You may not like Arnold's politics but you've got to admit he says what he thinks.


Sep 20, 2003
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Schwarzenegger to Hometown: Remove My Name

Associated Press Writer
Dec 19 6:51 PM US/Eastern

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday told officials in his hometown in Austria to remove his name from a sports stadium and stop using his identity to promote the city. The governor's request came after politicians in Graz began a petition drive to rename the stadium, reacting to Schwarzenegger's decision last week to deny clemency to condemned inmate Stanley Tookie Williams. Opposition to the death penalty is strong in Austria.

In a letter that began "Dear Mister Mayor," Schwarzenegger said he decided to spare the Graz city council "further concern" should he be forced to make other clemency decisions while he's governor. Another inmate is scheduled to be executed in California Jan. 17.

"In all likelihood, during my term as governor, I will have to make similar and equally difficult decisions," Schwarzenegger said in the letter. "To spare the responsible politicians of the city of Graz further concern, I withdraw from them as of this day the right to use my name in association with the Liebenauer Stadium."

The stadium was renamed for the former Hollywood star in 1997. He asked that the lettering be removed by year's end.

Schwarzenegger spokeswoman Margita Thompson said the letter was faxed Monday to the Graz city hall. The city council was expected to take up the matter next month.

In the letter, Schwarzenegger also said he would no longer permit the use of his name "to advertise or promote the city of Graz in any way" and would return the city's "ring of honor."

The ring was given to him in a ceremony in Graz in 1999. At the time, Schwarzenegger said he considered it "a token of sincere friendship between my hometown and me."

"Since, however, the official Graz appears to no longer accept me as one of their own, this ring has lost its meaning and value to me. It is already in the mail," the governor wrote.

Williams, co-founder of the Crips gang, was convicted of four 1979 murders. He was executed shortly after midnight Dec. 13."

I don't like all of the decisions Schwarzenegger makes, but you have to give him credit for completely standing up and speaking out for what he believes in. The man has balls.
he's in the same book as Reagan he'll never be a politician to anyone who does their research

the decision listed above is just him being angry that his hometown would disown him over murdering a murderer he's clearly just trying to guilt them into liking him again a bad actor as always
-I don't like all of the decisions Schwarzenegger makes, but you have to give him credit for completely standing up and speaking out for what he believes in. The man has balls.

He has balls? He abuses women ffs.
He abuses women ffs.
there has never been any evidence that he has used violence - sexual, brute or verbal - against any woman at all
there is only unconfirmed accounts of his rampant womanising and lack of respect for the dictates of feminism in his youth

i feel for the guy - he comes across as a very sincere, passionate man and like it or not he has provided real leadership in cali and he's not afraid to make unpopular decisions (re his battle with the unions over economic reforms)
Your link has a 'v' in the front, please fix.
Argh. The power of the invalid web address!

Oh well, take this
A right-wing Austrian takes power in a foreign country?

What does this remind me of? :E

Take this
Invalid links ".... are a myth put out by the liberally elite to patronize and demean(sp?) the working class."
Oh that was a good one.

Well, take this. A famous URL used in the 1987 Wrong-URL final in Ostrava.
Solaris said:
you may as well have posted a link to communist propaganda as post that muck of a website
he has been convicted of no crime - innocent until proven guilty
he liked to fool around - so what how he flirted probably needed work but he was used to getting what he wanted so the occasional woman saying no wasnt something he was used to
pornography - so what if he posed nude, he was a body builder ffs thats what he did for a living
nazism - no proof at all of any sympathies for them, all they have is the fact that his parents were austrians under Hitler
Solaris, please learn to differentiate between sources based on credibility. You can find a site claiming to prove anything you can possibly think of, that doesn't automatically make it true.
Arnold is above the laws of mere mortal men. He killed the predator, was hercules, was a robot 3 times, blew up countless terrorists, and blew up untold amounts of things, in real time. The only thing keeping him from being God-Emperor of the world is that he'd find it boring, so he settles for California just to keep things lively.
I hope that they don't do what he says. Then he terminates them in number 4.:borg:
kirovman said:
A right-wing Austrian takes power in a foreign country?

What does this remind me of? :E
hitler was actually extremely left wing.
The mayor of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Austrian home town has urged him to review his move to end ties with the city in a row over the death penalty. [...] Mayor Siegfried Nagl blamed left-wing opposition parties for stoking the row. He said he hoped Mr Schwarzenegger's film catchphrase - "I'll be back" - will soon be heard again in the town.

Source: BBC NEWS
gh0st said:
hitler was actually extremely left wing.

Ooo please.

Stop trying to taint left wingness with that sort of crap.
Hitler was far right.

As we can see when we get - No state->Socialists->Liberals->Conservatives -> National Front -> Kill everybody Party

Left - Right isnt really the best way to do it, but HITLER WAS NOT LEFT WING.
gh0st said:
hitler was actually extremely left wing.

ya so left wing that he came full circle and became right wing :upstare:

fascism is right wing NOT left wing. The ONLY people who ever claim Hitler was left wing is the right ...which is understandable because they probably dont want to be equated with Hitler

"The Extreme right or Ultra right is the term used by most scholars to discuss right-wing political groups that step outside the boundaries of traditional electoral politics. This generally includes the revolutionary right, militant racial supremacists and religious extremists, Fascists, neo-fascists, Nazis, and neo-Nazis."

about Hitler

"His officers were impressed by his hostility to left-wing ideas and he was recruited as a political officer. Hitler's new job was to lecture soldiers on politics"

"one of his passionate speeches that encouraged his supporters to carry out acts of violence against Jews and his left-wing political opponents."

"was arranging the arrest of Jews and left-wing political leaders in Bavaria."

"Emil Kirdorf and his wealthy right-wing friends were particularly attracted to Hitler's idea of winning the working class away from left-wing political groups"

" in May, 1928, the Nazi Party won only 14 seats, while the left-wing parties, the German Social Democrat Party (153) and the German Communist Party (54) still continued to grow in popularity."

"Left-wing election meetings were broken up by the Sturm Abteilung (SA) and several candidates were murdered. "

"It was not only left-wing politicians and trade union activists who were sent to concentration camp. "

and that's just in this one article alone
umm. no, he was left wing. though its arguable, i would say that by bolstering the power of the state, removing many forms of individuality from the populace, by sacrificing personal freedom in favor of a state engineered model of self fulfillness and happiness.

economically he most certainly was left wing through profit sharing and nationalization of trusts, those are simply not conservative ways of doing things.

left wing and right wing arent really applicable because there are more accurate modern ways of labeling something. hitler was a socialist and a facist - a sort of warped version of socialism and left corporatism. theres a wiki article on it somewhere.
gh0st said:
Hitler was a socialist and a facist - a sort of warped version of socialism and left corporatism. theres a wiki article on it somewhere.
I've generally found people who can't even spell words like 'fascist' know nothing about it. Unless you think Hitler had a problem with just faces.
gh0st said:
umm. no, he was left wing. though its arguable, i would say that by bolstering the power of the state, removing many forms of individuality from the populace, by sacrificing personal freedom in favor of a state engineered model of self fulfillness and happiness.

economically he most certainly was left wing through profit sharing and nationalization of trusts, those are simply not conservative ways of doing things.

left wing and right wing arent really applicable because there are more accurate modern ways of labeling something. hitler was a socialist and a facist - a sort of warped version of socialism and left corporatism. theres a wiki article on it somewhere.

He wasnt a socialist.
Socialism isnt about removing individuality, or sacraificing freedoms. How was he socialist? He put socialists in death camps.
Hectic Glenn said:
I've generally found people who can't even spell words like 'fascist' know nothing about it. Unless you think Hitler had a problem with just faces.
it makes me glad to know i've made such a profound argument that the only thing you can call me out on is misspelling a word. since you add nothing to this discussion i will simply carry on with my argument.

i'll start it with one of hitlers numerous pro-socialist quotes

Hitler said:
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

anyone who thinks a republican is hitler in a closet has never read mein kampf. if you'd read it, you'd notice important keywords, things like "class struggle". like "proletariat". these words when used by hitler in the context they are provided denote an overwhelmingly fascist socialist.

i cringe when i see you guys typing furiously that fascists IMMEDIATELY means right wing: it simply doesnt. fascism in its most pure form is one head of state, who rules with absolute control over a population. any type of political denomination can be fascist. mussolini was, although far more centrist, indeed slightly to the right, than either stalin or hitler. no part of fascism implies racism, genocide, torture, or anything else. fascism IS NOT inherently bad or good. it merely describes a type of government, neither 'left' nor 'right'.

germany under the weimar republic had a strong conservative monarchy (although a liberal population, for the most part). marxist and socialist ideas circulated heavily and won over citizens and politicians alike. this is why hitlers ideas were so heavily favored by the german people.

hitler expanded welfare, he perpetuated abortion, he denounced the church, he nationalized business, he gave vastly greater sums of capital to the elderly, he confiscated land for state purposes. hitler, like the entirety of the liberal university and public schools here in the states push their agenda onto children in school. his entire domestic agenda when in office centered around liberal ideas: equal pay, nationalized healthcare and price controls.

contemporary history teaches us a different story though. they compare the "neo nazis" to hitlers socialist german workers party when in fact the two are almost entirely different. it compares nazism to american republicans when in fact the two are quite different. germany under adolf hitler would probably have been paradise for social democrats in the US, minus the genocide.

Solaris said:
He wasnt a socialist.
Socialism isnt about removing individuality, or sacraificing freedoms. How was he socialist? He put socialists in death camps.
the prison camps were designed for jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the physically or mentally retarded, and political or social opponents. there was no genocide against "socialists" - he was one.
-the prison camps were designed for jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the physically or mentally retarded, and political or social opponents. there was no genocide against "socialists" - he was one.

Oh so it was aliens that made all thoose trade unionists and socialists and communists disappear.

Hitler pretended to have socialist principles to appeal to the working class majority.
Solaris said:
Hitler pretended to have socialist principles to appeal to the working class majority.

Quoted for truth.

lol, I love the way you call both Hitler and the nazis AND the communists left wing. Its quite sad really....
Solaris said:
-the prison camps were designed for jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the physically or mentally retarded, and political or social opponents. there was no genocide against "socialists" - he was one.

Oh so it was aliens that made all thoose trade unionists and socialists and communists disappear.

Hitler pretended to have socialist principles to appeal to the working class majority.
how hitler chose to align himself, and his true racism is also debatable. how do you explain that he, with his obsession and very eccentric definition of the aryan race, attacked denmark and poland, and went to war with russia, despite the fact that they are probably more blond haired and blue eyed that his own german people? why did he ally himself with the very not aryan japanese? why did he ally himself with italy, most of their population were of Mediterranean descent.

hitler was to the right of communists, he did indeed hate them: he was at war with a communist nation. however many of his own influences stem from the teachings of karl marx and other socialist pioneers like Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's co-author. hitler used many of his quotes in his speeches. who hitler decided was a political opponent depended little upon his own stance. anyone who was not part of his political party was an enemy.

hitler didnt just "pretend" to have socialist principles - he bloody well was one. the only way he differed from modern leftists is his extensive use of nationalism, and in that respect he's a whole lot smarter than modern liberals.

marksmanHL2 :) said:
Quoted for truth.

lol, I love the way you call both Hitler and the nazis AND the communists left wing. Its quite sad really....
no hitler is to the right of soviet communists.
gh0st said:
how hitler chose to align himself, and his true racism is also debatable. how do you explain that he, with his obsession and very eccentric definition of the aryan race, attacked denmark and poland, and went to war with russia, despite the fact that they are probably more blond haired and blue eyed that his own german people? why did he ally himself with the very not aryan japanese? why did he ally himself with italy, most of their population were of Mediterranean descent.
I don't know, maybe his ideas were based on arrogance and he was just a prat - oh wait, we know that already.
hitler was to the right of communists, he did indeed hate them: he was at war with a communist nation.
Negative. The Soveit union was again only under the pretence of communism but was actually state capilaist.
however many of his own influences stem from the teachings of karl marx and other socialist pioneers like Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx's co-author. hitler used many of his quotes in his speeches. who hitler decided was a political opponent depended little upon his own stance. anyone who was not part of his political party was an enemy.
Again, he was using ideas to help him gain power, he said them to appeal to the majority.
hitler didnt just "pretend" to have socialist principles - he bloody well was one. the only way he differed from modern leftists is his extensive use of nationalism, and in that respect he's a whole lot smarter than modern liberals.
He was a socialist? And I'm a socialist? So that means, I belive in similar ideals to Hitler, and so do all my chums? I don't think so. Socialism is similar somewhat to a dictator ship, except %100 democratic, if that makes any sense. The Nazi regime was built on intimidation and fear, its policies were built out of hatred and arrogance, they wern't socialist at all.
Solaris said:
I don't know, maybe his ideas were based on arrogance and he was just a prat - oh wait, we know that already.
or maybe you dont know shit.
Negative. The Soveit union was again only under the pretence of communism but was actually state capilaist.
indeed, the soviet union combined elements of capitalism into their economic structure. hitler obviously saw little distinction; he refers to the USSR by many things. just like the soviets called him a fascist when the soviet union was a fascist dictatorship, which was also heavily communist. it wasn't just soviet communists hitler hated, it was communist or bolsheviks within his own country, despite the fact he copied many of their elements of government.
Again, he was using ideas to help him gain power, he said them to appeal to the majority.
thats a retarded argument. is bush a conservative just to get votes? no, we represent what we are. TELL ME how hitler was a conservative or right wing at all.
He was a socialist? And I'm a socialist? So that means, I belive in similar ideals to Hitler, and so do all my chums? I don't think so. Socialism is similar somewhat to a dictator ship, except %100 democratic, if that makes any sense. The Nazi regime was built on intimidation and fear, its policies were built out of hatred and arrogance, they wern't socialist at all.
yep, basically. the nazi regime was NOT build on intimidation and fear, it was a legitimate government elected and supported by the people.

socialism is not a type of government. it cannot be compared to a dictatorship. socialism is not 100% democratic you ****-wit, look at the soviet union, theres your socialist democracy. jesus.

TELL ME how they werent socialist and liberal. because hitler didn't like some liberals? because they killed jews? thats not enough. tell me these "policies" built out of fear and hatred and arrogance and how they are opposing to a socialist view. its sad that you dont even know what you are in the world.
hmm, never looked at hitler that way before. As an establisher of a facist regime with leftist policies + genocide.

Heh, i have a friend who's dad is really into WW2 games. This guy REALLY hates communists. So he constantly plays WW2 games as "ze germans" just to fight the commies.

I agree with him to some extent in the mentality though
gh0st said:
indeed, the soviet union combined elements of capitalism into their economic structure. hitler obviously saw little distinction; he refers to the USSR by many things. just like the soviets called him a fascist when the soviet union was a fascist dictatorship, which was also heavily communist. it wasn't just soviet communists hitler hated, it was communist or bolsheviks within his own country, despite the fact he copied many of their elements of government.

Yeah, agreed on that. '1984' is intended to use this as a source for how it portrays the world - whilst national hatred is directed at Eurasia/Eastasia, and vice-versa, thinking of them as subhuman and such for the way their party chooses to run things, when in fact, all 3 nations are effectively the same behind it all. This is where Orwell got this idea from.

thats a retarded argument. is bush a conservative just to get votes? no, we represent what we are. TELL ME how hitler was a conservative or right wing at all.

I suppose there are the Nazis policy of living a traditional life, which led to gays being persecuted and very sex orientated lifestyles, which could be considered "very Conservative". I don't really think Hitler and the Nazis fit anywhere on the spectrum, since they pick and take from anywhere in the "fascist" parts of it. They're pretty unique in that sense.
what do you mean by a "traditional life"? hitler viewed his policy of mass murder as cleaning the gene pool as it were. there were few social reasons for his genocide. plenty of political ones, though.

i'm not factoring the mass murder into a political archetype.. you cant dichotomize murder into left or right
Well most books I have read reckon that overall, Hitler was slightly right of centre in terms of his economic policies, however he was extremely authoritarian and also he was quite detached from normal human thinking, so in those terms, he alienated himself from our traditional political spectrums.

Psychotic is probably the best description for Hitler, he cared not for politics; he cared for how he could use politics to serve himself the best, to make a god out of himself. Hitler uber Deutchland. Deutchland uber alles sonst.
This thread was about Arnold. Why is it now about Hitler, who was a graet guy except for the war, the concentration camps, the massacres, the shit, ect.
gh0st said:
what do you mean by a "traditional life"?

Hitler and the Nazis were pretty keen on pagan religions and such. American music was banned in a lot of cases, as it was seen as too modern (there were also a lot of black artists, which also pissed them off). Whilst he obviously saw the need for industry and such, he drew from Germany's cultural roots very strongly.
gh0st said:
i'm not factoring the mass murder into a political archetype.. you cant dichotomize murder into left or right

The reasoning behind the murder can be politically aligned.

As for pigeonholing, it's very difficult to do; his duplicity and opportunism, the combination of both revolutionary and reactionary philosophies to suit the electorate, and the fact that his policies and organisation in general were ****ing chaos to suit his pathological need for an absolute dictatorship, means there's no real right or wrong here.

That aside, it's juvenile to align Hitler with current right (or even left, if you swing from that side of the debate) wing politics in the same way that lumping Stalin in with Charles Kennedy isn't such a bright idea
gh0st makes a very good point.

However, the first among Hitler's ideas was the 'cog-in-the-machine'.

Oh and Solaris, you aren't a socialist, much as you'd like to think so.

People need to remember that no political ideal is sacred, nothing like that is pure.