"You never accepted Jesus." - 'Ugly Betty' actor kills mother with samurai sword

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Feb 3, 2005
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Michael L. Brea, an aspiring actor who had a small part in the former hit ABC series 'Ugly Betty,' has been arrested
The 31-year-old actor is alleged to have killed his mother while screaming Bible passages, reports the Associated Press, citing police officials.

"I could hear her groaning inside ... She was still alive, but they wouldn't go in," Clinton Clare, 52, who lived in the apartment below the Brea family, told the Daily News of New York.

"I heard this wild screaming," Gregory Clare, 25, who’s father owns the building. He said he heard screams of "'Repent, repent, sinner, sinner,' over and over again," and "'You never accepted Jesus.'"
And this is why Christianity should be abolished before the next generation learns of it.
I'm pretty sure that matricide is a sin, too.

Hang him or fry him.
wow, that grin looks scary. also i hate hypocrites but i like his style
Stabbed through the heart, and he's to blame! Giving religion a bad name.

Whaaaaoooo whoooaaaooo aaaooo...
And this is why Christianity should be abolished before the next generation learns of it.

Oh grow up. One nutcase kills his mother resiting Bible passages and that speaks for the entire religion does it? Don't make me ****ing laugh...
You know who's really to blame? The Japanese. Goddamn samurai swords, man.
And this is why Christianity should be abolished before the next generation learns of it.

Same argument is used to try to abolish violent video games, which I'm pretty sure we all disagree with.

So no.
Goddamn, I was only half serious. Chill out. When do I ever have anything meaningful to say? WHEN?! That's right. Never. I respect everyone and their beliefs, though I don't agree with all of them.

Jesus Christ, you people.
lol explaining your post by saying you never have anything meaningful to say. stick to your guns if that's what you believe.
Oh grow up. One nutcase kills his mother resiting Bible passages and that speaks for the entire religion does it? Don't make me ****ing laugh...

The problem is that there are passages in the bible that command you to murder non believers. Unfortunately this guy was being a good christian.
The problem is that there are passages in the bible that command you to murder non believers. Unfortunately this guy was being a good christian.

There are also parts that instruct you to not do those things. Therefore they're being bad Christians.

Really, the whole thing is contradictory so you can't make arguments like that. All you can do is point out what a contradictory story book the bible is.
Oh grow up. One nutcase kills his mother resiting Bible passages and that speaks for the entire religion does it? Don't make me ****ing laugh...
amen. someone with some good sense

The problem is that there are passages in the bible that command you to murder non believers. Unfortunately this guy was being a good christian.
what raiziaar said, most (sadly not all) christians go by the passages that say not to do things like this.
I love religious people that help the needy with food and clothing. I'm not religious but I would do the same - however, these charities are often organized and run by churches.

People do bad things, and it makes the news. I just thought this story was ridiculous. It was more like - 'wacko sword-fights mom while chanting thousand year old text', rather than 'Christianity is bad'.
I love that Christians are like "MUSLIM = TERRORIST BECAUSE THAT TERRORIST = MUSLIM" and then stuff like this happens and it's "isolated incident, nothing to do with Christianity." I guess hypocrisy is universal though. People are weird.

edit: I guess it's not hypocrisy as muich as a double standard on religion...
well personally, that doesn't describe this christian. Every religion has extremism; I'm like





It was a 17th century Samurai Crusader's (custom class) weapon. But it was possessed.

There are also parts that instruct you to not do those things. Therefore they're being bad Christians.

Really, the whole thing is contradictory so you can't make arguments like that. All you can do is point out what a contradictory story book the bible is.
It's a win win situation theologically speaking, you can find a verse to justify not decapitating your infidel mother and you can find (a ton more) verses telling you to get your chop on.

Personally i think a true christian is one with a katana in one hand and his mothers head in the other.
Hey guys I had a fantastic idea. I will combine the powers of video games and religion to make a church of gaming! It will be prayer based but you can also worship through playing violent video games. Then when one of my congregation goes insane and kills someone and my organisation is implicated by the media in some arbitrary way, you guys will be completely at a loss on whether to condemn or defend them! HAHA.

wow, that grin looks scary. also i hate hypocrites but i like his style

Just... every single post with you. Baffling.
For the record, the New Testament is the main section to read about how to be a true Christian, because Jesus came and reformed the entire thing (hence why the Jews hated him), the Old Testament (which may contain these verses) has only minute relevance in comparison to the New Testament.
You can't say that, there are many contradicting verses saying how the old testament laws still apply as well as how they are now void.

There are more verses stating how it still applies though so I'd go with that or jesus will get you in the night.
All religions are stupid and dangerous. In general people are stupid and dangerous to. (88% of humanity is religious and have an IQ around the 90) They go well together and I hate both of them.

On topic: Scary grin, hope he enjoys jail.
You can't say that, there are many contradicting verses saying how the old testament laws still apply as well as how they are now void.

There are more verses stating how it still applies though so I'd go with that or jesus will get you in the night.

There is only verse I know of in the New Testament that talks about the old law and that's where Jesus talks about fulfilling it himself, I mean obviously the whole book applies but the New Testament is a lot more important than the Old Testament, it talks about Jesus and essentially how salvation is only achieved through him so therefore has a lot more relevance to what being a Christian is about.

All religions are stupid and dangerous. In general people are stupid and dangerous to. (88% of humanity is religious and have an IQ around the 90) They go well together and I hate both of them.

Insinuating that people who follow a religion are of lesser intelligence is retarded beyond all recognition.
Wow this thread is going places.

(Familiar places.)
Don't worry, if this breaks into those 'familiar places' I'm breaking out of the thread, religious debates on here are just SO time consuming :p
Why? I know its a bold statement... but explain yourself a bit more please.]

Nicholas Copernicus
Johannes Kepler
Isaac Newton
Robert Boyle
Michael Faraday
Gregor Mendel
William Kelvin
Max Planck

Some of the greatest scientists and mathematicians who ever lived and they all either confirmed to a religion or at least believed in a God. Are you saying they are stupid too?
God is such a dick for making people do stuff like that.
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