You may have PLAYSTATIONITIS and not even know it!!!

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May 5, 2004
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oh god is it infectious?

A new skin disorder caused by use of games consoles has been identified by skin specialists.

The condition, dubbed PlayStation palmar hidradenitis, is described in the British Journal of Dermatology.

Researchers outline the case of a 12-year-old girl who attended a Swiss hospital with intensely painful sores on the palms of her hands.

The girl, who had been using a games console regularly, recovered fully after 10 days of abstinence.

I always thought it was called "nintendo thumb"

sores of her feet? was she holding the controller with her feet?

I love the choice of words here:

The girl, who had been using a games console regularly, recovered fully after 10 days of abstinence.

filthy video games will give your body boils and make your penis fall off! Abstinence is the only cure
The girl, who had been using a games console regularly, recovered fully after 10 days of abstinence.

Then I suppose the red stripe on my palm, from pressing against the edge of the table when I use my mouse, is the mark of the devil!111
i pretty much only use my PS2 for GH so i'm clean.
I almost always have a controller or a mouse or something in my hands (not counting my penis) and have never had any type of sore on them. What do you think about that medical suck-ups!?
What was a girl doing with a playstation controller?
It's not a hair straightener!!
What was a girl doing with a playstation controller?
It's not a hair straightener!!

One of my female friends use her first name as her screenname while playing online. You can imagine what kinds of "compliments" she receives.
I ripped my palm to shreds with the N64 controller many times. Damn you, how many times can you rotate the analog stick games!
Mario Party destroyed my palms.

What was a girl doing with a playstation controller?
It's not a hair straightener!!

Hair straightener? Why does she need to straighten her hair in the kitchen? She should have a whisk or spatula or something.
12 year old girl
was she holding the controller with her feet?
Toph Bei Fong.

Mario Party destroyed my palms.
Hahahaha... Those faces are gold! Gold!

Fabulous work on that comic there Darkside.
Pfft... Yeah right. Jesus wouldn't play Mario Party. He's totally a Zelda guy.
I have Trigger-finger. Basically, if anything looks like a trigger, I feel the compulsion to squeeze it. So, as you know, Xbox is the only cure.
What the ****! It looks so much like your past doodles, like the chair fight!
MSPaint comics tend to be drawn in the same way (stick figure people with exaggerated facial expressions). This one doesn't look very close to the way I draw, though. At least not to me.
That's why I don't play fighting games. XD
fighting games
condition caused by gripping a CONTROLLER
I think Nintendo got sued for the whole Mario-Party-killed-my-palms thingie.

(i also think they lost)
It has nothing to do with fighting games being mostly made by Japanese designers. How does that factor into it? I like games based on their merits as a game regardless of their country of origin. That comment came out of nowhere...

No, see, the problem is you shouldn't be playing fighting games with a controller. Arcade stick son, ARCADE STICK. That's the only way to play. If you're doing it right, you wouldn't get playstationitis from playing fighting games.
Congratulate on 8,000 posts, Dark.

Oh, arcade stick. Hehe! Please turn off the caps lock. XD
No, no I don't think so. Capslock is my strongest weapon. How else would I unleash the fury over the internet?
Paskiewicz, you don't see us going over to FurAffinity and telling you how to type.
Not happy with the provided emotes?

The only emoticon allowed here that isn't already an icon is D:
There are XD weeaboos, and there are cool weeaboos.
Wow, no way, I couldn't tell from looking at it.

By the way does anyone know what /facepalm means?
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