YOU write the ending...


Jun 6, 2003
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vader146 said:
just thought what should happen at the very end of the last HL game ever made (whenever they do that). Gordan should say something, just something simple like 'It's finally over.'

:x boring :x

make your own meaningful/powerful/stupid/anticlimatic ending to the Half-Life saga right here! :naughty:

...and as Gordon climbed to the top of the structure, a distant cheering could be heard. Finally he found an opening high above the ground. As he emerged into the sunlight the cheering surged, the noise and bright light assailing his senses, forcing him to pause. Everywhere smoke billowed from the ruins. Behind Gordon lay a trail of destruction, cut deep and wide and littered with the bodies of his enemies; a trail he had begun at Black Mesa and now, finally, had ended. The cheering surged again and before him a crowd began to coalesce. Faces he knew and recognised from long ago and faces he had only just met were stretched out below; his triumph over the dark evil in their shouts; their hands, cut and blackened from the ultimate battle, clenched in victory and stretched out towards him.

Gordon glanced at Alyx, who had come to stand behind him. She returned the look with a smile but said nothing. Slowly, he slipped his arm from the strap on the weapon and let it fall to the ground. The crowd fell quiet. Looked towards the horizon, his eyes gazing into the distance, Gordon thought of the about the wonders and terrors he had seen, the fear and excitement he had endured, the people he had known and lost. His thoughts stretched out through time and space and existence: finally the puzzle was complete and the pieces made sense.

A voice cried out: "Quiet! He's going to say something!” Silence fell over those gathered there: To them, this man was more than a brother in arms; he was their champion, a hero of humanity. This moment would be written in the annals human history; told for generations; immortalised in eternity. Gordon lowered his gaze to the crowd, his eyes searching for the right thing to say. After the longest pause imaginable, he spoke:

ehm? where did you get that quote from? wrong button i guess ^^
I think HL should end with the Gman offering Gordon pie or cheese.
Gordon wakes up in bed. He sighs. "Oh it was all a dream!" He turns to find the G-man in bed next to him and he screams "OR WAS IT????"
At the very end, Gordon is piloting some craft, is hit and as he goes down he says "oh ****..." the end.
I think the HL saga should end with the Gman offering Gordon pie or cheese.

It should end with you seeing Gordan complete HL at a computer, before he says 'Woah thank god i finished that, it was so cliched' and then you see him reach for the Doom 3 box!!
Gordon going to the top of the combine tower, kicking Breen in the balls and then banging Alyx on Breen's desk.
RoguePsi said:
I think the HL saga should end with the Gman offering Gordon pie or cheese.


GMan: "It's time to choose, Mr Freeeeman."
HL2 should end like this:

Alyx and Gordon fall in love and get married, and she gets pregnant. 9 months later, shocking everyone around her, she gives birth to a headcrab. She appologizes to Gordon, as he mutters, "how could you?"

Andy said:
Gordon lowered his gaze to the crowd, his eyes searching for the right thing to say. After the longest pause imaginable, he spoke:

"I need a beer."
.....Sorry people gotz to go get me some tonight, c'mon Alyx let's go increase the population *as a chorus of porno music parades them off the stage* :naughty:
The End?
Andy said:
Gordon lowered his gaze to the crowd, his eyes searching for the right thing to say. After the longest pause imaginable, he spoke:[/I]


"Let's see Duke do THAT!"
everyone dies except gordon who is now the ruler of the world..
Andy said:
Gordon lowered his gaze to the crowd, his eyes searching for the right thing to say. After the longest pause imaginable, he spoke:

"They don't teach you that at MIT!"
I think it should end with Gordon just about to difuse a bomb that is set to destroy the whole world. At the last possible second he's about to hit the last button in the sequence to disarm it. As his finger descends to the last digit he pauses and says, "Aw, f*ck it!"


The end.
*Sound of the alarm clock*
"Gordon wakes up as a three year old"

GPRT said:
It should end with you seeing Gordan complete HL at a computer, before he says 'Woah thank god i finished that, it was so cliched' and then you see him reach for the Doom 3 box!!

Then you slap him and quickly get a few rounds in him.
End of story.

But... if you shot Gordon.. Then who the hell are you?

It's here the 4th in the series comes in.. "Hordon Freeman - Who is he?".
The explosion is magnificant, throwing you out the window of the extremely tall Combine citadel. You fall as the Citadel explodes in a magnificant explosion moving from the top to bottom. The screen then turns to a sharp part of the Citadel below, right before you hit it...the screen fades white then black.

All of a sudden you see the G-Man holding a remote control with Alyx in a glass container with a large bomb inside.

:GMAN: Nicely done, Mr. Freeman, you have impressed meeeeee very much..... unfortunately, my plan didn't go as I..err planned....see, while I wanted you to *exterminate* Dr. Breen and the Combine, I wanted the Citadel intact....and as we can both see

*You turn around and look in the background at crashing and burning Citadels*

:GMAN: That is not the case... but, I am willing to offer you something you can't refuse...

*You look at Alyx inside the large glass container*

:GMAN: Yes.... ironic isn't it Mr. Freeman, how each of your....adventures have led to a difficult decision.....but I am certain now that you will make the right one.... seeeee Mr. Freeman, the Citadels had some technology that myself and my........errmmm well, just myself....needs...Luckily for me, the Combine still have control of another remote city, and word is, they have what I need.... soooooooo Mr. Freeman, if you want to give up and let your friend here die, just walk on out the door....if you don't want your friend to die, walk right through this portal and I'll see you up ahead.................

:Alyx: could you? I thought you ca.... *a bright light appears within the glass container and as the light goes away, the inside of the glass container is splattered with blood*


As you get near the portal, about 20 or so soldiers you haven't seen before rush into the room, they open fire on the GMAN but he is protected by some invisible shield.

:GMAN: Go on Mr. Freeman, I will take care of these...amateurs

*You walk through portal and game ends*
Gordon goes to take a poop in one of the porto-potties that are just randomly sitting in the city. And as hes doing his business, alyx opens the door. she just stands there... Amazed to find out that Gordon is a woman! :The end:
me said:
A voice cried out: "Quiet! He's going to say something!” Silence fell over those gathered there: To them, this man was more than a brother in arms; he was their champion, a hero of humanity. This moment would be written in the annals human history; told for generations; immortalised in eternity. Gordon lowered his gaze to the crowd, his eyes searching for the right thing to say. After the longest pause imaginable, he spoke:

"... Well...that's mah moma."

... :hmph:
Gordan looks around at a bunch of scientist:


*que music, Can't touch this
It just ain't no good if it don't end in a blood bath or an orgy.
Gordon should not say anything in the end, just like he doesn't in the the entire game.

He and Alyx should get ported to an alien world, not necessarily Xen. Half-life3 could start off from there.
Half-Life 2 will end with the G-Man, Dr. Breen, and Father Gregory lined up with a black background, and they will be singing "Roses" by Outkast.

I saw it man! It has to be it!! :p