"You never accepted Jesus." - 'Ugly Betty' actor kills mother with samurai sword

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I am a saved christian He was not these are what we genuine christian call false conversions, Jesus wants us to love. that is not love what he did. He gives us real Christians a bad look. He right about repenting which we all do need to do according to God. Either Jesus is real or not I would rather put my trust in him and live a life that glorifies him then rather then live how I want and when I die find out he was real and spend eternity in Hell. Your choice ultimately God gives us free will, he love you he wishes no one to perish. Are you willing to gamble with your life? 50/50 chance. There is only 1 judge that will bring this greedy selfish sinfull world to true justice. Everyone has sinned no one is considered a good person in gods eyes. Think about it. I am not in a religion I am a follower of Christ thats it. Its a free gift too. I have been saved for 2 years now and life has been such a blessing through hard times and good times. God is always with me thats the hope that fills my heart. I am the same like you guys sinful, The only differance between me and you is I realized that i am sinful and in need of a savior. How can anyone look at the stars and all of creation and not believe that God put it all together. For every design there is a designer. His fingerprint is in all things. I talk to people a lot about my faith and play games too I'm a nice guy only cause God changed my heart to be more like him, yeah I struggle still with stuff but I am grieved and is changed by his spirit. Anyways I gotta get back to playing gothic 4 I'm trying to get better performance in SLI mode. Later guys
Just replying for fun now, feel free to ignore. :)

I am a saved christian He was not these are what we genuine christian call false conversions

What are you, the referee?

that is not love what he did. He gives us real Christians a bad look.

Fair enough. I think it unfair to judge someone based on his beliefs when his actions were obviously motivated by something else (same as blaming video games for a violent crime). However I do find it a little rich that some christians will so easily accept someone's personal circumstances in a case like this, and then fail to acknowledge their own personal reasons for being of faith. That being - location, upbringing, personal circumstances, etc. Draping all of this in the guise of "God's plan" doesn't really address all the countries in which christianity isn't a pervading religion, and therefore are full of unsaved souls fit for the roasting. And then there's the paradox of God having both a plan for us and granting us free will, but I'm not opening that can of worms.

Either Jesus is real or not I would rather put my trust in him and live a life that glorifies him then rather then live how I want and when I die find out he was real and spend eternity in Hell.

Pascal's Wager, huh? Personally, I'd rather live life according to my own beliefs, rather than lying to myself about something I have no reason to trust in. To each his own, I guess?

Oh, except the whole burning in hell forever part. Whoops.

Your choice ultimately God gives us free will, he love you he wishes no one to perish.

Not enough to do something about it, though. Omnipotent, indeed.

Are you willing to gamble with your life? 50/50 chance.

(If you ignore all those other icky religions which obviously aren't true because <insert self-refuting proof here>)

I am the same like you guys sinful, The only differance between me and you is I realized that i am sinful and in need of a savior.

This could also be expressed as "I realised I needed no savior but myself, and any promise of eternal life is ultimately empty and undesirable." But hey.

How can anyone look at the stars and all of creation and not believe that God put it all together.

Like this.


For every design there is a designer. His fingerprint is in all things.

Like disease and poverty? How about gay people? A certain other christian on this forum would argue against that.
Or the family and friends I have lost to cancer? oh right, God is just testing my will, of course, it all makes sense now.

and who made God?
Could God make a God so improbable, even he couldn't believe in it?
Or the family and friends I have lost to cancer? oh right, God is just testing my will, of course, it all makes sense now.

and who made God?
God is self existing, All the diseases and anything bad is from the original sin which came from adam and eve they screwed it up for all of us that why we suffer, death ect... there a lot i dont know i have a lot of questions of my own to ask God when I die and see him face to face. I have to keep the faith.

Could God make a God so improbable, even he couldn't believe in it?
God can do whatever he wants if thats what he wants to do he can do it no problem.

So what do you guys believe happens when you die?

Like disease and poverty? How about gay people? A certain other christian on this forum would argue against that.

The bible says god created made the earth and everything on the earth and it was GOOD, untill the 2 morons adam and eve ate that fruit that upset god and he says basically you want to disobey me then your gonna suffer for it. And we are, I am my mom did with her stroke and everyone. It makes sense if you believe the word of God if you dont its hard to explain it.
I don't know what else to say we will have to see what happens I guess. The video was pretty good but science saved me from religion? All this from nothing? It just doesn't makes sense to me. There is a God its not science though.
God is self existing, All the diseases and anything bad is from the original sin which came from adam and eve they screwed it up for all of us that why we suffer, death ect...


Why? How? I have never seen an adequate answer for these exceptionally simple questions.

So what do you guys believe happens when you die?

I don't "believe" anything happens when I die because I don't - and can't - know. But I guess accepting the inevitable is for suckers who don't want a free ride to God's magical lollipop kingdom.

Don't you think you're kind of skipping a step, though? To say that anything "happens" after death is to imply that we have a soul that can experience things apart from our physical form, but that hasn't been proven or quantified in any way, in fact the true nature of consciousness is still one of our greatest unsolved mysteries.
The bible says god created made the earth and everything on the earth and it was GOOD, untill the 2 morons adam and eve ate that fruit that upset god and he says basically you want to disobey me then your gonna suffer for it. And we are, I am my mom did with her stroke and everyone. It makes sense if you believe the word of God if you dont its hard to explain it.

The Fall of Man is actually moreso referring to the human choice of aligning their perceptive realities to morph and change according to their will, rather than the will of God. Such of which was acquired through the fruit of forbidden knowledge.

Calling Adam and Eve morons is silly, because they were tempted by a former Archangel, who proudly took the mantle of Sin Incarnate on his shoulders. If somebody is tricked and manipulated into doing something, does it hold them fully accountable? Eating the forbidden fruit also granted humanity all knowledge, good and evil.

Saying "Adam and Eve were morons they eat apples and now God hates us" is almost insultingly blunt for the story when it's supposed to establish two things in the Bible:

- Humanity's direct spiritual link to God is severed

- Though you can get it back (Thanks to the physical sacrifice of Christ)
After visiting psychics one on one, as well as seeing more famous mediums live I believe there is some kind of spiritual afterlife, but I don't believe there is any kind of religion to it. e.g I went to Sue Nicholsons live show earlier this year and she explained that there is no religion in the afterlife she communicates with, because religion causes wars and death etc...

I'm not saying that's what I believe, but after my personal experience I just can't not believe in something after death, but the whole 'God created the Earth' thing just escapes me. It seems very convenient to blame two individuals who were never proven to exist for everything bad that happens in the world.
After visiting psychics one on one, as well as seeing more famous mediums live I believe there is some kind of spiritual afterlife, but I don't believe there is any kind of religion to it. e.g I went to Sue Nicholsons live show earlier this year and she explained that there is no religion in the afterlife she communicates with, because religion causes wars and death etc...

I'm not saying that's what I believe, but after my personal experience I just can't not believe in something after death, but the whole 'God created the Earth' thing just escapes me. It seems very convenient to blame two individuals who were never proven to exist for everything bad that happens in the world.

Same thing for me, just replace "Psychics and mediums" with "Psychedelic Drugs and Black Magic"
That reminds me, I need to try an Ouija board...
All this from nothing? It just doesn't makes sense to me.
There cannot be just... nothing. There has to be something.

We have the universe. The universe must adhere to laws because it is something tangible, something material. It is not just an idea. It doesn't have a mind to change. Gravity just can't exist one day one way and completely stop working the next or something. The laws cannot change. The universe is not an idea, it's something tangible, therefore it must make sense.

I think one of the most compelling things about our universe is the opposites; it seems there is an opposite of everything. And why? Because, I think it's impossible for there not to be an opposite of these things. Take for example Negative and Positive, they are forces; one pulls and one pushes. Hot and cold temperatures.. I guess the only reason we have opposite forces in everything is because it is impossible to have one without the other.

I see religious people asking: how is everything so perfect then? Maybe it's like the universe has evolved, in a sense. If 'something' always existed, then it had infinite years to perfect itself. It's not alive, it doesn't have a mind, nor an agenda, but it's like when you throw a tight handful of mud, anything not close enough to the center is expelled and falls off. It has been shed. So if the universe is a mud-ball, any imperfections were shed by now. If they hadn't, if it wasn't perfect enough for life to exist, then we wouldn't be here to witness it.

In infinity, anything that can happen, will happen.

In 40 billion years, perhaps the universe will have collapsed on itself and eventually explode again (big bang); it's possible that it has always done that, and it will always do that, for infinity. Maybe life will exist again. Maybe exactly the same, maybe completely different, maybe never again. But with or without life, something, somewhere will continue to exist, because there has to be something (and it has to make sense).
Can God make an object so heavy that he cannot lift it?

I am a saved christian He was not these are what we genuine christian call false conversions, Jesus wants us to love. that is not love what he did. He gives us real Christians a bad look. He right about repenting which we all do need to do according to God. Either Jesus is real or not I would rather put my trust in him and live a life that glorifies him then rather then live how I want and when I die find out he was real and spend eternity in Hell. Your choice ultimately God gives us free will, he love you he wishes no one to perish. Are you willing to gamble with your life? 50/50 chance. There is only 1 judge that will bring this greedy selfish sinfull world to true justice. Everyone has sinned no one is considered a good person in gods eyes. Think about it. I am not in a religion I am a follower of Christ thats it. Its a free gift too. I have been saved for 2 years now and life has been such a blessing through hard times and good times. God is always with me thats the hope that fills my heart. I am the same like you guys sinful, The only differance between me and you is I realized that i am sinful and in need of a savior. How can anyone look at the stars and all of creation and not believe that God put it all together. For every design there is a designer. His fingerprint is in all things. I talk to people a lot about my faith and play games too I'm a nice guy only cause God changed my heart to be more like him, yeah I struggle still with stuff but I am grieved and is changed by his spirit. Anyways I gotta get back to playing gothic 4 I'm trying to get better performance in SLI mode. Later guys

so you're saying fear of eternal damnation is your only motivating factor
The bible says god created made the earth and everything on the earth and it was GOOD, untill the 2 morons adam and eve ate that fruit that upset god and he says basically you want to disobey me then your gonna suffer for it. And we are, I am my mom did with her stroke and everyone. It makes sense if you believe the word of God if you dont its hard to explain it.

So your all-loving God is actually a vindictive, bitter bastard that gave your mother a stroke, because of two people you never had any connection to?
Why would you want anything to do with this evil, callous, petty and vengeful monster?
Unfortunately its true, many people turn to religion out of fear, or merely just so they feel better about themselves, like a church service every Sunday and then they don't have to think about it again, which is just completely pointless. Although I'm not saying this applies to Alan0000, hence the asking of the question.
Unfortunately its true, many people turn to religion out of fear, or merely just so they feel better about themselves, like a church service every Sunday and then they don't have to think about it again, which is just completely pointless. Although I'm not saying this applies to Alan0000, hence the asking of the question.

self delusion; it's the basis of faith regardless of level of involvement in the religion. for some people it's a necessary part of their lives because it keeps them going. I think if there ever was a global announcement that they had proved without the shadow of a doubt the non existance of god suicide rates would skyrocket overnight
they would denied it and start a holy war against blasphemeres
If your life is full of suffering and sadness, you can kill yourself, and then God will have you experience that for eternity (which is infinitely longer than life on Earth will even be around). Wow, that's quite a punishment.

Where did this crazy rule book 'The Bible' come from? Someone who says that God spoke to him? Hey, I've met people like that from time to time. God spoke to George Bush as well.

What if you were being tortured every day for years on end. God would be angry if you took your life to end such suffering? Because suffering builds character in Heaven? Because your purpose in life was to be tortured?

Let's look at the universe and see if it is ridiculous and nonsensical...

Nope. It all makes sense and follows laws and rules that can be figured by using logic and math, and has nothing to do with human flaws, like God. Why does God (who is supposed to be perfect and has supposedly created this incredible universe) have so many petty character flaws?
thought this article on belief/faith was pretty relevant to this discussion:

Clearly, the appeal of blind faith has been part of human history since the earliest days of Babylonia. In the United States, however, we have taken this tendency to disturbing new heights. Emboldened by the sharp rise of rabid partisanship and the ubiquitous presence of mass media, Americans have come to be belief’s poster children: reactionary, emotional, and almost blissfully willing to ignore facts if they contradict a cemented position.

the article doesnt only examine religious belief but political as well. worth a read

My main problem with all Gods pushed by organized religions is that they... have a god complex. That is of course ignoring all the reasons to not believe in him in the first place. That's just my basis for ignoring him whether he's there or not.
sheepo said:
My main problem with all Gods pushed by organized religions is that they... have a god complex

which is odd because they're supposed to be above mortal emotions like greed and lust
Is it still down to lust if you impregnate a woman while in the form of a hail of gold pieces?
so you're saying fear of eternal damnation is your only motivating factor
That is a big one yes, but we have a gift that we can except which is free and he has promised us eternal life with him thats pretty awesome. His promise is the motivating factor as well. I mean Eternal life with God? who wouldn't want that.

So your all-loving God is actually a vindictive, bitter bastard that gave your mother a stroke, because of two people you never had any connection to?
Why would you want anything to do with this evil, callous, petty and vengeful monster?
We do have a connection with those two. I believe that God made man and man disobeyed God there fore we now live in a world that is falling apart, He will return to make things right agian the way he meant it to be. God was so good to give us this world but adam and eve did what they wanted thats why sin lingers in this world today. Trust in him and start a genuine relationship with him reading his word is a good start. going to church, reading the bible ect.. wont get anyone into heaven. It sabout having a relationship with the creator, out of love comes wanting to go to church and reading his word which is him in book form.

he loves you so much he wants you to suffer. sounds like an awesome god

Yes even in our sufferings we need him most its a way for God to build failth, scriptures say He who endures to the end will be saved. I go through tough times like anyone else here, we ask why god why me. Ultimately we can persevere cause he is with us even if we dont understand it at the time. God punishes those he love to draw them to him to call out when times are tough.

Can God make an object so heavy that he cannot lift it?
He can do whatever he wants but i don't think he will do that.

So your all-loving God is actually a vindictive, bitter bastard that gave your mother a stroke, because of two people you never had any connection to?
Why would you want anything to do with this evil, callous, petty and vengeful monster?

He is all loving and all about bringing trial in our live to see if we keep the faith my mom is stronger in her faith as a result of her love for the Lord Its insane she is paralized on her right side and the passion she has for God is encouraging. Once agian humans are the ones that disobeyed God as a result we suffer and we TRUE Christians understand this. Good news is he made a way out so we can live, step from darkness into light. I'm not perfect nor will I ever be but God changes me daily as I read HIs word and love on people as God loved me Displaying on the Cross. Dying for Human sins one and for all.

Unfortunately its true, many people turn to religion out of fear, or merely just so they feel better about themselves, like a church service every Sunday and then they don't have to think about it again, which is just completely pointless. Although I'm not saying this applies to Alan0000, hence the asking of the question.

I know many people that go to church just to check it off a list, READ the bible but never are transformed by the conviction it brings. I go to church read his word go to a group and fellowship out of love for him and wanting to build my relationship with God. Christianity is not a bunch of rules to follow it a growing relationship with God that steers your lifestyle into one thats pleasing to him and is a blessing in you own too. Such a peace in my heart to think that there is more than this life. Everyone is searching for something in there hearts its only when they are close to dieing people start changing the way they talk cause they are uncertain of what lies ahead.
but we have a gift that we can except which is free and he has promised us eternal life with him thats pretty awesome. His promise is the motivating factor as well. I mean Eternal life with God? who wouldn't want that.
This is all very hilarious to ordinary people.

What will you be doing with God, just hanging out? Eternal life playing badminton in clouds, with golden rackets and a harp strumming band? At least Muslims get 72 virgins, so you know what you'll be doing. I think Christianity needs to update their pamphlets to include electric guitars at least. Who listens to harp music?

God punishes those he love to draw them to him to call out when times are tough.
According to Kelvin Cruikshank, A medium from the show 'Sensing Murder' here in New Zealand, After our deaths we create our own heaven, fill it with our own desires, build it to our will. I believe this theory more than the idea that we 'spend eternity with God in Heaven' because at the two live shows of Kelvin's I have been to I believe I have seen so much more evidence of that afterlife then I have of any idea written in the bible.

Not one spirit that these mediums commune with mention God, Simply and afterlife where there is no 'higher powers' or 'rulers'.
Lets say He is who he says he is and is going to do what he says he going to do. What then? There IS a chance that he was real and walked the earth and will return in the future are we gonna wait and see? His word says Today is the day for salvation. Don't wait when its too late guys, He still allows us to breath today but there is no guarantee for tomorrow. Its a chance I cant take.

This is all very hilarious to ordinary people.

What will you be doing with God, just hanging out? Eternal life playing badminton in clouds, with golden rackets and a harp strumming band? At least Muslims get 72 virgins, so you know what you'll be doing. I think Christianity needs to update their pamphlets to include electric guitars at least. Who listens to harp music?

lol Heaven is nothing we can imagine with our little minds. people think heaven is harps and little angels flying around dancing and singing thats what this world has us to believe just like Hell is a place where the devil is a red dude with a tail and a pitch fork lol, We joke ohh im gonna have a beer when i go to hell and talk with my buddies and have fun, Its nothing like that.

What does the Beast look like?

When Satan comes to earth in a visible body he will be glorious, impressive, attractive and charismatic.

People will recognize that he is stronger and more majestic than a mere human being. People will be convinced by their senses that Satan is God. The book of Revelation calls him the beast.

The beast will speak in a melodious voice and he will have friendly, loving eyes. He will be gentle and kind. His appearance will dazzle and charm people. He will be extremely powerful.

“And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” Revelation 13:1

When Satan comes to earth looking like God and claiming to be God, he will have seven symbolic heads. Each head will have a blasphemous name.

Blasphemy is claiming to be God when you aren’t God. Satan will claim to be God even though he is not God. He will give himself seven names that are variations of God’s name.

The 10 horns that the beast has are 10 of Satan’s leading demons. These 10 demons will be kings and rule with Satan. This is why each of them is wearing a crown.
Have I posted this yet? I don't think so, but now with the bullshit talk about spirits and mediums, it seems more appropriate than ever:


Lets say He is who he says he is and is going to do what he says he going to do. What then? There IS a chance that he was real and walked the earth and will return in the future are we gonna wait and see? His word says Today is the day for salvation. Don't wait when its too late guys, He still allows us to breath today but there is no guarantee for tomorrow. Its a chance I cant take.

That might be, but Allah is losing his shit with you for worshiping Jesus instead of the True Prophet, Muhammad. I mean, sure, Allah likes Jesus just fine, but he's no Muhammad, yet you defy him by ignoring the One True Prophet. Sucking dicks in hell for you, it is, I'm afraid.
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