Your 2 fav beers to drink


Jun 28, 2004
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theres a lot of good ones out there....2 of my fav are moosehead and carlsberg...what are your 2 favourites?
you gotta like beer....its the solution to all lifes problems lol
Carlsberg and Fosters probably, but i don't really drink that much lager
Not beer for me, spirits all the way.

Jack Daniels and Vodka.

If I had to have beer, which, dont get me wrong, I do love, it would have to be Stella and Carling. Then again i usually start off with 3-4 pints of carling, then a couple of stella's before knocking back on the JD and vodka. Never threw up or had a hangover from it yet so therfor i shall carry on.
Stella...Thats fighting talk that is. No really that chemicaly brewed "beer" just seems to start fights :)

Jack Daniels....Hmmm, do you mix it or drink it straight? Personally I found it too harsh to just drink unless I've already been drinking. Most pub whisky is pretty poor in my view.
If im with a couple of Friends we just knock it back seperate, if its in pubs I go for the JD and Coke option. The same with Teachers Whiskey, I hate that now after seeing one of my mates knock himself out on the stuff.
Farrowlesparrow said:
knock himself out :O Ouch...How many did he have?
none.. he hit himself with the bottle :|

if i had to pick two beers.. i'd go with chimay blue and.. hmm.. fin du monde i guess (that or trois pistoles). but it all depends on time of year and the mood i'm in.
A near full bottle. I dont usually freak out at stuff but he just went loose, he threw up after passing out. We got him up the stairs but he was like a ragdoll, somewhere he cracked his front tooth, ironic since the day before i went to get my cracked tooth fixed and he was giving me stick over it.

He woke up about 4/5 hours later after sleeping it off but it was freaky, one of my other mate kept waking him up by twisting his nipples lol.

Back onto beer, im partial to a bit of Budweiser now and then, had a colletion of the 'born' on dates.
:dozey: Corona's are good for them laid back days. Jack Daniels just mess you up. Sometimes Heineken, it's like the royal beer!
Sofiero and basiclly every beer there is... :D (under 6.0%)
Like a ragdoll you say? Did you try placing boxes on the stairs and then watch how he "interacted" with them after you let him go from the top?
Dont really drink because i am 15 year old, so i will have some ice tea or Coke.
Bio said:
Dont really drink because i am 15 year old, so i will have some ice tea or Coke.

i was drinking at 15, lol...not that much though...17 now and drink a lot more...aren't i so cool! :thumbs:
Cooper's Pale Ale (actually, anything brewed by Cooper's) and James Squire Porter.

The whole world should try Cooper's at least once, because it's the best Australian beer there is, and the whole world knows Australia makes damn fine beer :)
Lager from the pump: Fosters or Stella.

Lager from the bottle: Bud or Stella

Spirits: Jack D' or Tequila and a slice of lemon.

tokin said:
i was drinking at 15, lol...not that much though...17 now and drink a lot more...aren't i so cool! :thumbs:
No, because you'll get to thirty five and be a ****ing drunk. Trust me, I lived in pubs for ten years, so I know ;)
tokin said:
i was drinking at 15, lol...not that much though...17 now and drink a lot more...aren't i so cool! :thumbs:

Then you made some bad choises in life.
im 15 i dont drink I have only tasted sam adams and budweiser. and i like sam adams more so thats my choice haha
palaners hefeweisen (sp?) and bud light... Maybe some Early times, or Absinth mmmmm.
dura said:
I only like Heineken.

Has Ray Liotta paid you a visit yet? I've got you down for a 3am meeting from him.
Ofcourse i have tasted beer but i dont drink it, taste like shit anyway.
Innervision961 said:
palaners hefeweisen (sp?)
yeah, paulaner's hefeweizen is a fantastic beer. their doppelbock (salvator) is awesome too :thumbs:
Whatever is in the fridge.

Wich is mostly Heineken and Grolsch, and some obscure german beer
corona is good. only beer thats tolerable (unless it comes from germany). i prefer vodka.
I dont like heavy beers they make me ill.. so I drink light stuff mgd, ml, etc.
if its sweet and heavy im fine, if it's pale and heavy il feel all nasty