You modelers here are amazing, and would like some of your help!


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hey you modelers. You guys probably are saying "oh's this idiot again", and I don't blame you. ;) However, Grey City is in search of 1-2 talented and experienced modelers. For our mod, you would mainly be modeling cars and weapons. If you like modern cars, and modern weapons, this mod is for you! Have a look at the features over at our site, located here:

Hope you decide to join us! And good luck to all you modelers out there on this forum, your work is amazing so far!

-Grey City Mod Team
basicly GTA for HL², not a very original idea. But goodluck anyway
This has been discussed time and time again. And so what if it isn't very original. Actually, come to think of it, do you know of any other FPS-RPG games that allow you to explore an enormous city with hundreds of NPC's that make a city come to life, with a completely optional yet involving story line? Say Postal or GTA, I will shoot you. :) Anyway, the point is, modelers who enjoy modeling cars and guns will have fun with this mod, as that's all they are asked to do! So if you have the skills, sign up! :)
We will later after the single player, take the city and port it over to multiplayer, with all the npcs and cars, and living city going on, except up to 32 ppl to run a rampage in it.:) So if you'd like to model for us, cars and guns, sign up! :)
How is gray city different from Domestic Dispute (or Downtown Dispute.. what ever its called now) ?
Domestic Dispute is entirely different. For one, they're solely multiplayer. Two, they aren't making one big living city, they're making a bunch of different maps. Three, they have different goals and situations. Four, they don't have rpg elements, or gang systems like we do. Five, their leader is a dick. ;) (I love you submerge)
Does Grey City support multi player? If so then the biggest problem with it is that unless there is a central server none of the rpg elements will work, because different servers will have diffferent inventories and if you join another server then you wont be as advanced (in the rpg game) as on your original server.

Dont get me wrong the mod sounds good and more advanced than Domestiv Dispute (whos website is dead at the moment..
Smilez, your questions are always welcomed. Yes there will be multiplayer support in the future, but until we get a solid, finished singleplayer game that everyone enjoys, we won't port to multiplayer just yet. Multiplayer will not contain the rpg elements unless we do get a central server, which we will take into consideration. If not, the rpg elements will last throughout the duration of the map time, then reset for the next map. Multiplayer will basically be single player, except you can enjoy it with 31 other people.:) Meaning fun car chases, races, cop chases, and just plain old wrecking havoc. We can't wait to play a good game of hide and seek in Grey City. :) But that's about a year and half off. Our set date for final release is currently 18 months from HL2's release.
Downtown Dispute does not have a single player story yet concepted fully :) I was thinking of a two sided story line. 1) your a gangs member 2) ur a police officer

and this mod will not be as RPG as GC mod but there will be little RPG'ing in it.

I'm just trying to stay away from them abit :) And yes, there will not be REAL HUGE city maps, but they will be large enough for street racing cuz there's no point with a huge city with a limited amount of people when it'll take awhile to find others, especially if they r not in a car. BTW, a street race usually consists of .4 miles plus more for slowing down the car. So the mod maps will be couple miles by a couple miles. Probably as large as a section of the whole large map in the first GTA game. Cuz helicopters need roaming space :)

and smilez, the site was dead cuz my friends server went offline i guess, he came over and i guess he fixed it. or the company hosting the server was doing something. but a new site layout should come within next week. cant wait to see it :)

and, ahhh, DDmod is more law enforcment against bad guys arund cities in America, the oceans, and maybe some foreign contries near america. you know

Gangs/Robbers/etc. vs. Gangs/Police/SWAT :cheers:
What he said. :)

So any modelers up for it?