You racist bigot!

So? A book's a pretty small target to hit with a plane.
The judges criticised the stereotyping in the story of the unfortunate pigs: "Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?"

Good god seriously. My question is, where are these judges from. Surely not from a Muslim country, I don't remember reading any reference of that as such. Can you imagine if the the Muslims protest over the fact that the Judges had taken Islam too seriously and had banned such stories. I would be laughing my ass off..
Can someone clarify why pigs are offensive to Muslims exactly? It's not like the pigs get eaten by men in the story, and they aren't a sacred animal.
The general shitty way of things during the empire aside, certain national characteristics like not bending over and opening wide for a 3% national minority are things I envy of my ancestors.

Theres being fair then theres just shitting all over the faces of your native majority population to please a few ****ing idiots who use their religion like some use race to bitch and moan and get what they want.

Stop it. Stop caving in to unreasonable demands, stop acting like a ****ing graduate of Neville chamberlain Uni, stop being big douches who come across as being mind controlled by idiots, stop showing complete lack of self respect and respect for the rest of the country, stop it stop it stop it.

The general shitty way of things during the empire aside, certain national characteristics like not bending over and opening wide for a 3% national minority are things I envy of my ancestors.

Theres being fair then theres just shitting all over the faces of your native majority population to please a few ****ing idiots who use their religion like some use race to bitch and moan and get what they want.

Stop it. Stop caving in to unreasonable demands, stop acting like a ****ing graduate of Neville chamberlain Uni, stop being big douches who come across as being mind controlled by idiots, stop showing complete lack of self respect and respect for the rest of the country, stop it stop it stop it.


you mean construction workers and asians?

CptStern said:
btw, The article also says that they claim it could "alienate parts of the workforce (building trade)", and that they had "concerns about the Asian community"

yet not a single person mentioned their outrage that construction workers might be offended

you see what you want to see

surely you didnt just target muslims in your tirade because that would only be 1/3 of those they identified as possibly being offended're not selective in your condemnation based on culture/religion are you? because that would be highly ironical ..ironically, ironical ..oh the ironicallity of it all!!!
surely you didnt just target muslims in your tirade because that would only be 1/3 of those they identified as possibly being offended're not selective in your condemnation based on culture/religion are you? because that would be highly ironical ..ironically, ironical ..oh the ironicallity of it all!!!

Did you just respond to yourself?? o_O
no, nurizeko ..I just used my earlier quote to illustrate a point
The general shitty way of things during the empire aside, certain national characteristics like not bending over and opening wide for a 3% national minority are things I envy of my ancestors.

Theres being fair then theres just shitting all over the faces of your native majority population to please a few ****ing idiots who use their religion like some use race to bitch and moan and get what they want.

Stop it. Stop caving in to unreasonable demands, stop acting like a ****ing graduate of Neville chamberlain Uni, stop being big douches who come across as being mind controlled by idiots, stop showing complete lack of self respect and respect for the rest of the country, stop it stop it stop it.


This country has lost its spirit, its backbone. This kind of bullshit is merely an indicator of a much more ingrained and perverse problem.
It manifests itself in everything from politics to leisure time to personal finance to attitudes.
People used to value their freedom, and individuality - they would guard and protect it fiercely. Nowadays, people don't even know what these things are. They'll happily be robbed of all their freedoms to maintain a sense of security or status quo (ie. not upsetting anybody). That's merely one aspect. They'll not bat an eyelid that people accused of petty motoring offences must under penalty of law incriminate themselves, in direct contravention of everything that justice and democracy stands for. On the subject of ID cards and surveillance that the USSR would be envious of, they say only that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
People are perfectly happy to spend their lives in servitude to an employer, doing whatever they're told and not thinking for themselves. The debt crisis in this country is but a consequence of noone taking responsibility for their own lives - does noone think to save money, to plan for their future, to create their own destiny?
I work for myself now and I will never, ever look back. But very few people even seem to acknowledge self-employment as an option - people are brought up and educated to work for someone else. People are not taught how to be entrepreneurs, they are taught nothing of personal finance or investment. Yet if you invested 80 pounds a week into the stock market for 10 years at the average rate of return, you would be a millionaire.
And these same people are perfectly happy to spend all their money on consumer goods to brainlessly amuse themselves with outside of work - the idiot box, the DVD player, facebook...
The government in this country is a bully, verging on outright totalitarianism in certain cases - and yet nobody cares. They even vote for the arseholes.
In the past, taking risks was respected and admired. Successful people were respected and admired. Nowadays, people look down their nose at people who take risks and successful people.
People have no self-respect, they don't take charge of their own destiny, they expect everyone else to lay it all out for them and don't care about their rights so long as their comfortable lives of servitude are protected. So long as their own self-absorbed, monotonous routine of wage slavery and purchased happiness is maintained, nothing else matters.

It saddens me the depths to which our society has sunk in recent years.
Can someone clarify why pigs are offensive to Muslims exactly? It's not like the pigs get eaten by men in the story, and they aren't a sacred animal.

Because they are idiots. Islam and Judaism both preach this stupidity. Pigs are no different than any other animal... and the only logic provided with why pigs are unclean is because they have uncloven hooves and don't ruminate. It's idiocy.

Pigs are very clean animals when given the opportunity to do so, and the reason they do enjoy mud is not because they like being filthy, because the mud protects them from insects and the sun. This is the same reason other animals such as elephants enjoy mud as well, and prefer to cake themselves in it. They shield themselves from the environment in the same way that we use pesticides to protect us from mosquitoes or sunglasses and sunscreen to prevent harmful UV radiation from destroying our vision and skin.
This country has lost its spirit, its backbone. This kind of bullshit is merely an indicator of a much more ingrained and perverse problem.
It manifests itself in everything from politics to leisure time to personal finance to attitudes.
People used to value their freedom, and individuality - they would guard and protect it fiercely. Nowadays, people don't even know what these things are. They'll happily be robbed of all their freedoms to maintain a sense of security or status quo (ie. not upsetting anybody). That's merely one aspect. They'll not bat an eyelid that people accused of petty motoring offences must under penalty of law incriminate themselves, in direct contravention of everything that justice and democracy stands for. On the subject of ID cards and surveillance that the USSR would be envious of, they say only that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
People are perfectly happy to spend their lives in servitude to an employer, doing whatever they're told and not thinking for themselves. The debt crisis in this country is but a consequence of noone taking responsibility for their own lives - does noone think to save money, to plan for their future, to create their own destiny?
I work for myself now and I will never, ever look back. But very few people even seem to acknowledge self-employment as an option - people are brought up and educated to work for someone else. People are not taught how to be entrepreneurs, they are taught nothing of personal finance or investment. Yet if you invested 80 pounds a week into the stock market for 10 years at the average rate of return, you would be a millionaire.
And these same people are perfectly happy to spend all their money on consumer goods to brainlessly amuse themselves with outside of work - the idiot box, the DVD player, facebook...
The government in this country is a bully, verging on outright totalitarianism in certain cases - and yet nobody cares. They even vote for the arseholes.
In the past, taking risks was respected and admired. Successful people were respected and admired. Nowadays, people look down their nose at people who take risks and successful people.
People have no self-respect, they don't take charge of their own destiny, they expect everyone else to lay it all out for them and don't care about their rights so long as their comfortable lives of servitude are protected. So long as their own self-absorbed, monotonous routine of wage slavery and purchased happiness is maintained, nothing else matters.

It saddens me the depths to which our society has sunk in recent years.

This. There is far more to add. Y'know those new energy bills? My parents can only just scrape through (my dads retired). I know someone who has to choose between heating, shopping and electricity. Its ****ing ridiculous.
Good lord, you would think they have more important things to worry about than this.
This country has lost its spirit, its backbone. This kind of bullshit is merely an indicator of a much more ingrained and perverse problem.
It manifests itself in everything from politics to leisure time to personal finance to attitudes.
People used to value their freedom, and individuality - they would guard and protect it fiercely. Nowadays, people don't even know what these things are. They'll happily be robbed of all their freedoms to maintain a sense of security or status quo (ie. not upsetting anybody). That's merely one aspect. They'll not bat an eyelid that people accused of petty motoring offences must under penalty of law incriminate themselves, in direct contravention of everything that justice and democracy stands for. On the subject of ID cards and surveillance that the USSR would be envious of, they say only that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
People are perfectly happy to spend their lives in servitude to an employer, doing whatever they're told and not thinking for themselves. The debt crisis in this country is but a consequence of noone taking responsibility for their own lives - does noone think to save money, to plan for their future, to create their own destiny?
I work for myself now and I will never, ever look back. But very few people even seem to acknowledge self-employment as an option - people are brought up and educated to work for someone else. People are not taught how to be entrepreneurs, they are taught nothing of personal finance or investment. Yet if you invested 80 pounds a week into the stock market for 10 years at the average rate of return, you would be a millionaire.
And these same people are perfectly happy to spend all their money on consumer goods to brainlessly amuse themselves with outside of work - the idiot box, the DVD player, facebook...
The government in this country is a bully, verging on outright totalitarianism in certain cases - and yet nobody cares. They even vote for the arseholes.
In the past, taking risks was respected and admired. Successful people were respected and admired. Nowadays, people look down their nose at people who take risks and successful people.
People have no self-respect, they don't take charge of their own destiny, they expect everyone else to lay it all out for them and don't care about their rights so long as their comfortable lives of servitude are protected. So long as their own self-absorbed, monotonous routine of wage slavery and purchased happiness is maintained, nothing else matters.

It saddens me the depths to which our society has sunk in recent years.

You and me both, man.
This country has lost its spirit, its backbone. This kind of bullshit is merely an indicator of a much more ingrained and perverse problem.
It manifests itself in everything from politics to leisure time to personal finance to attitudes.
People used to value their freedom, and individuality - they would guard and protect it fiercely. Nowadays, people don't even know what these things are. They'll happily be robbed of all their freedoms to maintain a sense of security or status quo (ie. not upsetting anybody). That's merely one aspect. They'll not bat an eyelid that people accused of petty motoring offences must under penalty of law incriminate themselves, in direct contravention of everything that justice and democracy stands for. On the subject of ID cards and surveillance that the USSR would be envious of, they say only that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
People are perfectly happy to spend their lives in servitude to an employer, doing whatever they're told and not thinking for themselves. The debt crisis in this country is but a consequence of noone taking responsibility for their own lives - does noone think to save money, to plan for their future, to create their own destiny?
I work for myself now and I will never, ever look back. But very few people even seem to acknowledge self-employment as an option - people are brought up and educated to work for someone else. People are not taught how to be entrepreneurs, they are taught nothing of personal finance or investment. Yet if you invested 80 pounds a week into the stock market for 10 years at the average rate of return, you would be a millionaire.
And these same people are perfectly happy to spend all their money on consumer goods to brainlessly amuse themselves with outside of work - the idiot box, the DVD player, facebook...
The government in this country is a bully, verging on outright totalitarianism in certain cases - and yet nobody cares. They even vote for the arseholes.
In the past, taking risks was respected and admired. Successful people were respected and admired. Nowadays, people look down their nose at people who take risks and successful people.
People have no self-respect, they don't take charge of their own destiny, they expect everyone else to lay it all out for them and don't care about their rights so long as their comfortable lives of servitude are protected. So long as their own self-absorbed, monotonous routine of wage slavery and purchased happiness is maintained, nothing else matters.

It saddens me the depths to which our society has sunk in recent years.

:upstare: ..this is a school board making a decision that affects 3-6 year olds, it is not evidence of the decline of western civilization as you so alamringly suggest ..the ONLY reason this got any international media is because of one third of those identified that MIGHT be offended: muslims evidenced by not a single person complaining that construction workers and asians are too easily offended ..or MIGHT be easily offended
:upstare: ..this is a school board making a decision that affects 3-6 year olds, it is not evidence of the decline of western civilization as you so alamringly suggest ..the ONLY reason this got any international media is because of one third of those identified that MIGHT be offended: muslims evidenced by not a single person complaining that construction workers and asians are too easily offended ..or MIGHT be easily offended

I didn't say it was "evidence of the decline of western civilisation", I said it was "merely an indicator" of a much greater problem. Try reading. :rolleyes:
yes I realise that it's not your only evidence however I still stick by my point that this isnt an indicator as you put it boards restrict everything from literature to clothing worn at school, it's their perogative to serve the needs of the community as a whole ..that means being sensitive to people's culture/ideology/lifestyle choice ..this is nothing new

again had it not been for the word "muslim" this wouldnt be news ..besides the ridiculousness of offending construction workers ..which is by far the funniest/weirdest point in the article ..yet no one mentions it
What RepiV is saying is that they have come to this country. Nobody invited them, but we welcomed them and gave them homes and food. But rather than adapt to the culture, they try and force their islamic culture on our own, quite secular culture. They are in no position to make demands for us to change our ways.
There is nothing offensive about a pig.


Because it's just a ****ing pig.

If a particular culture can't handle the image of them because of superstitious religious reasons (which shouldn't be catered to), then they should tough it out IMO. Basing your decisions regarding the education system on account of a minority's absurd beliefs goes against the principle of what it should be trying to achieve.
There is nothing offensive about a pig.


Because it's just a ****ing pig.

If a particular culture can't handle the image of them because of superstitious religious reasons (which shouldn't be catered to), then they should tough it out IMO. Basing your decisions regarding the education system on account of a minority's absurd beliefs goes against the principle of what it should be trying to achieve.

which is what exactly? remember they're 3-6 year olds ..that we shouldnt respect other people's beliefs? "oh why cant Yahuda celebrate christmas like the rest of us? who cares about stupid harmonicas anyways" you really think 3-6 year olds think political ideology or nationalism or anything besides the fact that they're not included

I think the problem is that with some people when it comes to those people they think from here <stern points to chest> instead of here <points at head>

Atomic Piggy said:
What RepiV is saying is that they have come to this country.

who? the construction workers? why is this a thread on muslims? they're only 1/3 of the equation
One need not censor pigs from literature in order to make Muslims feel included. Remember how we talked about healthy cultural diversity and its basis in tolerating differences? What better a time to make this apparent than around such a young age?

Or we could coddle this insensitivity shit for the next few decades, if you really want to.
What RepiV is saying is that they have come to this country. Nobody invited them, but we welcomed them and gave them homes and food. But rather than adapt to the culture, they try and force their islamic culture on our own, quite secular culture. They are in no position to make demands for us to change our ways.

While that's quite true, what I was actually saying in this case was that this is simply one of many consequences of British people being such ****ing spineless pussies nowadays.
My comment had nothing to do with Muslims and everything to do with the fact that our national mindset has become a more fitting target for jokes about the French than the French could ever hope to be. Jeez, this country is practically run by health and safety consultants.
One need not censor pigs from literature in order to make Muslims feel included. Remember how we talked about healthy cultural diversity and its basis in tolerating differences? What better a time to make this apparent than around such a young age?

by limiting diversity? how does that teach anything? I dont know the specifics but if Johnny construction worker didnt want his son in reading class because they're reading the 3 little pigs ..that isnt catering to the diverse audience of the community ..that doesnt mean that they dont go to riduclous lengths to be inclusionary but that's their particlar decision; it is not the norm

and again, this has nothing to do with political or philisophical ideology at least as in who the target audience is because it would go right over their heads anyways dont see in black red yellow and white, christian jew muslim or pastafarian

Or we could coddle this insensitivity shit for the next few decades, if you really want to.

slippery slope, this one example does not make a trend ..if you want to talk about the broader ramifications start another thread, because this isnt solely targeting muslims but asians and construction workers
by limiting diversity?

Uhh... Have I missed something here? The display of pigs in this literature has been deemed unacceptable, and has therefore been censored. Who's limiting diversity here?

how does that teach anything? I dont know the specifics but if Johnny construction worker didnt want his son in reading class because they're reading the 3 little pigs ..that isnt catering to the diverse audience of the community ..that doesnt mean that they dont go to riduclous lengths to be inclusionary but that's their particlar decision; it is not the norm

Well, then I guess he's just being abusive by depriving his children of an education over this bullshit, isn't he?

and again, this has nothing to do with political or philisophical ideology at least as in who the target audience is because it would go right over their heads anyways dont see in black red yellow and white, christian jew muslim or pastafarian

Yes, and? I know that. But children exposed to material without religiously-imposed restrictions in an educational environment will see that everybody else is treated the same way. It's not exclusionary to Muslims if it's a standard. Children are capable of understanding this, and if there's any chaffing in the process, it should be the responsibility of the school and the parents to sort it out. Not just sidestep it with a ban that affects everybody else.

You won't have Harry Potter banned for Christian concerns. You won't do the same with The Three Little Pigs for Muslims. Or at least that's how it should be.

slippery slope, this one example does not make a trend ..if you want to talk about the broader ramifications start another thread, because this isnt solely targeting muslims but asians and construction workers

It certainly is part of a trend. Maybe not strictly educationally, but there is indeed an overarching one that is affecting numerous European countries. Misguided sympathy, fear, or both grips many people when it comes to Muslims. Things like this are an example of the exceptions granted to Islam.
While that's quite true, what I was actually saying in this case was that this is simply one of many consequences of British people being such ****ing spineless pussies nowadays.
My comment had nothing to do with Muslims and everything to do with the fact that our national mindset has become a more fitting target for jokes about the French than the French could ever hope to be. Jeez, this country is practically run by health and safety consultants.

Ah well, I still wouldn't disagree with you.