You know whats frusterating?


Aug 1, 2004
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Recently I have been trying to teach myself to draw.

When I try to draw things, I find myself incredibly frusterated.

I can image -EXACTLY- what I want everything to look like. I just cant take that image in my head, and put it down on paper.

Its so incredibly frusterating because what I end up with is nothing like what I wanted.


Drawing, to me, is either hit or miss. Some people are just naturally good at it, while others struggle, even with years of training.
I'm like...good and horrible at drawing at the same time :| But mostly crap, with the same problem as Puzzlemaker...
Hopefully its a "hit" for me; I have never really tried drawing before. Not even doodling. So who knows.
Recently I have been trying to teach myself to draw.

When I try to draw things, I find myself incredibly frusterated.

I can image -EXACTLY- what I want everything to look like. I just cant take that image in my head, and put it down on paper.

Its so incredibly frusterating because what I end up with is nothing like what I wanted.



you have to draw more and more and more and study everythng around you
alot of people have great visual ideas but by the time these ideas translate to the paper other problems arise such as anatomy, perspective, issues of depth and etc. just write down your ideas in words and make many small thumbnailsn of whats in your brain and slowly work your way to the level of just being able to draw from your brain
I can image -EXACTLY- what I want everything to look like. I just cant take that image in my head, and put it down on paper.

I get that all the time, which is mainly why I quit trying to draw
Maybe instead of just drawing what's in your head, just let the drawing happen.

I'm no expert artist (hell, not even a "great" artist0, but, instead of sitting down and going "ok, this is what I want to draw", why not sit down and make a few lines on a sheet of paper, or start out drawing a face, or maybe a foot or a hand, whatever, and then letting the drawing take shape from there on.

I can draw cartoons pretty well. I have this little secondary anatomy and perspective built into my brain, and it's really useful for drawing cartoon characters, but the problem is that this little secondary anatomy is nothing like real world anatomy.

Example of both my imaginary anatomy, and a drawing that sorta took shape on its own:


(sleeves look like shit :()

I didn't know what the hell I was going to draw here. I drew a cigarette (I seem to enjoy drawing those for some reason...), then I decided it should be a BIG cigarette, so I drew a proportionally sized head.

And then suddenly the drawing decided it should have a hoody, and only 3 hairs, and a moustache, little dots for eyes, smoke comming out if the guys ears and nose, a tiny little bump chin, and a HUGE nose.

I didn't plan on drawing that, it sorta just HAPPENED.
Everyone can learn to draw, it just takes time, persitance and hard work :)

And someone said that some people are naturally good at it... no they just worked hard at getting good... if you work hard at it, there's no limit :)
Everyone can learn to draw, it just takes time, persitance and hard work :)

And someone said that some people are naturally good at it... no they just worked hard at getting good... if you work hard at it, there's no limit :)

Nope. I've seen 6 year olds with more talent than I'll ever have.
I guess I will keep on practicing/looking at other art/looking at reference models. I might post my attempts on here at some point. Thanks for the advice and encouragement!
I can hardly draw stick figures, but I have so many awesome ideas to draw, and they come out crappy. I hear ya, but I'm already convinced I'm a "Miss". :(
I hate it when people tell you to study and practice drawing. You don't need to do all that, just draw. A lot. Don't try to do a specific thing, that's retarded- draw whatever you want. I know that's the problem, and it is good to take in your surroundings, but don't do it thinking, "hmm, that banana bends a certain way, I'll draw it like that..." or whatever.

I really dislike art classes for that reason. Because they tell you what and how to draw. Often times I end up sounding concieted when I get on this subject, but I'm a really good drawer (imo) and I have never taken an art class- all that I ever did was start drawing at an early age, and never stopped. Started out with the normal scribbles saying it's a hosue or whatever, but then I worked up to animals I saw in eyewitness books, or even tracing mickey mouse from a picture. And then I jsut kept doing it, getting better as I go along- it's a lot easier to be drawing, and realize that at this perspective, this thing should look like this and not this, and pick things up as you go along. It just seriously confuses me as to why people have so much trouble drawing. And now I sound like an idiot.
I understand exactly what you mean Que, fear not.

I also understand what you mean by how you end up talking too much and feel like an idiot. I do the same thing.
uh, thanks, I guess. Actually, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's thanks.
you study and draw stuff from life to learn how stuff looks... you don't draw abstract to learn how lightning reflects off different draw from life to learn that... of course no matter what you draw it will help you controlling the pen and realizing what looks good and what doesn't.....AND with practice everybody can learn to draw, yes.
Maybe instead of just drawing what's in your head, just let the drawing happen.

Shit, whenever I do that I either get dinosaurs with top hats and monicles, or a tree with a giant mouth a flowers for eyes.

If I had a working scanner I'd show you all!
Shit, whenever I do that I either get dinosaurs with top hats and monicles, or a tree with a giant mouth a flowers for eyes.

If I had a working scanner I'd show you all!

Use a camera
Oh and the way a white page stares back at you...:p

But as allready said. Learning how to draw takes time and persistence for many years. And off course a failure-and-try again mentality. And observe the world around you. What is perspective? How do shadows form? Impact of color, anatomy,...etc...

So stare your demon in the eye and charge!!!!