You may not want to...

Yes I had a experience with jalapenos and my rectum before.

Worst thing. Thinking you can do teh matrix but fall and break your body.
ha! I rub jalepenos on my eyes and genitals daily, that's how tough I am!
*cries thinking about it*
Man jalapenos are nothin! I was cutting up some habenaros(spelling?) to put on my tacos, and i forgot to wash my hands...and i went to the can probably figure out the rest.
Why did I think that by jalapeños you meant Thailand she-males?
I accidentally attempted to use a resiniferotoxin laced condom.
any particualr reason why u would do that, extra warm feeling???
When I was a meatcutter, I made custom sausages for anyone who had a recipe. One guy wanted very hot sausage, like macho hot (not mucho, as in very, but macho, as in "I'm tougher than thou because I consume this."). It was a miasma of cajun, Thai, and Latin peppers. Basically, I threw in the hottest things I could find, because the first three batches weren't hot enough for him. Red Savinas are apparently Habañeros that have been bred for extra heat. When I ground these up in the spice mill, I had to wear goggles. The spice mill is somewhat air tight, and still nobody could come behind the counter without their eyes watering. Anyway, the next day after purchasing this special batch of hellfire, he comes in and his face is red. I think it's been red for most of 24 hours and his voice is funny, but he finally conceded that the sausage was hot enough. He didn't order more.

...but I'll take your word for it about twiddling jalapeños.
Adabiviak said:
When I was a meatcutter, I made custom sausages for anyone who had a recipe. One guy wanted very hot sausage, like macho hot (not mucho, as in very, but macho, as in "I'm tougher than thou because I consume this."). It was a miasma of cajun, Thai, and Latin peppers. Basically, I threw in the hottest things I could find, because the first three batches weren't hot enough for him. Red Savinas are apparently Habañeros that have been bred for extra heat. When I ground these up in the spice mill, I had to wear goggles. The spice mill is somewhat air tight, and still nobody could come behind the counter without their eyes watering. Anyway, the next day after purchasing this special batch of hellfire, he comes in and his face is red. I think it's been red for most of 24 hours and his voice is funny, but he finally conceded that the sausage was hot enough. He didn't order more.

...but I'll take your word for it about twiddling jalapeños.
Ah ee why I love everyone here? They always have the funniest stories, and that one cracked me up..
I have a Snausages watch from the 80s. The little Snausage is the second hand and it rotates around the dog and some clouds.