Your Best + Hated Chapter's

I did'nt like the first chapter nor the intro to the game.
Fave: Point Insertion, Red Letter Day
Hated: Highway 17, Sandtraps (except for the gunship fight)
Loved: Airboat (except stops and too long), Ravenholm cemetery, Nova Prospekt, Entanglement (except that damned fight) to the end.
I definitely enjoyed Nova Prospekt more the second time round, but then I made much more use of the Antlions when I played it the second time, so that probably helped.

I'm currently playing through the level where you have to storm the town hall, and am finding that joyful to play.

For me Water Hazard/Route Kanal was just too long and repetetive, so I'd pitch those as the worst levels - apart from the 'boss' fight at the end, which was like playing an old top down 2d shooter in gloriously rendered Source 3d.
Hate: Ravenholm
Love: one of the last ones, when u get to fight the striders, that's action for u!!
I liked the atmosphere of the first few chapters, C17 buildings just don't do it for me.
JellyWorld said:
I liked the atmosphere of the first few chapters, C17 buildings just don't do it for me.
The buildings seem to be missing something. It feels like a video game when you are expecting it to feel like a REAL city.
best would be the last one in the citadel, worst would be entanglement
My best would have been the first few sections where you're trying to get to elis lab on foot, before you get the airboat. Those canal fights were loads of fun, and I think had the best display of the games physics.

Worst chapter would probably be the whole Citadel (not the Nexus. Nexus was fun). I hated the whole sci-fi aspect to the levels, and how you didn't get a gun. The quick and fierce firefights were the best part of the game, and the Citadel didn't have any of them.
Fav: Citadel
"Hated": Highway 17 - as mentioned above, too much pointless driving.
Lahire149 said:
The buildings seem to be missing something. It feels like a video game when you are expecting it to feel like a REAL city.
It was a city under major oppression though, so its gonna feel hollow and cold. Like it does in the game
I find Ravenholm rather amuzing to play. The saw blades + gravity gun combination is one of the most entertaining features in the game. I love cutting zombies in half. :)

I don't like the last chapters much, like Anticitizen one and Entanglement. The city action was a disappointment. City 17 has an amazing atmosphere in the beginning of the game, but somehow it's lost in the final chapters. That's a pity.
sinkoman said:
My best would have been the first few sections where you're trying to get to elis lab on foot, before you get the airboat. Those canal fights were loads of fun, and I think had the best display of the games physics.
ur right about the physics, it seems liek vavle got bored of physics after the first half of the game. No, i'm not saying that they don't use physics in the second half of the game; i'm just saying that it was used as heavily.
Yeah. I also noticed that if you wanted to enjoy the games physics to the fullest, you had to make a point of it. First time I played through the game, I just plowed through it shooting everything that moved. I'm replaying it on hard, and instead of just blowing through the game, trying to make the most out of it. If you make a point to notice it, the physics are truly amazing.

Like in this one section near the beggining of the game, where you don't have the gravity gun yet, I came out of a sewage pipe and saw a nice open battle field in the shape of a T (the pipe I came out of was at the top left corner of the t. This is the section where you use the explosive barrels to destroy the bridge with the combine on it) with a dumpster a couple hundred meters away from me in the middle, placed as obvious cover. I had maybe 30 or so health, and noticed combine jumping from the edges of the canal directly infront of me, and I spotted the shadow of one jumping out in the long line of the T. In a normal state of mind, I would've just taken out my pistol and smacked all of them on the spot, then rounded the corner and shot the barrels the second I saw them (there were some explosive barrels in the long line of the T) even if they were useless. Instead, in my mind determined to make this an awesome experience, I grabbed a nearby barrel, and used it as cover while strafing to the nearby dumpster. Then I poped from the dumpster and blasted the combine infront of me. I grabbed the barrel again, and used it to strafe to the base of the bridge, where all the explosive barrels were. Instead of just mindlessly blowing up barrels, I grabbed them and hurrled them at the combine, THEN blew them up after they rolled abit to their final position.

My point is, don't just blow through the game and end it with a good feeling, take your time to asses the situations and use the physics to your advantage (even if the physics use isn't obvious. Took me a while to figure out that you can use metal barrels as cover from manhacks, then after, toss them at the manhack pack, effectively throwing the manhacks into a disorienting spin, where you can run up to them and kill them), and come out of the game feeling "Wow! That's an amazing game!".
I already gave my favourite level in another post (it was Ravenholm btw), but the most fun that I had was with the friendly sentry guns that you get to play with in Entanglement. I loved working out how to best position them, and I also carried them all with me so that I had 8 of them in the final scene of the level. That was just good fun, and it had nothing to with Source, it was just good game design.
I liked the Citadel levels. Your this lone night, rampaging through the citadel, exacting revenge on the forces that have enslaved humanity.

That said, the worst level is Highway 17. Its antlions. Nothing but antlions. I really wish we'd fought more aliens, or had some sort of quasi-boss creature (read Garg!!), to kill.
Half-Life 2 was a damn good game( or rather is ) , when I played it was so exciting so I didn't note any bored scenes. But at the times of playing, this is what I thinking.

Hated: Highway 17- tooooo booooring of driving, And our benfactors, Hate the gravity gun!!!

Loved: A red letter day- Much funny talking, Water Hazard- Cool Actions, Nova Prospect- Awesome place! , entanglement- Actions with alyx and Follow freeman.
Best: Nova Prospekt, Ravenholm and Sandtraps

Worst: Our Benefactors
Well, I really enjoyed all of them. The first chapter in the beginning. I like the stuff when you walk around no weapons and theres things going on around you that you can observe. I didn't really like the air boat levels but once I played them again... ON WEED! j/k but not really. The part when that huge towering smoke stack starts falling over, I had the sound up really loud. I actually ducked in my seat. If I had to say one a didn't like as much I would say... I'll get back on that one later.
Fav: Point Insertion, Red Letter Day, Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman. The Citadel was cool and the Breen speeches made it a little more interesting.

Worst chapters were Ravenholm, and Highway 17. I think the game should have been set entirely in the City. The Coast, Ravenholm and even Nova Prospekt (to a degree) felt like departures from the story IMO.

That's one of the reasons I'm so interested in Aftermath, it will be set entirely in City 17 and be more focused on story and the characters, best aspect of HL2 in my POV.
Most of the vehicle driving parts. I call those the "motion sickness missions".

I hated the last half of Water Hazard the most because of that long and boring fight with the helicopter.
That fight was fun.

*sticks tongue out at the doctor*
The fight took forever and they had to put you in a generic big-open-space-boss-fight arena. Having it drop billions of those cluster bombs somehow (I guess they have a built in teleporter?) was stupid. And that pussy kept fleeing too!

If you use cheats you'll discover it takes over 20 rockets to kill it. I'm saying over because I stopped at 20. Even with god mode and better weapons it was too slow and boring.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
The fight took forever and they had to put you in a generic big-open-space-boss-fight arena. Having it drop billions of those cluster bombs somehow (I guess they have a built in teleporter?) was stupid. And that pussy kept fleeing too!

If you use cheats you'll discover it takes over 20 rockets to kill it. I'm saying over because I stopped at 20. Even with god mode and better weapons it was too slow and boring.
Really, Doctor, I think you don't know how to play. :)

Why 20 rockets if you can kill the heli with your airboat gun in a couple of minutes? I defeat it very quickly. On Hard. And the heli is just big enough to hold those bombs. And the "arena" was suitable for such a fight - you had lots of space to escape the droping bombs, however the waters were stuffed with explosive barrels, so you had to watch out. Actually this is my favorite part in Water Hazard chapter, which I enjoy only because of the view, water effects, and the final "boss".
Beerdude26 said:
Hate : (All the chapters with the airboat, there was just too much of it)
Evidentally there was too much of it: "all the chapters" is in fact, one chapter ^^
Love: Water Hazard - I don't really understand why people say it's "too long" at all. Perhaps I just played it more intensely or some people are just easily fatigued from having to escape quickly. Even if people didn't like it, I doesn't make sense to me why they'd like the Buggy sections more - the pace was gone, it was longer and far more dull. What particuarly strikes me is the varied authentic feel the whole chapter gives off, as you zoom through the river as it becomes a canal, as it winds through residential and industrial areas.

Hate: Ravenholm. In so far as It's the section I'm must reluctant to replay. Ravenholm is a gimmick Physics / Scary level. I didn't find it scary the first time, and physics combat is so routine (after subsequent playthroughs) that the whole section feels a bit forced. If any chapter felt a bit too long, and samey, I would say it was Ravenholm.
Best: Follow Freeman
Worst: The Airboat chapter, horrible levels
My favourite is probably Ravenholm, most hated is probably Nova Prospekt, just for the end battle!
mortiz said:
My favourite is probably Ravenholm, most hated is probably Nova Prospekt, just for the end battle!

Nova Prospekt end battle? Walking through the combine wall?

You mean Entanglement :p
I don't really have the feeling that I hate a chapter, worst probably was Follow Freeman or Anticitizen one, you knox, the one where you're in City 17 in that museumish thing with Barney. Yeah that one.
Why do you people hate Ravenholm so much? It's fun!
Fave: Anti Citizen One
Worst: Highway 17
I think Ravenholm sparked some of the zombie mods. I consider that a good thing, since some of them look good and will hopefully be fun and released sometime this year.

But I'm only on Hwy 17. I liked the airboat better. In this buggy, I flipped off a bridge and dangled upside down on one tire stuck on the rail. Amazing! That was one of several reloads due to Gordon's driving skill and these Havoc physics. So I can honestly say I liked all of it (so far) but really the brief (seems to me) mine area was my least fav. I hate poison crabs. Hate em. Daylight was nice indeed...
Most Favorite: Its a tie between Our Benefactors and Red Letter Day. The setup for the story intrigued me. It was all done so well.

So-So: Airboat and Car levels. It loved the first part of the airboat, when you are zooming around outside of C17, it made it feel so real, looking and being able to see stuff in the distance. It kinda sucked having to get out and do the puzzles, but that was ok.

Worst: Nova Prospekt and the next one. I didnt like the prison levels at all. However, that was offset by the coolness of commanding the antlions. I just didnt like the setting, though, again, Valve made the prison seem real, the huge washroom with all the washing machines, some of the cell blocks were set up logically. Just felt right, but i didn't like it.
Using the rockets are faster than the airboat gun because it doesn't have to recharge nor do you have to aim at it. The RPG's superior firepower is also an obvious reason. Your "playing on hard" argument is useless because I did too. The fight wasn't hard just boring. Any enemy that takes over minute to shoot down without showing signs of damage even with the best weapons, impulse 101 and god mode isn't worth fighting. And to believe I'm actually known for my high tolerance and patience.

Gonarch/Tentacle/Garg/Antlion Guards= Good boss fights.
Helicopter/Nihilanth/Geneworm= Boring boss fights.

The last time I encountered that place I just grav jumped over the dam. Because I didn't want to bother with it.

PS: Big enough to hold those bombs? Did you even see how big they were and how many it was dropping? I guess I might be able to carry 500 grenades on me then.
I guess if i had to choose a least favorite it would be ravenholm just cuz it just didnt seem to fit well with the other levels, but i still enjoyed it none the less. My fav is follow freeman cuz the striders freaking rock!