You could say his family were shocked

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
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Stephen Perry, who was a writer for 1980s cartoon ThunderCats, recently went missing. His van was found last Sunday. Inside it, a man's severed arm. Stephen Perry, police now report, is dead.

The 56-year-old writer went missing from his Zephyrhills, Florida home, which authorities discovered was ransacked. His roommates, James Davis (45) and Roxanne Davis (49), disappeared, but have since been arrested on unrelated charges, writes Tampa Bay Online. James Davis was picked up on drug trafficking charges, and his wife is charged with violating probation.

"I cried. I cried when they told me," says 26-year-old Krystal Carroll, the mother of Perry's 5-year-old son. Last year, Carroll moved out and is currently in another relationship. Perry was slated to appear in court on May 9 for a domestic violence charge against Carroll. He has also been battling cancer as well.

"I am glad they are releasing the information to the public," Carroll added. "At least the public will know and there will be no more speculation about whether he was murdered. I am glad that we will start coming to some kind of closure not only for me and my son, but for the rest of his family as well."

Perry also wrote the 1985 comic book series Time Spirits, which gained renewed interest last winter when similarities between it and Avatar were discovered.

There have been plans to make a Hollywood version of ThunderCats. The project is currently on hold.

Bit of a harsh way to go... snarrrf snaarrrrf
I hope someone is charged for the incident, it if turns out to be a murder. Watt a tragedy.
That's terrible (both the murder and Willie's terrible pun)
Is it bad that the only thing I found interesting about the article is the THIRTY YEAR difference between Perry and his ex-wife/girlfriend/mother of his child/etc?
So he's 56 and living with two room mates? I guess he didn't have much success after Thunder Cats. Maybe he staged it and left an arm behind so he could be declared dead and vanish to like Thailand or something.
Stephen Perry, who was a writer for 1980s cartoon ThunderCats, recently went missing. His van was found last Sunday. Inside it, a man's severed arm

maybe he was eaten? do the authorities know the whereabouts of Lion-o?
search for Stephen Perry on Google Images :E
The potential difference to the world that he could have made will never be known.
I think you guys suck for not acknowledging my awesome pun. OR ARE YOU JUST STUPID?
I think you guys suck for not acknowledging my awesome pun. OR ARE YOU JUST STUPID?

I think I have no idea why it's funny.

If you get mine, then it's that much better, because it's a physics reference in addition to standard pun material.
Grammatical error in thread title is bugging me.
"Family" is a singular noun, so the verb should be "was".

Unless Willie is pretending to be one of those British morons who like to treat singular nouns as plural if they mean a group of something else, like a family is a group of people.

But that's stupid and it sucks.
"Family" is a singular noun, so the verb should be "was".

Unless Willie is pretending to be one of those British morons who like to treat singular nouns as plural if they mean a group of something else, like a family is a group of people.

But that's stupid and it sucks.

That's retarded, a family is not a single entity but a group. I say it's grammatically fine. Didn't know this difference existed though, I wonder what other grammatical differences there are between our uses of English.
That's retarded, a family is not a single entity but a group.

Yeah, keyword a group. Singular.

If you're going to refer to the family as a group, it should god damn stay singular.

If you want to say "mom, dad, and little timmy were shocked" then by all means.
Upoun further thinking this is quite interesting, you suppose the family is a noun, a physical concept that can be refereed too as existing in it's own right. However over here, I suppose it's just a label or an indicator.

Maybe there are serious cultural forces behind these differences, something fun for me to think about.
We now interrupt this grammar thread to bring you an important message:

Thundercats sucked.

I have a theory that whoever killed this guy must've loved Thundercats as a child, went back and realized that all their fond memories were of the intro alone, and saw that the actual show was garbage. The writing was garbage. I think some obsessed fan realized this and, in a fit of nerdrage, chopped off this guy's arm and killed him.

Kind of a shame, though--this guy also wrote for Silverhawks, which was pretty damn good.

But then again, if he didn't die from homicide, the cancer would've killed him. Cancer he probably got from writing Thundercats.
Wait, they've only found his arm? Then how do they know he died?
Is it bad that the only thing I found interesting about the article is the THIRTY YEAR difference between Perry and his ex-wife/girlfriend/mother of his child/etc?

Wow. Makes my 3 year difference seem like nothing. That's heartening. :)
"Family" is a singular noun, so the verb should be "was".

Unless Willie is pretending to be one of those British morons who like to treat singular nouns as plural if they mean a group of something else, like a family is a group of people.

But that's stupid and it sucks.
Of course it was unintentional. I ain't no queer like them tea sipping rotten toothed sodomy loving bomb fearing cause they're a bunch of pussies british c*nts.
We now interrupt this grammar thread to bring you an important message:

Thundercats sucked.

I have a theory that whoever killed this guy must've loved Thundercats as a child, went back and realized that all their fond memories were of the intro alone, and saw that the actual show was garbage. The writing was garbage. I think some obsessed fan realized this and, in a fit of nerdrage, chopped off this guy's arm and killed him.

Kind of a shame, though--this guy also wrote for Silverhawks, which was pretty damn good.

But then again, if he didn't die from homicide, the cancer would've killed him. Cancer he probably got from writing Thundercats.

That makes me feel better. I thought I had forgotten an important part of my childhood since all I could remember of Thundercats was Lion-O looking through the curly bits of his sword's hilt and shining a thundercats beam from it. Good to know I remember the only important bit.
My condolences goes out to his family and I hope they catch the perpetrator and bring him to justice.