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Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
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Not really. However, I do!

Here's the history...

Waaaaay back in 2001, I came up with a HL mod idea. It was good. It was fun. It was tasty. I teamed up with a coder (hi phantom!) and we began.
Things were going great. We got through some huge technical issues, we cursed, we spat, we sang uplifting songs until, one day, we reached a playable alpha stage.
Many testers we used (hi guys!) and many hours of fun and verbal abuse were had by all. Things were looking really good, except for one little thing...

There were only really two of us doing it. Sure, there were people promising to make maps and models, but they rarely (if ever) delivered. Enthusiasm waned. Other projects came and went (Hi Derek! Where's my money?) and our mod was left to metaphorically rust away in the corner of an old shed...

UNTIL NOW!!!!111oneoneone

I need your help to resurrect this once-great mod. Just send $500....NO! Wrong advert! Time to get serious...

The mod is called Eradicators. It's a futuristic warfare mod - Humans (hi!) vs Robots (the Eradicators). Humans outnumber Eradicators 4 to 1, but the Eradicators have far superior strength and firepower. They're also physically larger and slower than the Humans, who have to use guerilla tactics in order to survive and win.

As I've mentioned - this mod is already in a working state. What is needed is as follows:

Code: Bugfixes. A few new features.

Models: Yes. What we've got isn't finished. This means approximately 12 weapon models, and the player models for both Humans and Eradicators (one of each will be entirely sufficient)

Maps: Yes again. We've got 4, but none are completely finished (they're still damn good fun though!)

I'd really hate to see it die completely, especially after all the work we've put into it. Anyway, if you're interested, contact me via PM, post here, or email me at [email protected]

Or, if you're just interested in playing what we've got so far (it's around 10Mb), let me know and I'll package it all up again.

Ooh can I try it out? I'll look for bugs and stuffs and help the mod.

Edit no. 2: Sounds like an awesome idea, would allow teamwork on the human side for taking out individual robots and would be cool to be a robot if you're awesome leet.
Getting started with the coding as we speak pi :p
it bears close to no resemblance to your design, except having big robots :)
I partially wrote a design doc for a HL2 version which was far grander in scope. I can let you have a look, but it's messy at the moment.

I found a design doc for the original, but so much changed during development that only the core stays the same.

After reading yours, it has more in common with my HL2 Eradicators concept, but they're still quite different.
Im looking for a mod to map for, Ill catch you in IRC when i have more time :)
Wayback when UT2K4 first came out, I toyed with the idea of a mod which was essentially "mecha vs. fleshies"... very simple, deathmatch stuff, one player takes the part of a huge (80+ ft tall) hulking robot and everyone else takes the part of the humans trying to take it down... whichever fleshy does the most damage during the round becomes the mecha next round...
So in the game the teams will actually be unbalanced by being 4 to 1? I always thought multiplayer games should do that...ecspecially for games based on real battles.
/me strokes pi

I'm happy to see this isn't ( hopefully ) going to die a death, the beta is great fun and a more polished version can only be better :)
Foxtrot: It does appear unbalanced, but each side has it's strengths and weaknesses. A lone human against an Eradicator is toast, but a well-executed attack by a team of Humans can take an Eradicator out (but it still won't be easy...)
if a HL2 version gets done then i, phantom, will return as a coder, however atm i'm sick of the HL engine and want to do my own stuff for now :)
I've already got about 75% of the design done for a HL2 version.

We shall see.. :)
Hurrah! It's nice to see my poking of Pimsey got this done

/me takes credit

I'd be happy to map for you mate, as soon as I've sorted out my ****ing texlights
They're sorted now! I have taught you well..
PiMuRho said:
They're sorted now! I have taught you well..
Indeed, they work like a dream :)

Thanks mate, I'll be happy to work for you in return :D

If you can put up with my occasional stupidity :E
Wow a decent mod that doesn't use the standard 16 players on both sides. I've allways thought these war games where bad when the attackers had the same strengh as the defenders.

Anyway I'd love to work on this mainly mapping but I'm pretty good at tweaking code and texturing.
Well, texturing and mapping are definitely in need :)
Kyo said:
Wow a decent mod that doesn't use the standard 16 players on both sides. I've allways thought these war games where bad when the attackers had the same strengh as the defenders.

that was the reason i wanted to work on this mod to start with (well, that and the idea of being a 10ft stompy robot, hehe) and the reason why its been a mental amount of fun to play test while making it, simply because its different to all of the mods out there when we started work on it and its still different when compared to most of the mods out there even now

Now, given a better engine (*koffHL2koff*) and some extra help this mod could be pushed to the levels it should always have been at :)