Your dream game


Sep 13, 2003
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Let's say that one day you, for some reason, get to spend a lunch with the head of a big game publisher (not EA, because they suck.) During this time, you are allowed to pitch to him an idea for the game you've been dreaming of for years. What would you pitch to the guy? Come on, I know everyone here has that little idea for a game that you've been thinking of in the back of your head. What would it be?
[Option 1] A TRUE tactical Third/First person shooter.
[Option 2] A well done next-gen SOCOM 2 kind of game.
"Inferno" as told by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. It's already got levels, bosses, surprises, humor, progressive difficulty, etc. If you haven't read it, it's a modern retelling of Dante's 'Inferno'. If you haven't read that, it's about a man who goes to hell. You can get out, but you have to travel to the center which won't be easy. There's a moral about atonement, forgiveness, blah, blah - put some demon ass in your sights and start blastin'!
A game set on a ringworld. Your character is a semi-cyber super soldier, with really cool armour, and can dual weild. Oh, and aliens. Maybe some vehicles, like a jeep and a couple tanks, or maybe a flying grasshopper type aircraft. And they have to be purple, because god knows purple is such a badass colour for aliens. How about a sword? That would be cool, I'm so putting that in the game!
An adventure game, which is around 300+ hours long with the most fantastic story ever written, with the most up to date graphics with the best sound, the best action, and when you finally finish it and restart the game, a totally new story starts (that's 300+ hours long).
A cooperative RTS game. I've always maintained that modern RTS games simply put too much to do in one player's hands; build units, manage recourses. research improvements, explore, and then wage war on the opponent all at the same time. I've also maintained that RTS games are far too caught up in things like balance and less worried about what should be the most important; how fun the game is. My solution; an RTS in which a group of friends can play cooperatively against the computer, all taking control of a dynamic avatar unit in the same faction, with elements borrowed from every single genre in the book.

Groups of players would operate as teams. One would direct base management and creation, one could do something like explore the countryside or take part in an RPG-esque quest to provide some recourse, and the others could wage war on the enemy. I've found this kind of interaction to be very satisfying based on my own experiences. For example, it is far more enjoyable when each player is doing something specialized and everyone's results come together (Think of BF2). That is what teamwork is, and I think an RTS platform could make for the most in-depth teamplay game yet seen.
A mechwarrior MMOFPS, 'nuff said.

imagine having your own madcat or thor while you drop down onto a peacefull serene planet in the innersphere only to reduce it to ash during the ensuring seige of the last renaments of the star league. basically I wants Mechwarrior 3(or 2!) with alot more people.
The Dawn of the Dead HL2 mod than brisck1 had going back in the day. That essentially was my dream game.
A story-driven, sci-fi FPS stealth shooter with strong tactical and strategic elements. And the ability to blow people out of airlocks. Or run them over with a forklift. Or shoot them down in space combat.

Oh yeah...
Modern Day Hell on Earth, huge maps (Morrowind Style), vehicles, zombies, demons, huge range of weapons, Co-op, intelligent AI, with ragdoll.
Survival MMOFPS kind of like Stalker, where you could form groups and alliances with other groups, trade weaponry, supplies, etc. You could like drive old cars around or whatever, hunt for food, and have your own territory. That would be pretty fun.
Survival MMOFPS kind of like Stalker, where you could form groups and alliances with other groups, trade weaponry, supplies, etc. You could like drive old cars around or whatever, hunt for food, and have your own territory. That would be pretty fun.

This is extremely appealing to me, i'll stick to this guys concept until I think of something original.
I have a few ideas, maybe I'll type one up later :P
I'm a big fan of the MGS series. I would definately go with some kind of game where you have multiple ways of finishiing it.

Go all Rambo-style or sneak past every enemy without having to kill them, put out traps, you name it.

Another thing that I think is important to a game is that it lets you know how well you did. How many shots fired, enemies killed/knocked out, etc. Anything worth recording. That way you have a more concrete verification that you've played the game.

The player should be awarded with things for accomplishing various tasks in the game, be it levels in different difficulties or being able to finish optional missions. Being rewarded with ammo is a bit lame though. Either you should get a weapon that you would otherwise not acquire, or pherhaps a rank promotion or a medal.

As long as these conditions are met, the game type really don't matter.
A global (realistic!) stragety game, with plenty of politics and nifty features. So basicly, some sort of world simulator :P
(think Hearts of Iron II, but incredibly more advanced)

oh, and a KOTOR 3 would be kinda nice too...
A single player Starcraft FPS/Thirdperson RPG where you pick your race and play out the storyline from either perspective.

It has to be epic. Giant maps. NPC's everywhere, unscripted AI, epic battles. After picking your race, you decide what you do. It has to include vehicles and lots of weapons.

As the storyline progresses, greater conflicts arise and you get access to variety of goodies.

For example, you are protoss, you get to a certain point of a storyline and you are to engage in large scale conflict, you get access to a carrier which you can then pilot to the area, and even navigate your way through the carrier and get inside an interceptor and do some combat from there.

Think of the possibilities! Being a terran ghost, infiltrating a protoss base and selecting a nuke target, and watch the fireworks, all in first or third person.

Or maybe Starting as a Zerg Larva and being able to mutate back and forth between life forms, but with cooldowns.

Imagine participating in a terran rush on a zerg base, your objective is to protect it, maybe you can commandeer a sunken colony! Or even a spore colony, shooting at the battlecruisers above.

Ok i'll stop now, but you get the point.
Spore as an MMO with no monthly fee, and several thousand worlds that are dedicated servers. Different worlds will be in different phases, so its possible you'll be blown up as a single celled organism, but barring that it would be insanely fun.
A GTA style game with zombies. Missions could range from saving people, finding food/ammo/weapons/medicine/vehicles, or even turf wars with other factions of humans to control their land. OR, even more epic quests like finding a cure and such. Sabotage missions against other factions. But, it's all single player :D. No MP crap. I want to be horrified and excitied.

Firefly game would amazing. Something along the lines of Oblivion in space I guess you could say...with starships and planets. Mass Effect will probably fill this role.

I just want a game thats like Oblivion in space to be honest. Science Fiction > Fantasy.
I was thinking of an MMOFPS style game set in today's world or maybe a decade or two in the past. It would be a clan based game where each clan creates a nation from scratch. Think Sim City meets Battlefield 2. The players represent people in the military and each get their own city to build from scratch. The population of the city, the citizens, are all AI. Their morale, current events, the effectiveness of the city and research all effect the way they vote. Every ten minutes or so there is a vote that the AI and the players participate in. This vote is like deciding what to do next in an RTS game, like choosing to build something or choose not to build anything and decide on the research queue. The vote is heavily leaned toward the players but the AI can effect the vote. They can be overiden at the cost of morale.

The SimCity "quality" factor of your city determines the relative strength of your city and it's place within the nation. In addition to the quality of your city is your accolades on the battle field. AI nations and other player nations may attack your nation or ally with it. Diplomacy would be a powerful tool as would control of vital and varied resources. Resources determine the types of units, buildings and research that would be best.

Combat would be Battlefield 2ish with soldiers, ground vehicles, air vehicles and sea vehicles fighting side by side. Each player and their city are required to pitch in on any and all attacks. Your city's army value determines the number of times you can die during the fighting. When fighting subsides this number climbs at a speed determinate upon research and infastructure. If you loose your city you have to start one over from scratch.
Firefly game would amazing. Something along the lines of Oblivion in space I guess you could say...with starships and planets.
i have to go change my pants after just thinking about it
A GTA style game with zombies. Missions could range from saving people, finding food/ammo/weapons/medicine/vehicles, or even turf wars with other factions of humans to control their land. OR, even more epic quests like finding a cure and such. Sabotage missions against other factions. But, it's all single player :D. No MP crap. I want to be horrified and excitied.

There's a zombie mod for the PC version of Vice City. Not sure how good it is though.

My dream game? An MMO Star Wars that doesn't suck. Or heck, maybe a single-player Oblivion-ish Star Wars RPG, with the awesome good/evil stuff that KOTOR had. Mmm...
Barbie Princess 3 with Hardcore sex scenes :D
It would be set in a zombie infested mall. You'd get to choose between loads of weapons/objects with which to kill them in a variety of gory and satisfying ways.
I'd like to play a game where you + your team all control various aspects of a giant skyscraper sized robot in a similar manner as to a battleship, much like the Titans from warhammer 40k. And you Fight other entire teams manned by people much like yourselves.

The entire team has to work together managing damage, manning turrets, controling crap, fixing things, fighting off boarders, boarding the other person's robot to mess with their shit, all from a 1st person perspective as you run around the interior of your robot.

Another game i'd like to play would be a game like mechwarrior but more sim-ish like steel battalion or the older mechwarrior games. But played in a combined arms manner. And all vehicles and players have their own sim-ish aspects to manage. Also it'd have location damage, critical hits, ammo explosions, coolant leaks, bleeding, leg/wheel damage, 3d damage on all players and vehciles kind of like the soldier of fortune games, and feature destroyable terrain. and all that fun stuff.
Jagged Alliance 3. Made by Sirtech and the JA2 Masters Of Disaster (MOD) squad.
It would be set in a zombie infested mall. You'd get to choose between loads of weapons/objects with which to kill them in a variety of gory and satisfying ways.

My God man, that's a brilliant game idea. I wonder if a game company will ever do something like that ;)