Crusade as a kid, but I have not seen it since I was about 10.

Crusade may have had Connery, but Raiders had a fold-up hangar.
They should just call it a Trilogy and forget about what happened. I'll even declare that my myself. Also I have a poster on my wall from buying the re-release of Indiana Jones Trilogy on DVD
It's been a while since I've seen Raiders, but I always remember liking Crusader more.

In before Samon posts a picture of something he wants to do to me.
Why do you like Raiders so much more than Crusade, Salmon?
I think it's a more competent and engaging film. So much more compelling, and arguably ever-so-slighty less ridiculous, than Crusade. Of course, it also has Toht:

Crusade WAS better than Raiders. Samon just chooses poorly.

Also that nuked fridge thing, you could survive the explosion in the fridge. What you COULDN'T survive is being thrown and bouncing around. Mythbusters or somebody tried it.
Crusade is too my favorite as well. I enjoyed the comic aspects as well as the fact that it was non-stop action all the way. Also the tank sequence beats Raiders truck scene hands down. But I seem to think of Crusade more as silly and engaging, unlike Raiders which was more serious the majority of the time. Though its true alot of fans complain about how they dumb down Marcus Brody in Crusade, which is funny because he didn't have a very big part in Raiders.

I would have enjoyed Crystal Skull so much more if they just left out the stupid Tarzan imitation.
I could deal with the fridge nuke, hell, I even found the alien plot line somewhat interesting. I just can't deal with that f*cking vine swinging.
Man, looking back, Crystal Skull wasn't too bad.
Man, looking back, Crystal Skull wasn't too bad.

Yes it was.
The wooden acting, the skeletal Karen Allen, the vine swinging, the lack of actual archaeology, lame villains, lame plot, and the overuse of CGI.

But, yes, it had a few really fun moments... such as the entire first half hour up until they actually leave and go exploring.
The opening sequence, the warehouse, and the first time Indy meets Mutt was fun and all of their shenanigans thereafter until they left was just great... felt like classic Indy.

But, unfortunately, the bad definitely outweighs the good.
Also the "psychic" villain who attempts to use her powers a grand total of once in the entire film, and fails.
And her death was spectacularly lame. An alien glared at her and she disintegrated.

At least when Daffy Duck disintegrated it was funny.
I would have enjoyed Crystal Skull so much more if they just left out the stupid Tarzan imitation.
I could deal with the fridge nuke, hell, I even found the alien plot line somewhat interesting. I just can't deal with that f*cking vine swinging.

Here is a funny true story about that. After watching the movie in theaters, my brain had completely blocked that entire segment out. I had no memory whatsoever of it. I'm not even kidding. Then a few weeks later I saw the clip of him doing the vine swinging on youtube. I actually believed that this was like, a special feature off the dvd where they were just dicking around and doing something silly, like a SNL skit. I showed it to my friend and he told me that it wasnt, and that it was straight from the actual movie, and I didnt believe him until I downloaded the movie and scrubbed through it to check.

I'm still flabbergasted that it wasnt a joke.
Going back and looking over them, I think Raiders is the stronger film, but Crusade always has a special place in my childhood heart.

It was weird going through the old trilogy again, because I hadn't seen it since I was really little. If anything, I grew to appreciate the films more, because there were so many little things in the dialogue or the scenes that I had completely overlooked.

"She talks in her sleep." :O