You cry, you lose.

Well. I guess she isn't getting the truck.
The only thing I took from that was the mother's voice, how annoying.
Cute story though.
Watch Up, lose over and over and over again. Probably while laughing at the same time. Pixar just have a ****ing lever that switches their films back and forth between hilarious and unbelievably sad instantly.
The beginning of that movie is the most depressing moment in a childrens film I've ever seen. It's so sad.
Up was intense, but jezus christ guys, do you guys really cry?! : >
...I giggled softly when thinking about it. If you have a vagina its ok though..
I have a vagina. I'm proud of it too.

For some of us who have had problems with our dads, or haven't known them too well and miss them, those homecoming videos are very touching... And not in a naughty way.
So a little girl gets her wish approved by the Pentagon. Hey Pentagon, how about you give that gift to every military family!
The beginning of that movie is the most depressing moment in a childrens film I've ever seen. It's so sad.

It definitely rivals the whole Bambi thing. I actually went to see it in theaters so I didn't cry... because I don't cry in theaters. I figure if I had watched it at home alone it might have been a different story.
I've heard from many people that Bambi was the one movie that made them bawl their eyes out when they were a kid and even some people my age still say they shed a tear when they watch it.

I've never seen it but I'm really tempted to see just how sad/depressing it actually is.
Yeah, it's pretty much the same. Starts out fun and awesome and :D :D :D :D, then it goes to ;-; instantly. Followed by :l
So a little girl gets her wish approved by the Pentagon. Hey Pentagon, how about you give that gift to every military family!

Hey now, they do what they can. Lets not start a "THIS WAR SUX" argument. This is about all of us getting in touch with our feminine (Vaginal) side.

I haven't had the privilege to see Bambi, but I have seen the spoof, Bambee. Made me rofl. But this thread is about crying. So it made me waah.
The homecoming videos are sad, but somewhat sickening too. Why did he have to come back in a staged environment with Santa around and anything. It takes the dignity out of the occasion.

You want a cry video? I wonder if there's one of a father and mother crying becuase that little girls daddy just killed their only child, I doubt you'll see that on Fox news.
Every time I see that video it just pisses me off and I want to do thousands of different, horrible, unmentionable things to that stepfather. ****ing useless person taking the light from someone else. Just frustrates me.