You know what a mod team should make?

I've thought of it (a LOT, actually).

They'd get pwned by Ion Storm though.
Don't be silly! What we need is more derivative shite, preferably based on someone else's IP that you can't get permission to use! Everyone knows that.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Don't be silly! What we need is more derivative shite, preferably based on someone else's IP that you can't get permission to use! Everyone knows that.

Well, in some cases it IS nice to play in a universe you're familier with from another form of media. I've been waiting for a good Stargate mod forever.

It's always nice to see new and imaginative mods though, like Natural Selection.
Halo fanboys have taken over the gaming world. Wholly convinced that Halo is the greatest they decided to ensure it by destroying the competition. You are one of the last Half-Life players alive and only one of a few people who can thwart this evil thanks to Gordon accidently whacking you with his magical crowbar. Now go forth, brave soldier, and ensure the future of gaming for all sensible gamers.

I'd play it.
^LOL awesome idea, I'd play it!

But anyway this thread is pointless, you could remake plenty of games on source, like Goldeneye, Metal Gear Solid, Mario, Deus Ex, Zelda, Halo or my personal favourate, Perfect Dark :p

A source version of any of those games would be good IF you were true to the original. The worst thing you can create is a bodge job remake.
I might just hang myself. *thinks about the sims* OH GOD, NO.
The Dark Elf said:
Here's a novel idea.. how about something original instead?

Cock... theres enough 'original' ones being made already. Should he have said 'A mod where people shoot eachother'. Cock. Cock.
Oh yeh. I'd also REALLY love to se Deux Ex:S (such a good game).
DrunkPanda said:
what we need are star wars mods. jedi fights are so fun :D

Or you could go buy one of LucasArt's games and support the creator so they will make more things without the possibility of being shutdown :p

And that HL2 vs H2 fanboy mod could be a pretty funny game lol
EDIT: but for IP reasons, I wouldn't do it lol
You could do a game where you could take all the different FPS players, like Chief, Gordon, Blaskwochief or whatever, the guy from Duke Nukem, James Bond, Sam Fisher etc etc, and have all their special skills but give them blatantly obvious different names eg Sam Fisher = Tom Angler :p