You, Citizen! Come with me!

Ghost Freeman

Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Don't drink the water, they put something in it, to make you forget. I don't even remember how I got here!

you know the drill...
You, Citizen! Come with me!

*opens trenchcoat*


Sorry.... disregard this post.... :hmph:
You have chosen, or been chosen to stay at one of our finest urban centers. ( i think thats it)

Welcome to City 17, it's safer here.
There's nothing Gordon can't handle... With the possible exception of you!

Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at ya god, you haven't changed one iota...
Ghost Freeman said:
Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at ya god, you haven't changed one iota...
Isn't it... "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at ya god, you haven't changed iota, how do you do it?"
Remember when we thought black mesa was as bad as it could get...
Pauly said:
Isn't it... "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at ya god, you haven't changed one eye older, how do you do it?"

No, it's iota.

And infact he says "you haven't changed one iota, how ya doin'"
Was that you knocking? I didn't know we still had a door.
Kiva128 said:
No, it's iota.

And infact he says "you haven't changed one iota, how ya doin'"
I guess i was wrong. Whats an iota?
Pauly said:
Isn't it... "Gordon Freeman! Let me get a look at ya god, you haven't changed iota, how do you do it?"

eye older? lol?

An iota is a very small messuremeant.
Pauly said:
I guess i was wrong. Whats an iota?

I think it's a molecule...or something to that extent. (either that or what the dude above me said).
Liam said:
eye older? lol?

An iota is a very small messuremeant.
Yea, i just went to Never heard of iota before. They said it was a small particle or the ninth greek letter of the alphabit.
"Dear Dr. Breen,

Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle?

A concerned citizen."
"Hold it right there" ... then dies horribly by that blue monster... thingy. Poor guy. ;(
"Wake up wake up wake up"

At least that's what it sounds like when the combine are angry.
their waiting for you Gordon, in the test chamber

HL2's oncore

'Alyx leaves the room'

Kliener: She's waiting for you Gordon, In her under pants
Pauly said:
Was that you knocking? I didn't know we still had a door.

now that is funny, the drunk guy :D

Edit: I ll get the hell out of here..................***N.........Strider..............
"I'm Gordon Freeman, and these bullets careening into your chest are FREE, MAN!"

My name is luka, I live on the second floor.
"are you the only one on that train?"
"Tread lightley, for this is hallowed ground?"
"Dr.Freeman, its been a real honor. Im looking foward to working together"
"Gordon! The vortiguant said u were here"
Bait said:
"I'm Gordon Freeman, and these bullets careening into your chest are FREE, MAN!"


I haven't heard this one before. Is this in the game ? :)
" All right, Mossman, where are you . . . ? Ha! Found her! We know all about you and Breen . You've been a spy for the Combine the whole time."

a flaming zombie, honest.
Gorgon said:
I haven't heard this one before. Is this in the game ? :)

Of course not! Gordon never speaks and if he were to, I doubt he'd come up with such a eighties Chuck Norris style line :LOL:
MaxiKana said:
My name is luka, I live on the second floor.

Never heard that one...

And is that "Dear Mr. Breen" one a joke? It's funny. :LOL:
welcome to city 17...its safer here, just try to ignore the blood on that chair that were sitting you down in....