You think you've been waiting longer than you have.

I knew about Half-Life 2 in 2000. All the magazines were under an NDA and the editor of PCG let slip on accident ;)
Rossell said:
I knew about Half-Life 2 in 2000. All the magazines were under an NDA and the editor of PCG let slip on accident ;)

do you think that's why he left?
What I like is people telling me what I have been thinking. Tell you something. Everytime a new "engine" or game came out I would be thinking wouldnt it be cool if Valve...... Everytime a new mod or expansion pack came I would think wouldnt it be cool if Valve..... And ever since I finished it (HL1) I ALWAYS thought wouldnt it be cool if Valve........

So please do not assume you know how long I or anyone else has been "waiting" for a sequel.

Maybe the thought never crossed you mind.

Just like Duke if they mentioned for the first time today I could say I have been waiting for it since I kiked that ugly aliens butt on the football field........and thats a long time.
I am setting a strict SUMMER only buy policy. If they Try to buy time till the holiday season I WILL BE SO MAD. That November date scares me a little.

Do they really think they can make us wait even longer just so they can get more of the All'mighty DOLLAR? And I think that they could slip it by you guys and you wouldn't care.

Oh man. I have been waiting longer than I ever had to for any form of entertainment. Speaking of DNF and DOOM3 fans, have you guys played doom3? If that's what they get after so many years, I can't imagine how fruitless our wait will seem.

I am just worn down. Who wants to guess what the next hype tactic will be?
wonkers said:
I am setting a strict SUMMER only buy policy.

does that mean if they release the game in November, you'll only buy it next summer? you have a long time to wait dude. :dozey:
Hey at least this isn't Duke Nukem Forever, which has been M.I.A. since early 2001.
razorblade kiss said:
But people have been waiting even before Valve announced it. We knew there would be a sequel. :) we're magic.

Rgr. There had to be a sequel. Been waiting since 1999. :devil: