Your 10s!


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Borrowed from a thread at NTSCUK:

List your personal 10/10 games ...

Mario 64 (N64)
Golden Eye (N64)
Perfect Dark (N64)
Zelda OoT (N64)
WWF No Mercy (N64)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Yoshi's Island (SNES)
Secret of Mana (SNES)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Zelda lttp (SNES)
Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC)
Half-Life (PC)
System Shock 2 (PC)
Doom (PC)
Baldur's Gate (PC)
Baldur's Gate 2 (PC)
Planescape Torment (PC)
Syndicate (Amiga)
Worms (PS1)
Street Fighter 2 (Arcade)
Rez (DC)
Halo (Xbox)
Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
Metroid Prime (GC)
Super Monkey Ball (GC)
Deus Ex
Metal Gear Solid
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2 Episode 2
Mass Effect 2
Uncharted 2
GTA Vice City
Mario 64
Zelda: Wind Waker
GTA: San Andreas
Zelda: Majora's Mask
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Heroes of Might and Magic 3

That's about it - if the games really have to be perfect IYO. Portal if game length doesn't count.
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Civ 3/Alpha Centauri (only just played AC and it's probably more addictive than 3)
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Neverwinter Nights
Dragon Quest V
Caesar III series (Emperor/Pharaoh/Zeus)
Monkey Island 3
Commandos 1/2
Mario 3/Super Mario World/Mario 64
Metal Gear Solid
Knights of Honor
Shenmue 1/2
Zelda: A Link To The Past
Half-Life 2
System Shock 2
System Shock 1
Deus Ex
Mass Effect1/2
Halo Series
Resident 2
MGS Series
Mirror's Edge
Half-Life (PC)
Deus Ex (PC)
System Shock II (PC)
Thief (PC)
Little Big Adventure II (PC)
Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
Dark Forces II (PC)
Fallout (PC)
Unreal (PC)
Quake II (PC)
Arcanum (PC)

Hitman IV/III (PC)
Jagged Alliance II (PC)
No One Lives Forever (PC)
Commandos (PC)
Shadowman (PC)
SimCity 2000 (PC)
Theme Hospital (PC)
Vice City (PC)
Take No Prisoners (PC)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (PC)
Carmageddon (PC)
Age of Empires (PC)
Broken Sword (PC)
Grim Fandango (PC)
Silent Hill (PSX)
Clock Tower Second (PSX)
Sudden Strike (PC)
Nuclear Strike (PSX)
Medal of Honor/Underground (PSX)
Planescape: Torment
Fallout 1
Thief 2
Thief 1
Betrayal At Krondor
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 2
Myth 1
Myth 2
Starcraft 1
I suck at rating games in my mind, but I have to say.

Ice Hockey for the NES, I spent so much time playing this game as a kid even though I early on got a Sega MegaDrive with NHL games from EA.
Half Life 2 and Episode 2

Medal of Honor Allied Assault (at its height, I was completely obsessed with the game). But unfortunately, it has aged.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Half-Life 2
Mass Effect 2
New Super Mario Bros. DS
System Shock 2
Yoshi's Island
Organised by platform!

Perfect Dark
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Metroid Prime

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Team Fortress 2

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Game Boy:
Pokemon generation 1 (Red/Blue/Yellow)

Donkey Kong Country
Super Mario World

Perfect Dark
Donkey Kong 64
Mario Kart 64
Super Smash Brothers
Ocarina of Time

Worms Armageddon

Timesplitters 2

Age of Empires
Unreal Tournament
Civilization II
Civilization IV
Alpha Centauri
Company of Heroes
Sins of a Solar Empire
Half-Life 2
Counter-Strike 1.6/earlier
Day of Defeat 1.3/earlier
Baldur's Gate 1
Deus Ex
Super Mario Bros 3 NES
Castlevania NES
Half Life 2
Gears of War
Baldur's Gate
God of War 3
Age of Empires
Mass Effect 2
Red Alert 2
Super Smash Bros
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Call of Duty 4
Zelda NES
Geometry Wars
Beat Hazard
Turtles in Time SNES
Mortal Kombat 3

These are all games that kept me from playing all the other games during their gametime. Rarely ever would I stop to watch a movie, play another game, or move from my seat once I started one of these on the list. Also there are more
Monkey Island 2
Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis
Beneath A Steel Sky
Aliens Versus Predator Gold Edition
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Alien Breed 3D
Resident Evil 2
Street Fighter 2
Unreal Tornament (PC)
Super Mario Bros (I played it on the GBC but have also played the NES version)
Final Fantasy 7
Shenmue (1, never finnished 2 as my CD messed up :( will have to play it on the 360 someday)
Delta Force 2
Team Fortress 2
Sonic 2
Road Avenger (I don't care what the AVGN say's. This game was the shit)
Road Rash (Mega Drive version)
Deus Ex
LoZ: Ocarina of Time
LoZ: Majoras Mask
Perfect Dark
Mirror's Edge
Company of Heroes
Rome: Total War
Halflife 2
Halflife 2: Episode 2
I haven't completed most of my games :(

All the Halflife games.

All the Galactic Civilization games for sure.
Link to the Past - As many times as I've played through this sucker, I'm pretty sure this one's god damn perfect.
Metroid Prime - So atmospheric... perfectly captures what it sets out to do.
Team Fortress 2 - Incredible balance and so many different ways to play makes it near impossible to become bored with this one. And it keeps growing! Oh, and it's funny as hell. OH HO HO, THAT SLAPS MY KNEE!

Mmm, those are the only true 10/10's I can think of!

Must... refrain... pointing out all the flaws... in some of these games...
Crash Bandicoot 2 & 3
Resident Evil 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
GTA San Andreas
Mass Effect 2
Half Life 2 Episode 2 (or The Orange Box as a whole if that counts as a game)
I'm going to narrow it down to one seeing as how boring this will be reading the same thing over and over:
This thread has a lot of KA (Kids to Adults) rated games. That rating will be missed.
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Super Mario Bros 3

Super Mario World
Super R-Type
Super Mario AllStars
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (always felt better on sega)

Tekken 2
PaRappa The Rappa
Resident Evil 2

Hydro Thunder
Sonic Adventure 2

Ocarina of Time
Jet Force Gemini
Banjo Kazooie

TLoZ: Wind Waker
TloZ: Twilight Princess
Animal Crossing
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Resident Evil
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
Super Smash Bros. Melee

Playstation 2:
Devil May Cry 3
Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3

Halo 2
Fable: The Lost Chapters

Halo 3

Left 4 Dead 2

Gameboy (out of all of the gameboys):
Pokemon G/S/C
Golden Sun

I own too many ****ing video games. Well, i'm sure there are tons more, but those are the only ones I can think about at the moment. I owned a wii for about a month and never bothered with PS3. I call these games 10's because they are the games that I can play over and over and over and never get tired.
The games that come closest to a 10 for me were the original Half-Life and Call of Duty (the first one). Alot of great PC Games have come and gone, but I've yet to play a game that knocked my socks off like those two.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was the OG World War 2 game, though. I think the first game I was truly astonished by was probably Super Mario 64.
I will ensure a small list by including only my Top Ten 10s.

Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate 2
Planescape Torment
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
The Dig
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Eye of the Beholder 2
War in Middle Earth
Legacy of the Ancients

SERIOUSLY hounorable mentions (i.e. my other 10s):

Demon's Souls
Crackdown (the original top-down Sega title from way back when)
Rolling Thunder
A Link to the Past
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy Tactics
Metal Gear Solid 2
Uncharted 2
Mega Man 2
You mean this War in Middle Earth?

It's ****ing hard, even with the manual and the map that came with the game etc!
Yes! That's the one. I GREATLY prefer the Amiga version however. I am not sure why they even bothered with the close-up view of the characters and setting because the game is deep enough and much quicker from just the map view. And it is potentially difficult, but it gives you such an open way to win the War that you can make it VERY easy by finding some of the artifacts and winning the allegiance of certain powerful characters with tough armies to back them.

One of the most important things you can do it get the Ents to march on Isengard. They are essentially unstoppable and can totally run that area of the map for you, esp. with the reinforcements from Rohan that appear. Gather some elves with Thranduil and some dwarves from the Iron Hills along with some knights from Gondor and you can march on the Towers of the Teeth with your own army and mop the floor with them. Man, just talking about this game makes me want to fire up the emulator. Too bad I am at work. :(
Wait, you've actually beaten the game?

Did you use any guide or such?
Banjo Kazooie
Ocarina of Time
Perfect Dark
Super Mario 64

Resident Evil
Metal Gear Solid
Rogue Leader
Freedom Fighters
Conflict: Desert Storm

Metal Gear Solid
Medal of Honor
Resident Evil: Nemesis
Dino Crisis

Playstation 2:
Metal Gear Solid 3
GTA: Vice City

Shenmue 1 and 2

Mass Effect 2

Call of Duty
Operation Flashpoint: GOTY Edition
Max Payne 1 and 2
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Company of Heroes
Half Life 2/Episode 2
Rome: Total War
Wait, you've actually beaten the game?

Did you use any guide or such?
Ha! No way! I used to play it endlessly on my Amiga 500. I would start out from the Shire by taking Merry and Pippin and Same to Bree via the old forest. From there, Aragorn could protect us on the journey to Rivendell even though we stayed off the roads. Those Nazgul can be a bit unpredictable. :) Once you get to Rivendell, you have the whole Fellowship and you are pretty powerful and the Nazgul are gone for now anyway. I usually take everyone across the Misty Mountains or perhaps down to Hollin Gate where Gollum appears. From there I make sure to get to Treebeard's Hill in Fangorn where you will provoke the Ents into marching on Isengard. Too bad you have no control over them because it would be awesome to take them to Mordor as well. Once they attack Isengard, I think the forces of Rohan start appearing. Elfhelm and Dernhelm I think appear near Helm's Deep. In any event, I usually grab a lot of them and head down to Minas Tirith where you can grab a lot of forces as well. Imrahil is usually at Dol Amroth I think too and he has 500 knights iirc. In any event, by the time you get to the White City, Sauron's forces are usually on the move. This means that Thranduil will be at his palace and the dwarves will be at the Iron Hills. I would head north and try to grab them too. Elves and dwarves are great in combat. Once I have a HUGE army in my Fellowship, I sometimes wait for the evil powers to take over a bunch of the major spots on the map. Then I do my own version of the Scouring of the Shire, but instead of just the Shire, it's the whole of Middle Earth. :)

So I don't ever usually try to take just the Fellowship from Rivendell anywhere near Mordor without also recruiting a bunch of other armies to protect them. You don't really need to find the sceptres and palantirs and swords and such that are scattered around the map, though it can be fun looking for them. Most friendlies you meet will come with you. I just love that you can essentially re-tell the War of the Ring and fight it on your terms by attacking Barad-dûr if you like and fighting Sauron himself. Awesome.
I guess I would stand a better chance had I actually seen the movies and read the books.

*Hides from embarrassment of being culturally illiterate in terms of literature*
I guess I would stand a better chance had I actually seen the movies and read the books.

*Hides from embarrassment of being culturally illiterate in terms of literature*
Oh my lord. You have not read The Lord of the Rings???????????????????????? This seriously blows my mind. Tolkien was a master of the language so that almost every sentence is like poetry. There are VERY few writers alive today that could even hope to come close to his use of words. Plus the story itself is incredibly deep and interesting and fun. PLEASE tell me it is on your list of books to read in the near future...:(
Lord of the Rings is a terribly difficult to read series. I often had to read over a page three times just to understand what the hell is going on. There are so many names (and many of them so similar) thrown around you'd almost want a Lord of the Rings encyclopedia in front of you to read them. They are not very entertaining or exciting. People love them because of the world that Tolkien created rather than the actual plot and intrigue of the story (it's like Blade Runner in that regard, but longer and with less action and more poems). Speaking of poems, you could publish several volumes of poetry from all the ones Tolkien randomly shoves in. And these are poems you will only enjoy if you're either already a massive Lord of the Rings fan or have a masters in literature.

All that said, I'm glad I read them, but I have no urge to reread them in the mean time and no desire at all to read the Silmarillion. My advice: Read the Hobbit first. Definitely read the Hobbit first, it's a far easier read and once you finish Lord of the Rings there's a change you may never want to read anything by Tolkien ever again (or you could turn out to love it, who knows?)
/\ this absolutely this, i keep saying this to some of my friends actually and they just keep saying i'm wrong >_>

Speaking of poems, you could publish several volumes of poetry from all the ones Tolkien randomly shoves in. And these are poems you will only enjoy if you're either already a massive Lord of the Rings fan or have a masters in literature.

i think there is actually =/

All that said, I'm glad I read them, but I have no urge to reread them in the mean time and no desire at all to read the Silmarillion. My advice: Read the Hobbit first. Definitely read the Hobbit first, it's a far easier read and once you finish Lord of the Rings there's a change you may never want to read anything by Tolkien ever again (or you could turn out to love it, who knows?)

again this: hobbit was much easier to read and as for the silmarillion? **** that! O_O
Oh my lord. You have not read The Lord of the Rings???????????????????????? This seriously blows my mind. Tolkien was a master of the language so that almost every sentence is like poetry. There are VERY few writers alive today that could even hope to come close to his use of words. Plus the story itself is incredibly deep and interesting and fun. PLEASE tell me it is on your list of books to read in the near future...:(

I'm not much of a fantasy fan when it comes to literature and my to-read list is crowded with sci-fi and cyberpunk classics such as the six Dune novels by Frank Herbert, the Sprawl trilogy by William Gibson, Asimov's Foundation series and much much more.

And my ADHD(assuming I continue to be denied meds due to my heart condition) will mean I'm lucky if I get through them in the coming decades.:p