Your Best Kill

In Ep2, when Alyx sends you to get the Mustang first time, she covers you with the sniper rifle. You reach a backyard covered with residual waste and there are some zombies wandering around. On a concrete platform just above, there's a chair and some beer bottles nearby. Also, in the corner, there's an infinite ammo box with grenades for your smg. You can't sit on the chair and drink beer, but you can endlessly kill zombies from that place, throwing smg grenades at them. It's sooooooooooo relaxing and peaceful, the zombies are plain stupid and you have unlimited grenades. Oh joy!
Not trying to be a jerk altceva but I'm pretty sure the car is a Charger (68) not a Mustang.

Anyway my favorite kill recently was at the start of EP2 where you get the grav gun and then blast through a train door (heading to the smal clearing just before going underground) there is a group of crows that fyies up off the ground and I killed 2 of them shooting a rock at them. I hate crows. Stupid crows.
In episode two where you have to get the lift going so the Vort can come down, I was about to pull the lever when i heard a headcrab and ducked, bastard went straight over me and into a barnacle.
Supergrav'ed a Combine Soldier feet first into another group. It looked like he was karate kicking them.
In HL2, just after picking up the Magnum, you open a door to a backyard. In the far end of the yard there are a few Combine soldiers with a machine gun. You have a mobile cart on the left side, you can use it as a shield to come near them, but I'm always throwing a grenade as far as I can, and they always die in funny ways, flying over the wired fence or landing on top of the boxes nearby.
Last ime I played through Exit 17, I was going for the One Free Bullet achievement and couldn't use my firearms. I was standing near the door from which Barney sends the citizen to be escorted and started taking fire from a Combine soldier standing over near the building you come out of at the end of Urab Flight. At that moment, I was holding a cinder block I'd picked up to take into the station.

Given the range involved, I thought it was just stupid to try to hit him with the cinder block so I fired it away just to get rid of it. It hit the ground at the soldier's feet and then bounced up to take his ass out. A satisfying vocoder crackle followed.

If I'd been aiming, I wouldn't have got close.
Today, while playing through Episode Two on hard (my first time on this difficulty, and I did make it), a strider killed a hunter. Then I drove over the other two hunters protecting that strider, and dealt with the strider swiftly.
Hmm, Probably the original Half Life, "On A Rail" Ducked behind the train carrages front so the soilders couldn't see me, as the train rode past it hit a wall mine that killed the 2 soilders, classic!
Using energy ball for toxic zombie is extremely satisfying. Waste one ball to take out the zombie including all the crabs riding on it.
i destroyed the helicopter boss in half life 2 and it started coming towards me, i was too (i dunno, bored?)to move and it crashed into the water not a foot away from me, it was awesome.
I used a cheat to get bugbait before killing the guard, used it on it, and somehow it worked. Don't ask me how.
generally slicing zombies with saw blades. i think i killed like 5 with 1 blade it was awesome. also in citadel using the super gravity gun. and using combine as my ammo
In gmod, i added chainsaws (through wire) and shotguns and smgs to the buggy, attached a turret that my friend controlled (see my gmod post about it) and we went through hordes of zombies. zombie blood everywhere.
In Deathmatch: the map Desert_Tower, my computer lags like **** cos its a piece of shit & its running on 56k anyway a guy was running up the spiral staircase on the outside of the tower & i took a wild shot with my Crossbow, which as you know you have to time it well to hit an enemy, which i some how amazingly did.

Or maybe in HL2 in Highway 17 under the bridge I took out a Seagull with the Crossbow, it was a ****ing good shot
Really How?

I stacked a all of the explosive barrels at new little odessa and some randon oblects like tables chairs among other things,around cubbage fired at one ofthe barrels and boom he was dead and then it said mission terminated unable to preserve mission critical something or other cant quite remember it was like a year ago,tried it many times since never been able to do it again.
Hmm ehm i havent really done anything special but there is nothing better than nailing combine soldiers to the wall with the crossbow
I think i already posted mine here... whatever, i can't remember many, but through my first HL2 playthrough, i shot an Comboing (Combine Energy ball {Curse you, Concerned!}) through the window of a tiny room i had to go through, and i got Conversationalist (if that's what it's called) because it bounced around in there and vaporised like 7 people.
I think it was on Follow Freeman, when you have to get to the roof of the museum. I picked up the bust of Breen's head with the GG and threw it at the soldier, bonked him straight in the head and sent him over the ledge.
I was laughing so hard i had to retreat into another room and let Barney kill the rest of the soldiers.
My kills were generally spectacular, but one of the giant ant-lions wins 'best overall kill', for nailing me with a wrecked-car, hurled from about a hundred-yards-away after exiting the mine with Alyx 'n the Vort in E2. I was hesitating between picking-up a small gas-cylinder and a large gas-barrel... then the shadow of my doomfall loomed upon me. -Excellent throw, dammit.
There are countless awesome ways to kill in the HL games (energy orb, saw blade + GG, crossbow, etc), but my favorite was prolly one that I didn't even do.

When you're scaling the cliff just outside Nova Prospekt, there's a fast zombie in the sewer tunnel, waiting to attack you. This one time, I was just under the tunnel and I was letting my antlions get to it first, as usual. Well that didn't work, but it was great because I looked up and the zombie ran full speed out of the tunnel and went flying off into the ocean.

Haven't been able to do that again. :(