You! Carry my luggage.


Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
I have just played the HL2 demo, and been mesmerised by the graphics, PLEASE NOTE, I AM 12, AND ALL I COULD DO WAS THE FIRST PART, BECAUSE RAVENHOLM = NO.

Anyway - I doubt there is much more I can say, But I like reading the forums, and the next step up was to participate.

So. Uh. Hai.
You must be at least 13 to sign up to the forums. Just promise me you'll be good, how long have you been reading the forums?
A 12yr old playing an M rated game.

What zee fook?

Please don't touch any weapons in real-life, please for the love of God!

Oh and welcome to our humble corner of the interweb.
//:Protocol said:
I have just played the HL2 demo, and been mesmerised by the graphics, PLEASE NOTE, I AM 12, AND ALL I COULD DO WAS THE FIRST PART, BECAUSE RAVENHOLM = NO.

Anyway - I doubt there is much more I can say, But I like reading the forums, and the next step up was to participate.

So. Uh. Hai.
you > Azner

Very good grammar and spelling for a twelve year old and I can understand you.
Woo, Acceptance!

Well - I'm going to be a pretty un-intelligable person about HL2 (Other than a conspiracy theorist) As I am going to COMPLETLY skip ravenholm, because HL1 Scared me enough.

(8 year olds + Zombies = No again.)

And I promise I will be good.
Ravenholm isn't really that scary, the only thing that made me jump was when you get attacked by the fast zombie. And that was because I accidently turned my volume up way too loud.
yeah - ravenholm is pretty tame tbh
it's atmospheric and gets your nerves going but it's not scary at all which is a terrible shame in one sense. I blame it on level conceits - constantly respawning zombies, obviously placed enemies, and how much fun it is :LOL:
You don't have time to be frightened when you are laughing at throwing paint cans over zombies!
Oh and since you're 12, I would like to warn you of the Off-Topic forum. You see, there is certain conversations in there not really suitable for those of your age.

Then again, you are playing an M15+ game.
12, with better grammar, spelling and structure than me.

Ach! Hullo wee bairn!
Danimal said:
Oh and since you're 12, I would like to warn you of the Off-Topic forum. You see, there is certain conversations in there not really suitable for those of your age.

Then again, you are playing an M15+ game.

Shippi said:
Guess where his next stop will be now, Danimal

Now where Am I supposed to interject?

You guys pretty much just did my conversation for me.

The only way I could solve this is with a completely unrelated picture from my stockpile... Hmm.
Welcome. I see you've already broken rule number one: Never ever tell anyone your real age. "Mature" conversations in zee general of topic section.:LOL:
Redneck said:
Welcome. I see you've already broken rule number one: Never ever tell anyone your real age. "Mature" conversations in zee general of topic section.:LOL:

I have no idea what you just said.

So I will nod my head.
OMG an intelligent form of life on this forum!




We have an intelligent person! AT 12! Welcome mate.
wait till Jack Thompson finds out, he'll be livid

Ravenholm is the best part of the game, gravity gun + saw blades
Is it just me that doubts that this person is 12? Anyway, welcome, whoever yout are!
I'm less concerned about a 12-year-old playing HL2 than I am about a 12-year-old who understands basic English sentence structure and can use the verb "mesmerise" properly.

I command you to join my Legions of Terror and assist me in enslaving the earth.
The Monkey said:
Is it just me that doubts that this person is 12? Anyway, welcome, whoever yout are!
Yeah he's not twelve. I don't believe it. If he is, Danimal has a friend!
15357 said:
Ooh, can I help?
You can battle to the death with Sean Hannity for the privilege of being my Minister of Truth. ;)

(Explanation for the slow: Sean Hannity is a quite-right American talk radio host. He idolises Reagan, he thinks Bush is doing a good job, and he regularly cuts off anyone who calls to disagree with him.)
Hectic Glenn said:
Yeah he's not twelve. I don't believe it. If he is, Danimal has a friend!

Of course I am twelve. I would scan my birth certificate, but alas, I am lazy.
...and besides that would of course be an incredibly stupid thing to do - never ever give personal details over the net
Paint > Photoshop

Well, it's nice to see it wasn't only me and Login_Here who could type properly at the age of 12. Ah, youth...why hast thou forsaken me?
Holy crap, you are my favorite twelve year old, ever.

You write so... GOOD! It's really amazing.

Sorry, it's just quite a shock. Congratulations, I guess, you must be pretty smart.

And welcome to the forums. I hope you stay!
According to recent studies it has been stated that the IQ of a newbie will decrease in the first week of forum membership.:borg: "You mean me no smart no more"
Raeven0 said:
You can battle to the death with Sean Hannity for the privilege of being my Minister of Truth. ;)

(Explanation for the slow: Sean Hannity is a quite-right American talk radio host. He idolises Reagan, he thinks Bush is doing a good job, and he regularly cuts off anyone who calls to disagree with him.)

*lock and loads K - 2 rifle*

Although I do agree with him........

Yours must be in the negatives, then

I don't think that its measurable. It went down and under the scale..
There's a lot of older people on the internet who have worse spelling then this guy.