You all in one cat movie!

lol that was pretty funny, I all the sudden have the urge to buy a cat now. love the part where the cat ambushes the kid :laugh:
Funny! The same with the terrorist attack procedures one....!
Awww, cute cats!
/me wants a cat.
Can someone buy me a cat? Anybody?
Funniest thing I've seen in ages! I was at work, and I was crying it was that funny, I was ROFL... :laugh:
Varg|Hund said:
Awww, cute cats!
/me wants a cat.
Can someone buy me a cat? Anybody?

Not unless you change your name back...

Cute video too, love the parts when the cats are jumping and flying. I think that cat on the cactus part must have hurt.
Its when things like that happen it makes me glad i have 3 cats :D My cats have done most of those things.
Shit! That part where this woman throws a cat into the air and it graps on to a plank with its claws was ****ed up!
Hilarious video. I have two cats, one of em is kinda bitchy but the other one would be content to sit on my lap all day. :)
haha :laugh:
that was funny

ya cats do some funny/silly things.. i seen my friend's cat doing some hilarous stuff :laugh:
All I gotta say is that Kung Pow movie was retarded... it wasnt even retarded/funny... it was plain old retarded.
Cats are cool... but all three of mine are pretty sane. Except for Mishka, she's evil.
Brian Damage said:
My cat got high by sniffing my friend's deodorant-soaked backpack...

I was lying on the floor in tears when that one cat blindsides the dog!! I looks like the cat wants a big hug. Also that guerilla pounce attack on that small kiddo is sweet! =) VERY VERY Funneh!! :D