You may not like Arnold's politics but you've got to admit he says what he thinks.

ComradeBadger said:
gh0st makes a very good point.

However, the first among Hitler's ideas was the 'cog-in-the-machine'.

Oh and Solaris, you aren't a socialist, much as you'd like to think so.

People need to remember that no political ideal is sacred, nothing like that is pure.
I'm not :eek:
Is the Socialist Workers party socialist?
Solaris said:
I'm not :eek:
Is the Socialist Workers party socialist?
yes, in britain at least. if you have to ask that question you probably arent one, as trendy and cool and revolutionary that would be. its just so cool to be a commie! what happened to the world :(
I love how we debate Arnold's politics, then Ghost shows up and makes one (clearly flawed) statement, and the whole thread goes to hell.
JNightshade said:
I love how we debate Arnold's politics, then Ghost shows up and makes one (clearly flawed) statement, and the whole thread goes to hell.
i replied to a statement already made in this thread and so far no one has made even a half-assed attempt to debate anything.

so instead of belittling my contribution how about you look at your own... which is nothing.

so hows my statement flawed? im dying to know, and im just waiting to be eviscerated by your wit and historical knowledge.
Originally Posted by Ghost
hitler was actually extremely left wing.

Well, Ghost, here's how. First off, whether he was fiscally left-wing or not is barely debatable. He did call himself a socialist, and preached socialism (Nazi is actually an acronym for "National Socialist German Workers Party"), so him being anti-socialism is completely out of the question. What I believe people are getting confused about is that he was rigidly anti-communist, and recognized the inherent differences between communism and socialism (differences which many today seem to forget). It's true that he gained much of his power through a platform which appealed mainly to farmers, veterans of WWI, and the unemployed. When he gained power, however, he displayed policies which were anything but liberal. He managed to destroy the liberal Weimar republic (Germany circa 1919-1933) and in its place set up an extreme totalitarian state. This was not socialism, this was not communism: this was fascism. From there he only went more extreme, like disobeying the (admittedly heavy) punishments resulting from the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, building up Germany's government and ending payments to the victors. Fascist government is not really liberal OR conservative- or rather, it takes bad aspects from both or combines them.

Socially, it's pretty obvious where Hitler stood on the spectrum. We all know about the holocaust- the deaths, the experiments, everything. He was obviously veeeery racist, blaming Germany's problems on the popular scapegoats. In short, he was about as "left wing" as you.

Hence, your statement is flawed. It's true he was aligned with the German "socialist" party, but if you'd bothered to do your research, you'd find he was simply a fascist in (piss poor) disguise, an extremely conservative one. But besides that, this thread was about Arnold Schwartzenegger! This is what pisses me off! You're the master of saying something completely ridiculous, and throwing everybody off track. Blah.

Also, your poking fun at knowing the past merely makes you look the fool. He who throws mud loses ground, good sir.
JNightshade said:
managed to destroy the liberal Weimar republic (Germany circa 1919-1933) and in its place set up an extreme totalitarian state. This was not socialism, this was not communism: this was fascism. From there he only went more extreme, like disobeying the (admittedly heavy) punishments resulting from the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, building up Germany's government and ending payments to the victors. Fascist government is not really liberal OR conservative- or rather, it takes bad aspects from both or combines them.
how this makes him "right wing" is beyond me. he broke treaties and built up german military and government power. so what? as i said, fascism is neither left nor right it is merely a style of government. for example, italy under mussolini was in a "fascist" government, however....
Socially, it's pretty obvious where Hitler stood on the spectrum. We all know about the holocaust- the deaths, the experiments, everything. He was obviously veeeery racist, blaming Germany's problems on the popular scapegoats. In short, he was about as "left wing" as you.
... mussolini never killed any ethnic group. he was greatly against hitlers persecution of the jews and other ethnic minorities. he even tried to excommunicate him from the catholic church - so much for these fascists sticking together. yet his government was fascist. racism can apply to any end of the political spectrum. we have the black panthers are on the FAR left, and we have the neo KKK on the far right. racism is a social problem rarely a political one and not one that should be attributed to ones politics. just because one is left wing does not make them inherently racist or not, same for conservatives on the right. in short, this has no relation to his stance as a liberal or a conservative.
Hence, your statement is flawed. It's true he was aligned with the German "socialist" party, but if you'd bothered to do your research, you'd find he was simply a fascist in (piss poor) disguise, an extremely conservative one. But besides that, this thread was about Arnold Schwartzenegger! This is what pisses me off! You're the master of saying something completely ridiculous, and throwing everybody off track. Blah.
FASCISM DOES NOT EQUAL CONSERVATISM. FFS how many times am i going to have to repeat that. just like you have CONSERVATIVES equalling half the power in the US legislature does not make America HALF a fascist state. in fact, is America a fascist nation when conservatives are in power as they are now? no. the USSR was run by a fascist - one who very much belongs on the left wing. i think as long as productive discussion is going on the thread is serving its purpose. i admit this a bit of a tangent
Also, your poking fun at knowing the past merely makes you look the fool. He who throws mud loses ground, good sir.
i dont think i just lost any ground, in fact im pretty sure ijust gained some.
I was referring to... ah, f*ck it. Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall- it won't listen to you, it's too thick to think about what you're saying, and its answers never satisfy you because... it's a wall.
JNightshade said:
I was referring to... ah, f*ck it. Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall- it won't listen to you, it's too thick to think about what you're saying, and its answers never satisfy you because... it's a wall.
umm... gg?
racism can apply to any end of the political spectrum. we have the black panthers are on the FAR left.......
So how were the black panthers a racist organisation? Unless you mean the infamous "colouring book" which was a fake , designed to turn public opinion against them.
And to equate them to the kkk, just shameful really.