Your Best Quality?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
What is your best quality?

I'm talking about like talents, what is the one thing that makes you different, like for example, doing tricks on a bike, or something like that.

I can't think of one right now, but I'll think of one later...
I'm a bit funny and intelligent. I can write pretty well, but...have been going through a very severe writer's block for the past 3 years...
Anyone got anything cool?

Like, ya personality blah blah, but what about, y'know like uhh... gaming skills, technology skills, being able to eat fire?
Extreme super-nationalism and ethno-centric tendencies.
Hahaha, so true :p

Also, "The General" is one of my favorite aspects of myself.
I can roll quarters over my knuckles, and move my eyes independently, and fold a rose out of a napkin, and juggle, and hold myself sideways off of a street sign, and climb around a table without touching the ground.
I have no discernable talents
It makes filling out resumes a bitch
I can make time stand still, and shift the stars in the night sky.
JNightshade said:
dude, you're a math whiz. There ya go.
My resume: "I like calculus (Sp?) ^_^"
Employer: "Um.. this is vons. I'm pretty sure that won't ever come in handy"
Me: "Omg D:"
I am erudite. I can read others' mind.

The coolest thing is: I have a gigantic cock
And he's modest too!

EDIT: damnit Icarusintel, you beat me to it >:0
bbson_john said:
The coolest thing is: I have a gigantic cock

You can lord it over the rest of the chinese populace!
I can crack most of my joints. Really loud.

my pinky and ring finger on my left hand, and my pinky on my right, can move their last joint separately.

dos hitchiker's thumbs.

brilliant conversationist; here's an example from one of my conversations at a dance I was at earlier (and actually works for every conversation held. ikerous, you can probably relate):
"Do you play any sports?"
"nng. no. You?"
"I swim!"

oh yeah, ladies' man.

also, I am extremely shexy.

Perhaps my uncanny ability to wtfpwn with TV guided missles in BF2.

Or my ability to get along with most everyone.
I'm the son of Jesus and thus my grandfather is God, I can walk on water and own you all!:D
my incredible wit, my hate of commies, my ability to design mecha like crazy, and i have double jointed thumbs that totally weird people out.
I'm both Asian AND Australian at the same time.

Thus I can summon all manner of things. Like dragons that say 'G'day' and then flame you into the ground.
I guess my reasoning, which is one of the key factors that allows me to pick up programming really easily.

Plus, I ooze cool.

-Angry Lawyer
You forgot to mention your ability to get winked and/or smiled at by random women everywhere you go.

I get along with just about anybody, I'm good at art, I'm a quite good writer and I am intelligent. And modest. :upstare:
Sulkdodds said:
You forgot to mention your ability to get winked and/or smiled at by random women everywhere you go.

You didn't believe me until that time in Pizza Express :D

-Angry Lawyer
Oh god, Angry Lawyer at a Pizza place...

"Give me a large pepporoni pizza! D:" "What size" "HATEHATEHATEHATE" *Smashes bottle of whisky over Pizza-boy's head* *Pizza-boy faints!* *Angry Lawyer gains 16 EXP points!*


Now you can do a sideways power attack that has a chance of disarming the opponent! D:
*Your skill in blunt weapons has increased!*

Sulk's better at describing what happened.

-Angry Lawyer