"You never accepted Jesus." - 'Ugly Betty' actor kills mother with samurai sword

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One of my main issues was how people use the hell thing to try and scare people into being religious. If your only reason for having faith is to not go to hell, you're definitely believing for the wrong reason.

Man, I was really traumatized as a child for that reason... and even into my young adulthood.
I will submit to my God and you guys can submit to whoever you want, just promise me guys when 1/3 of the population is raptured of all the Christians who put there faith in Jesus, you guys will follow Christ as he still gives you one last chance in those times. Dont deny him in those times if you do not choose christ in the end you will be shot or beheaded for your choice. Dont forget about me.
I will submit to my God and you guys can submit to whoever you want, just promise me guys when 1/3 of the population is raptured of all the Christians who put there faith in Jesus, you guys will follow Christ as he still gives you one last chance in those times. Dont deny him in those times if you choose christ in the end you will be shot or beheaded for your choice. Dont forget about me.

Ahaha, you're definitely just trolling now.
Eating the forbidden fruit also granted humanity all knowledge, good and evil.

This thread is pretty clear evidence against that. :)

Unfortunately its true, many people turn to religion out of fear

Okay, explain something to me: how is it "unfortunate" for people to turn to God out of fear when God demands it to be so? And I know, you believe in the "loving" God of the new testament, but how does a loving being - supernatural or not - even have a place like Hell? That's kind of like me saying of someone, "Oh yeah, he's a great guy! So loving and friendly and generous. I mean he has a dungeon under his house where he tortures people endlessly, but if you're nice to him you'll probably never even see it."

I mean Eternal life with God? who wouldn't want that.


We do have a connection with those two. I believe that -->God made man<-- and man disobeyed God there fore we now live in a world that is falling apart, He will return to make things right agian the way he meant it to be. God was so good to give us this world but adam and eve did what they wanted thats why sin lingers in this world today.

See that first step there? Kind of an important part, if you ask me. Why is this always conveniently brushed over when people speak about Genesis? GOD MADE MAN. Regardless of our actions, HE MADE US THIS WAY. Doesn't that kind of make him... responsible, in some way? No?

You're obviously not going to concede to this, so here's another relatively simple question - how does a perfect being have an imperfect creation? He can do anything (you've been pretty adamant about this point), but he chose to do this. Therefore, he either made humans this way because he intended to, or he willfully made a mistake for some reason. These are the only two explanations that my feeble, closed-minded little mortal brain will accept. Do you happen to have an alternative, or do you just want to wax on about how great he is some more?

Once agian humans are the ones that disobeyed God as a result we suffer and we TRUE Christians understand this.

So sin is hereditary? If a father commits a sin, should the son also be held responsible and feel repentant? Or is this just a special case to make salvation make sense?

Boy, the Bible is such a confusing read. People are still picking apart the intro two millennium later. :P

Christianity is not a bunch of rules to follow it a growing relationship with God that steers your lifestyle into one thats pleasing to him and is a blessing in you own too.

Do you have any idea how much you sound like a beaten spouse trying to justify staying with your abusive partner? I get this sensation a lot with devout christians.

people think [...] Hell is a place where the devil is a red dude with a tail and a pitch fork lol

Actually, I thought I read somewhere that it's never actually mentioned in the Bible that Satan rules over Hell, or even resides there (maybe, memory is foggy). Pretty sure Hell is firmly God's domain.

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” Revelation 13:1

When Satan comes to earth looking like God and claiming to be God, he will have seven symbolic heads. Each head will have a blasphemous name.

Blasphemy is claiming to be God when you aren’t God. Satan will claim to be God even though he is not God. He will give himself seven names that are variations of God’s name.

The 10 horns that the beast has are 10 of Satan’s leading demons. These 10 demons will be kings and rule with Satan. This is why each of them is wearing a crown.


Have I posted this yet? I don't think so, but now with the bullshit talk about spirits and mediums, it seems more appropriate than ever:


I'm quite fond of this one.


Do you consider yourself to be a good person?

Have you told a lie before? what do you call someone who lies?
Have you stolen anything ever? What do you call someone who has stolen?
Look at a women with lust? God says if you look at a women with lust you have all ready committed MURDER with her in your heart.

Yes; human.

Yes; human (and a bit cheeky).

Yes; hahaha what.

He wants us to willingly accept him, thats why he doesn't just reveal himself to us, if he did #1 Scriptures say we would instantly die but most importantly he doesnt want us to be like robots and coming to him and saying ohh ok there he is now i believe theres no faith in that. Takes a lot of faith to believe in God. Walk by faith not by site.

Oh boy.

#1: Okay what the ****. How have I never heard about this "if God reveals himself he dies" clause? Are you ****ing kidding me? Explain to me how it makes sense for an omnipotent creator to vanish and become nothing merely because he exposed his own existence to the very thing he created. I mean... WHAT. This and original sin have me entirely baffled. Did God make these rules? Why? To what end? Is there a power greater than God which dictates what he can and can't do? Why aren't we worshiping that instead?

#2: He doesn't want us to worship him "like robots?" Wow, what a guy. I mean, I'd kind of prefer autonomy over an eternity of suffering, but hey, free will and all that. Yay!

#3: "Walk by faith not by site (sight?)." Yeah, go try that trick on a busy street why don't you.

This whole world is putting in our mind the opposite of what god wants for us, Its satan that controls this world and is the father of lies and is deceiving people into being your own God Worshiping yourself and whatnot. As you can see Satan is doing a fine Job in all of us. There is a spiritual war that we cannot see but its there.

So what you're saying is... Satan has more influence over the world than God? Gee, that actually makes Satan worship sound kind of reasonable. I'd rather throw my lot in with someone who can actually, you know, change a thing or two.

And um... you never considered the possibility that christianity is actually Satan's greatest trick? Nope, someone as devious as Satan could never create a book as watertight as the Bible. Nosiree.

It looks to me like everyone is doing a bunch of Catholic bashing more than Christian bashing without even realising it.

Alan, perhaps you should just cut your losses and leave them all to the self-sabotaging spiritual bluntness they wish to wallow in.

In the meantime, we'll strip naked and dance about, chanting the name of the Surpreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.

I can't really tell if you're trolling or not, but do you honestly believe that what he's doing is "spiritual" in any way? Utter devotion to God is probably one of the more soul destroying things I can imagine.

Not at all, some things were hazy, but she brought up things that I'd thought about, and ideas I have in my head I have never told anyone, it was quite eerie.

We have some family friends who are big on Astrology. One time when I was younger, we were at their place and I was leafing through a book they had on constellations and horoscopes and such, and I read a few paragraphs on my own star sign, Scorpio. I found that almost everything it described fit me in some way, and I started to think that maybe there was something to it.

Then I started reading the entries for my other family members' signs. Again, same exact thing - nearly everything could be applied to me and my life in some way. I began to read closer and more inquisitively and realised that everything was so vaguely worded as to appeal to basically anyone, and therefore no one in particular.

That's how this kind of shit works. You feel as though you have a deeper connection to it, as though your soul has been yearning to discover something like this and it fits you perfectly. Turns out, people just aren't as unique as they like to think. Everyone in a certain location or demographic will have similar thoughts or concerns because their lives centre around the same basic things. It's only when we get down to specifics that we find what separates people, and these spiritual mediums never really concern themselves with those.

That said, Sensing Murder was a pretty fun watch. :)

Also (skip to 1:50 or so if the video doesn't do it):

An example, the medium said to me "Who's mike?" who is my brother in Australia. She then said "He is with a woman from the orient isn't he?"

When she asked that question I had to say no, because at the time I thought he was single, but we found out over the new year he had been going out with a Japanese girl, so that was kind of interesting. She also told me to tell him to watch his arm, and in November he damaged his arm quite badly playing touch rugby and probably needs surgery. I'm happy to believe all of this could be a big coincidence at this point, don't get me wrong.

She also told me my mother would leave her job this year because of a workplace dispute, and she did. She also gave me the name of a girl and asked me if I knew her, I said no. My other brother got into a relationship with a girl with that name just recently, and it's not a very common name.

I'm still skeptical of course, but it was a very thought provoking experience, but it's in human nature to question things we can't prove. Ultimately know one knows for sure until the time comes.
"The orient"? Hahaha.

Can't really comment on the rest of it, but I can see how that would be convincing.
I will submit to my God and you guys can submit to whoever you want, just promise me guys when 1/3 of the population is raptured of all the Christians who put there faith in Jesus, you guys will follow Christ as he still gives you one last chance in those times. Dont deny him in those times if you choose christ in the end you will be shot or beheaded for your choice. Dont forget about me.

I'm sort of hoping I'm the anti-christ really, so I can CONTROL THE WORLD for a brief time.
I can't really tell if you're trolling or not, but do you honestly believe that what he's doing is "spiritual" in any way? Utter devotion to God is probably one of the more soul destroying things I can imagine.

Don't worry, that post was indeed for humour (Which apparently doesn't seem to exist anymore, so we'll just say trolling). Keep your pretentious articles, rabid shit-talking and 9th grade philosophy questions for someone who actually follows an organised religion. :)
Questions I have:

#1 Why am I here on this earth?
#2 Why did a Global flood happen?

Science Doesn't answer that Question.
I'm unsure what you mean by that first question. In a physical sense science can certainly provide theories as to how humans came into existence. If you mean a "purpose", I personally think its silly to look to others for your purpose on Earth. Ultimately you decide what your purpose in life is.
Questions I have:

#1 Why am I here on this earth?
#2 Why did a Global flood happen?

Science Doesn't answer that Question.

1: Your answer in life is something you and only you can decide.

2: Do you have any sources other than the bible that say there was a global flood? I recall reading that there was indeed a bad bad flood in the turkey/saudi arabia area way back when but it most certainly was not global. 'Global' to them was probably only a few hundred miles of land.

p.s. why is this thread still open? it's not going anywhere
So when did God make Dinosaurs? Because there is evidence they existed.
Heh, kind of nice.

Don't worry, that post was indeed for humour (Which apparently doesn't seem to exist anymore, so we'll just say trolling). Keep your pretentious articles, rabid shit-talking and 9th grade philosophy questions for someone who actually follows an organised religion. :)

Haha, okay man. In my defense, it's getting a little hard to judge whether or not you're joking. ;)

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BadHat! There's something different about you, did you get a haircut?
An example, the medium said to me "Who's mike?" who is my brother in Australia. She then said "He is with a woman from the orient isn't he?"

God, how specific!
That's only any person born fairly east of Europe, or currently living there! Only a billion plus people to choose from, what are the odds?
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