You suck. -2 points.


Jun 23, 2005
Reaction score
Would it be a good idea if we could rate people? Like, go into their profile and they've got this bar- I guess we could call it the awesome bar. And then, if you wanted, you could go in and add points or take away points, and then everyone would know how awesome you are.

Yeah, it'd be easy to spam someone into the ground. Maybe you'd have to have a reason to pointify somebody, have like a drop-down list or something. Have a maximum of two or three at a time.

Yeah, it's a lot of work for something completely unnecessary, and maybe not even possible in this kind of message board. But for like, some other really nerdy forum, would it be fun?
Similar to a reputation/kudos system. I like it, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it being implemented here.
Maybe on individual posts like in other forums, but not on people. That would turn it into a popularity contest. Also two people fighting amongst themselves would just lead to a modding down war.

I wouldn't care that much if it did happen to be implemented, however. And I'm not new. Not really. So there.
the garrysmod forums have some weird rating system iirc
Yes, but if I managed to stay away from the Gmod forums for my whole life, that would be awesome.
the garrysmod forums have some weird rating system iirc
It's actually kind of neat, there are a variety of awards you can give someone depending on how they helped you.

Rep systems usually have as many downs as they do ups (if you'll excuse the pun) and it's been debated before.
What if we made the only selectable options positive things?
Have, "Agreed with" "Smart" "Funny" "Interesting" "Insightful" etc? People give awards based on those criteria, and then the person gets a tag that displays the most common; "This user is smart" or "This user is helpful" or "This user gets sechs", once a minimum of maybe 6 or so votes go through for the same thing.
I'm all for it, I think it would just be a spark of something new and interesting to the forum. Glad to see a moderator is into the idea for once.
reputation systems are stupid, all they do is end up giving points to people who post a lot and a group of off topic forumites who give each other rep in order to increase their e-penis. Personally I don't care but when people are listening to posts more than others just because of reputation then it gets dumb. And yes I'm aware that I have no friends and wouldn't get any reputation :)
Personally, I think you should be able to rate individual posts. Then maybe you can press a button to "Skim" all the highly rated posts, to get the high-points of the debate.
Popularity contest.

Give me an R!

Give me an  A!

Give me a     Z!

Give me an      I!

Give me an        A!

Give me an          A!

Give me an            R!

What's that spell? Raziaar!
Personally, I think you should be able to rate individual posts. Then maybe you can press a button to "Skim" all the highly rated posts, to get the high-points of the debate.

Yeah, but in most cases, it's not who makes the best points, but who the majority agree with. Not always good.

Mod +1 Raziaar :p
I think a user should be able to enable it.

(Really Sweet Idea!)
Have a rating system of only good comments. Like:
HL2 Fanatic!
Or just use your imagination! It seems like a fun/quirky idea, but I wouldn't bother with it. Also clicky groups may be silly with it. Not entirely sure how to avoid that.
reputation systems are stupid, all they do is end up giving points to people who post a lot and a group of off topic forumites who give each other rep in order to increase their e-penis. Personally I don't care but when people are listening to posts more than others just because of reputation then it gets dumb. And yes I'm aware that I have no friends and wouldn't get any reputation :)

This man speaks the truth. Rep systems are stupid bad stupid bad bad stupid ideas, especially on a forum with well established "oldbies".
Rating individual posts is pointless IMO, and rep systems just lead to abuse.
It's stupid, people would start whoring it blah blah blah

Never gonna happen
i like the idea but i don't think it will happen primarily because i can think of several people off the top of my head who will start messing around with it immediately
i like the idea but i don't think it will happen primarily because i can think of several people off the top of my head who will start messing around with it immediately
Then don't let them... If you abuse the system you don't get to use it, simple as.
Maybe only to rate someone positively, but not negatively.
That works too.

It would be good if with each rep you write a comment explaining why you repped, that way you could tell if someone is abusing it.
I think a "Thank-you" reputation would be good, like Kirovman said, no negative.

So you can "Thank" people for good posts, which is like +1 to their rep, yo.
What if we made the only selectable options positive things?
Have, "Agreed with" "Smart" "Funny" "Interesting" "Insightful" etc? People give awards based on those criteria, and then the person gets a tag that displays the most common; "This user is smart" or "This user is helpful" or "This user gets sechs", once a minimum of maybe 6 or so votes go through for the same thing.
I think that's a good idea actually. I've lost count of the times someone has said something that made me laugh out loud and I never pointed that out to them. You could have a cataloguing system behind it, where you can look up the forum's (supposedly) funniest posts. Could help explain fads to people as well.
I agree with Mr. Vodka and Mutley, as well as Bliink.
Shoutwire has it to where you can rate posts, and if a post hits a certain negative number, it gets "buried"...which means it gets turned into a link you have to click to view the post. I thought that was decent, since it would be spammers and flamers who would get teh negative, and you wouldn't have to worry about viewing it!
Shoutwire has it to where you can rate posts, and if a post hits a certain negative number, it gets "buried"...which means it gets turned into a link you have to click to view the post. I thought that was decent, since it would be spammers and flamers who would get teh negative, and you wouldn't have to worry about viewing it!
I'm not sure we have enough of a problem with spammers/flamers to need to hide posts.
Spammers? Flamers? I get the feeling that the administration is pretty lenient around here... yet if anything gets out of hand, they just delete it. +2 points.
I like the idea of the ability to rate people positively, but I don't really see a point to it either than to inflate e-penor.
ennui is already huge
Well, what's wrong with inflating your e-penis? We the people of the westen world require our e-penii to be as grotesquely overwhelming as our real ones.

Oh, and Numbers' too.
I have mentioned this idea in a previous post about ideas for the forum. The response was similar to this post as in, Quote "Not going to happen I'm afraid." I myself think that it would cut down on the spamming in a way. But also the infraction system is also good. Also there could be un-needed problems with that rep. system that could be avoided EX: Spamming the rep system just to give someone good or bad remarks. Or people creating new accounts and giving their old accounts good rep points. Basically what I am trying to say is that things are going good right now so why don't we just keep it this way.
On the psp forums they have virtual UMDs that you get for posting, donating, creating topics, spaming etc, and they have little inventories that you can use your UMDs to buy games, accessories, psps, etc, it's kind of neat.

For making a topic it's like 5 UMDs, for posting it's 1, and so on.

Sometimes people make contests where you can win items for your inventory that would cost for example 10,000 UMDs to buy from the virtual store, but in the contest you give a person 1000 UMDs for the chance to win the item. It'd be cool here for HL2 stuff.
How many topics are on those forums? 78422265432?
What about custom titles? I want to be "Ace Masta Shake" Instead of poision headcrab. Peez?
How many topics are on those forums? 78422265432?
What about custom titles? I want to be "Ace Masta Shake" Instead of poision headcrab. Peez?

Never going to happen. People will abuse it and it's another thing to moderate.
I have to deal with content mostly! Moderating isn't my real role, but I do it to help the cause when I can. *saluts* But seriously, signature lengths are constantly being ignored and reinforced & titles would be subject to abuse of what they say. Also the rank ones are nice :D (OK, there's a tiny bit of laziness).
Actually, all he's required to do is moan and pretend he's writing something.
I refuse to be bitchy about other staff, I am above that. :)