your biggest fear

Jun 29, 2003
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Whats your biggest fear? is it death? your aunt cindy? failing a class?

My biggest fear is being mauled by a tiger. Some day a tiger is gonna jump out of the bushes and maul me, thats my biggest fear :naughty:
Losing the people I love....or being alone.
i jus HATE spiders and i mean HATE. my biggest fear is like wakin up with a big spider on my face :x

dead for some weird reason doesn;t bother me at all. i think i need help. death to me seems like a ticket out of this stressful world with exams and stuff. a week back i had to go for blood tests and stuff because the doctor thought i had meningitis (sp?) but the tests came back sayin i;m fine. i dn;t knw why but i felt kinda disappointed. so death doesnt really mean much to me....and thts jus weird.
Horrible torture+death.....yeh I know wierd. I have this irrational fear that While I'm sleeping Im gonna get held at gun point and taken to a dark empty warehouse where my captures will beat me for information but they will have gotten the wrong guy so I'm totally F*cked.
Losing the people I love, or having my scrotum cut off...seriously, I don't know how I could handle that.
Umm, long sharp objects cutting entire limbs off. Like a sheet of sharp glass falling vertically on your... nevermind, I won't even touch that.
B-MAn said:
i jus HATE spiders and i mean HATE. my biggest fear is like wakin up with a big spider on my face :x

one night i was talking to some friends on irc when i felt something on my face. i brushed my hand up against it then looked at my hand and there was a huge ass spider! thank god i didnt slap my face, that could have been messy
Living to 80 years old and realising that i'm a loser.
Being dismembered with a cutting torch,while being hung from a tree by my scrotum

I hate viruses e.t.c, absoloutley terrified by them.

I can win against a man in a fight by being stronger but it is next to impossible to win the fight against something like AIDS.

I'm not at all worried about a common cold or flu because i can fight them and gain immunity against them.....its just the more horrible things.

I can't understand people who harm thier bodies and expose themselves to illness by smoking or drinking too much e.t.c, they deserve what they get really.
I get really pissed off when i'm exposed to something that damages my health, particularly if another human has done it.
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

baxter said:
Having a cellphone inseted into my rectum
I come from that thread directly and the very next post I read is this. I am seriously laughing my ass off. Haha
Anything bad happening to my kids.
Losing my 933 Star Wars Figures and losing the ones I loves
Event Horizon,Virus...
Think he means he worries more about people he cares for than he is afraid of somthing himself.

I'm afraid of skrewing up.

And I am also afraid of somthing happening to people I care about as well. I don't care if shit happens to me, but it allways upsets me when it happens to others I know.
zodiak said:
You fear the poeple you care for?
Er, fear for them.

I don't really fear much of anything else. I mean, I'd be "scared" if a big hammer was flying towards me head or something, but I don't really fear things except for being deathly afraid of something happening to/losing those I love.
I hate Big Drops if im on level ground liek coal gratings,

I kinda dont lik e the idea of putting my life on the strenght of a ropeither, liek whenimn abseiling getting over the edg is the bit i eally reall hate:p
Being killed in some way in which I will feel a lot of pain
I will always be afraid of something tragic happening to my family.

I love to swim and am perfectly comfortable in the water, but I have always been afraid of drowning. It seems like an awful way to go.
I woke up with a spider inside my bed once. I could see him crawling after i woke up, he was underneath the blankets where i slept.

My biggest fear would probably be being in an airplane that is going to crash or being senteced to death.

Anything involving knowing I will die before it happens...
I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just afraid of the pain beforehand (depending how I die offcourse)
Yeah, I'd hate to know that I was about to die but could do nothing to stop it :( Like, a plane crash, illness, etc.. I'm just afraid of dying before I get a chance to really live. I'm not afraid of death itself though, it's kind of pointless being afraid of that... it's just the whole regret thing..

I don't like deep, murky water either. It creeps me out. *shudders* I hate boats
Death by torture. You know, the knife slowing cutting you arms off... then cutting your legs off... then gorging out your eyeballs... it's pretty horrible.
Hmm - we can all make up fanciful fears - ie being abducted by Al Quada. But thats probably not going to happen to me.

A realistic fear - I think - would be never being able to return to the USA. Thats something that does keep me awake at night, and so I guess is a fear. A lot more of a personal fear than Al Quada or fictitious methods of torture which may be used upon me.