You call yourselves fans?

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Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
What the hell is your problem? You really think Valve would do this to us? I don't care if it's reported on every major TV station in the world, it just can't be true!

Look, here's what the e-mail from Doug would look like if it was real:

We regret to inform our fans that we cannot meet the September 30 release date after all. We said it would be tight, but in the end it was just too tight. I cannot give a release date yet, since we've made that mistake more than once in the past and don't see a point in repeating it now, so therefore I can only tell you that Half-Life 2 will be out REAL soon.

We did not do this to upset our fans. We realize that if not for our fans, we wouldn't be here. We hope that our fans will be able to realize that we're doing this for the quality of the game. We could have released four years ago, but the game would have been crap. Instead we choose to release in a couple of weeks so we can be absolutely sure this will be the best gaming experience you ever had.

Thanks for the support,
Doug Lombardi on behalf of the entire Valve team.

And here's what it would look like if it was fake:

I know we're supposed to finish Half-Life 2 in the next couple of days, but we won't make that. Maybe you'll have it for Christmas. Maybe.

Doug Lombardi.

Now which is closer to the e-mail we've all read? Do you think they suddenly realized they need to add six maps and eleven new monsters? Of course not!

There's a bigger chance that all of Valve has been abducted by aliens that are using their laptops to send out fake e-mails than that Valve would do this to us.

You may call this thread pointless and you may flame me the hell out of here, but you might as well save it, because I'm not here for the attention. I'm here to tell you to get a grip, whether you're a Combine or a Headcrab, like myself. Yesterday we loved Valve and now we hate them? If you really think Valve would do this to us, then I don't understand how you could ever call yourself a fan in the first place. You should all be ashamed at yourself for any posts you've made containing the words "f u c k" and "Valve", which I've seen more than a few of. If this was true, I'm sure it still wouldn't be Valve's fault, so you really shouldn't be swearing at them if you called yourself a fan yesterday.

By the way, I'll save you the trouble of telling me that Denial isn't a river in Africa, because yes, I'm a fanboy in denial, but with good reason, since I'm 100% sure about one thing:

Valve would not do this to us!
hmmmmmmm i dunno man.

i don't believe ANYTHING till i hear it from valve themselve. i don't know if it is true or not...

until we get total and complete confirmation
it does seem like their email was a little unprofessional and this is a little late, but i think its real, they're just super sucky at pr
Why would you think that Valve wouldn't ever do this to us? Have they really been that good to us in the past?

VALVe sucks !! They only make grest games ! That's all, the rest is just BS. As dedicated to the fans as 3DR... BLAWWWAAHHH !!!!!
Originally posted by GJaaGular
I'm no longer a fan...i've just been upgraded to PIRATE

That is the first time a kid has not gotten their way and threatened to pirate the game if the developers did not meet their demands... guess what it has never worked and it wont work now.... You are insignificant in this world. Go down another anime flick and stay out of grown folks business.
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