"you know you're a geek when.... "

You look at a wall and think "nice bumpmapping"

(OMG, I had that once... ;()
you know your a geek when your allowed into heaven ;)
Suits me...

You know you're a geek when you wonder how many polygons it takes to make Earth.

You know you're a geek when you ask what resolution someone has on their glasses.
whoa I just realized how big of a geek I really am..sad...thanks alot guys, does wonders for my self esteem :hmph:
Actually a lot of the things said apply to me insome way, but is it really such a problem? I'm happy with the way i am, and i know i can make improvements which im trying to do but fundamentally i feel that im fine the way i am.
PvtRyan said:
You look at a wall and think "nice bumpmapping"

(OMG, I had that once... ;()
I've done that a few times. I watched Castaway in English class this year, and when he pulls up to the barn for the first time you can see reflections off the van door. I muttered "sweet bumpmapping" under my breath and my friends heard me :(

I've also said "lol" instead of laughing a number of times, and I spend more time on the computer than I do outside and watching TV put together. I've written C++ code on paper to type up at home later, and I've consistently wondered how to trick quickBasic into rendering in 3D (go grade 11 programming!).

I live the life of a geek. It's great tho :E
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually a lot of the things said apply to me insome way, but is it really such a problem? I'm happy with the way i am, and i know i can make improvements which im trying to do but fundamentally i feel that im fine the way i am.

Yea very true, doesnt really matter as long as your happy with yourself. :)
PvtRyan said:
You look at a wall and think "nice bumpmapping"

(OMG, I had that once... ;()

omg...I thought I was the only one...I keep seeing this floor which the sun shines on every morning on the bus journey to college

"...whoa, sweet bump mapping" :laugh:
Isn't that environment mapping? Bumpmapping is just adding texture not reflections..


.. when you try to be a wise ass on computer related forums..

edit: correction
You make a video of you throwing yourself down the stairs, and send it to all of the game companies to show them how ragdoll physics are really done. :D

When you edit the code in programs in your school to corrupt the program and computer. :devil:

I did the second one. They are still trying to figured out who did it. I also write lines of code in school to do it later at home......
............. it's 6:30 in the morning and you're considering running memtest for a few hours :/
I just put linux on my laptop in place of WinXP - and hooked it up to the wifi network. Do I qualify? or do I have to look like a geek too? :P
PvtRyan said:
You look at a wall and think "nice bumpmapping"

(OMG, I had that once... ;()

Hey, that's my line :P.

Oooh... I got one:

You have been mistaken for an albino.
I wanna get I - 1337 on my license plate.
lol saw a geeky thing today at school..it was a billboard for a floorball tournament and one of the teams was called 1337-n00bs
Brian Damage said:
You have been mistaken for an albino.

my God that actually has happened to me once :P
I was on the bus and my friend said "You are an albino right? " in a dead serious manner....I just stared at him. I am very pale though, my skin is severely lacking some melanin. A half hour in the sun without a shirt on will leave me badly blistered. Oh well, back to my cave! :)
Chestnutish...i have to say ive not seen someone with hair i would describe as that colour, perhaps eye colour, but not hair. My hair is a kinda lightish brown.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Chestnutish...i have to say ive not seen someone with hair i would describe as that colour, perhaps eye colour, but not hair. My hair is a kinda lightish brown.

yeah, well I'm an oddball all around :P
The serial code on my XDA2 is 2.1337 ... I see it every time I do a soft-reset.

Nuff said :D
MaxiKana said:
I wanna get I - 1337 on my license plate.
I would rather get a license plate that says either "i pwn j00" or "j00r pwnd" on it. Something with "pwn" in it at least :E
Id rather have a number plate made of solid gold and attached to an Austin Martin...but thats just me
What's an austin martin? Oh... Aston Martin.... riiight. :P
I would rather have an assault rifle...but thats just me.
You know you're a geek when you "would rather have an assault rifle".
Chris_D said:
You know you're a geek when you "would rather have an assault rifle".

How about an AWP?

Another one - You get all excited when you see someone using your favourite gaming gun in a movie :)

The albino thing - I've always been very fair-skinned, as a kid I was really active and spent alot of time outside and I was still the whitest, freckliest bastard on the playground. Never been mistaken for albino though, I used to be blonde but it went naturally brown, now it's practically black. There were kids at high school who could disagree :)

The license plate thing - Back in my early PC-ing days I was a huge C&C fan. I used to imagine growing up and getting a cool sports car then putting "GDINOD" on the license plate :D (plates here are 6-character).
Farrowlesparrow said:
Id rather have a number plate made of solid gold and attached to an Austin Martin...but thats just me

dude, if your gonna mention the manufacturer (who I might add is better than Ferd and Mersedes :laugh: ) you could at least spell it correctly:

Aston Martin.

Edit: poblet beat me to it.
... you see a beautiful girl and work and rather than asking for a phone number ask for an msn / aim contact name.
When you go to the store and buy something you try to place it in your inventory.
When you buy/sell something you request that the other person opens up their trade window.
You ask to join your freinds party.
When your about to get mugged in a dark alleyway you press F2-F2 (battlefield)
You jump off of buildings because you have unlimited parachutes that have the ability to open 0.2 seconds from the ground and prevent any damage.
when you compare real water to half life 2's. which I did. and half life 2's looks better :P