You know what steam really needs?

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Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Help for the games in the friends area.

So now it all seems to be working smoothly a friend and I logged on the other night and decided to amuse ourselves between games with a game of Go.

Only we promptly realised that it had been so long since we last played it that neither of us could remember the rules. :eek:

So yeah.. Anyone care to remind me? :imu: ;)
Originally posted by machima
Oh! Oh! I know! Some more stability for the masses perhaps?

If it's still running very unstably for you I'm sorry to hear that, it is now running fine for me and all the people I know IRL who have checked it out. Most of the people I know online have got it running smoothly htis week too.

Anyway stop crapping in my postive thread. ;(
I recently installed it on 6 computers... 2 of mine, 2 of my cousins, and 2 of my friends.

Not a single problem popped up in any of those installations.
The only problem I had was when I first tried to install it the day it was released... but that installation is bug free now as well.

If you are still having trouble with Steam... uninstall it (use the uninstaller in the Steam folder) and scan through the registry for any references to Valve or Steam that weren't removed by the uninstaller.

Get the latest full installer and try again.

If that doesn't work I don't know what will.
I take it none of you know how to play go then? :rolleyes:
Lol. Heh.. anyway serious point - a little in game spiel about how to play the various minigames might not go amiss, even if it's a luxury & not strictly a neccessity .
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